Readers unaware of Watchtower theology would read those articles and get a generally favorable impression of the UN, but they would also understand that the challenges facing it are great, and that it has little to show for its efforts.
I certainly agree that the UN gets something out of the articles; at the very least, it gains sympathy from readers who see that sincere, dedicated people are working to try to make a difference, but are largely not up to the challenge. The repeated invitations for non-JW readers to consider an alternative approach to solving the world's problems would suggest to the readers that the writers of the articles don't believe that the UN is the answer, but Jehovah is.
Now, what about the JWs who will also read the articles? There's no doubt that all of them will know that the articles are telling them that Satan is failing; this serves to increase their faith and motivate them even more. This works to the great benefit of the Watchtower. Furthermore, these articles will be shown by the doorknockers to the householders, and the JWs at the door will use the failures described in the articles as a proselytizing tool; again, the Watchtower benefits greatly.
In summary, both the UN and the Watchtower benefit from the articles, but I believe that overall, the Watchtower gets much more out of them then does the UN. Thus, it is clear to me that the Watchtower would have written these articles even if there were no requirements that NGOs promote the UN in its writings. Thus, we cannot take the references to the UN in Watchtower articles as evidence that they knew that they were required to accept the aims and goals of the UN.
The UN very likely would think that the Watchtower was disseminating favorable information about the UN, but if they better understood the Watchtower, they would be able to read the hidden messages, the implied criticisms; I think then they might conclude that they were being used by the Watchtower to further the aims of the Watchtower.
P.S. The Human Rights Declaration on Page 5 of the November 22 Awake! article--missing in my first draft of my article, "Watchtower Propaganda"--has just been added.
* http://sol.sci.uop.edu/~jfalward/Watchtower_Propaganda.htm
Joseph F. Alward
"Skeptical Views of Christianity and the Bible"