Matthew Makes Another Error

by JosephAlward 109 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • pomegranate

    >>Pom, you know my arguement regarding the illogicity of obscurity. What you are arguing is very obscure. I don't conceive a caring god would make his message that obscure.<<

    Ab, the God of the Bible makes known quite clearly in a number of places that wisdom and understanding would be obscured (hidden, but with value) unless it was revealed and given out from Him. (For example, Prov. 2:2-6, Matt. 13:35,44)

    So, because you have perceived what seems to be an obscurity of this possible truth, may not mean God does not care, but rather could mean He gives out the clarity of wisdom and understanding to the ones (individuals) He wants the blindness of obscurity removed from. Which is certainly what is written both in the OT and the NT.

    >>That's not neccesarily an arguement against exlusivity, but is an arguement against elitism and, for want of a better word, theological disenfranchisement of those not exposed to the Bible.<<

    Luke 10:21
    21 At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this was your good pleasure.

    By Jesus own words, it seems to some "it" would remain hidden, to others "it" would be revealed. So, I think I can safely say exclusivity is a reality in what Christ taught. Regarding elitism, examples have been shown that once somone was chosen exclusively for a revealing, that one did not go elitist superior, rather one became very much subservient and diminutive, ie Saul/Paul.

    It (obscurity/revealing) surely is what has been taught in the Bible, as it is what is written. Since "hidden" and "revealed" are taught, what you may be perceiving is the period before a revealing.

    I also believe, only God can open someones eyes.

    >>Having said that, I'm more than happy to listen to further details of your understanding, but I might not get back to you before Monday, as it's 3.30pm where I am and I'm probably not going to be online this weekend.

    So, carry on by all means, I want a complete picture, oh, and have a good weekend...

    (see, I can be nice sometimes)<<

    The heavens are in a DIVISIVE turmoil BEFORE Genesis 1:1. Satan is on his "I AM A GOD" tangent (Ezekial 28:2). He is "trading" with other angels to use this NEW "freewill" to oppose God and be free from God and independent "gods" themselves. Satan's head swells because of his heavenly acquired "wealth" ie, gold and silver angel "victories." (Ezekial 28:5)

    Satan was so sure of himself by his "trading victories", that he began to exibit another NEW attribute aimed towards God, violence:

    Ezek 28:16
    6 Through your widespread trade you were filled with violence, and you sinned.

    Satan thinks he is GOD. He is more and more convinced with every angel that has traded to his side. The demons traded sides. Angels believe him and many start siding with him...HE IS EVEN MORE convinced that cutting free from God is GOOD, because he has NUMBERS, and his violent rebellion was RIGHT, because others side with HIM and pump him up.

    So, what are God's options?

  • RWC

    First let me say that I did not intend to demean the morality of the entire scientific community in my last posts. I was talking about science not individuals. But in pure science morality has no place. Scientists yes, but not in science. Science is supposed to prove its theories without the influence of outside morality, purly objective evidence of whether a theory is right or wrong and can it be proven.

    Morality equally plays no part in Natural selection. Survival of the fittest and nothing more.

    Man is where morality came into play. The ability to determine right from wrong, where we draw the line, what we find repugnant to our continued existence. The idea of a sense of right beyond ourselves and our survial. The question becomes, where did this thought come from? How did we move from a mere animal that was only worried about survival and that of its young to the concept of morality?

    Clearly people who do not believe in God can and do live what is considered moral and just lives. That is not the issue and please don't take the argument out of context to say such. The question is, where did the idea that there are certain activities that are not related to our continued survival in an individual sense, but which we have declared as mankind are not going to be tolerated. To me that concept jumps outside the realm of science. A concsience simply cannot be created through physical science or evolution. It must come from abstract thought and animals have been lving on this Earth for millions of years without the ability to reason or have abstract thought.

    To me the existence of God is evidenced not only in the creation and origins of life, but in mankind itself. Genetically and physically we may be close to the animal world, but we are far different since we have the ability for rational thinking. I find it hard to believe that in our long distant path one ape woke up with a rational thought, an abstract idea, and that this gentic mutation led to man as we know it.

    Trust me, I am not saying that religion must prove science or that it has or can. It would be simplistic to say that everything we cannot explain today must be from God. But, it is equally simplistic to say that given enough time everything will eventually be explained by science.

    I look around me and see the blessings that have been given to me, from the world around me to my children and I choose not to wake up and say "Thank you primodial chemical soup for your years of evolution". I chose not to determine what is right and wrong from what I believe or what my neighbor or what others across the globe may think is right or wrong. A sense of individually based morality is a recipe for disaster.

    From history we have the best example of what happens when a society attempts to remove God from the equation, communism. A whole political structure based in part upon the atheistic belief that there is no God and man will, left to his own devises under the guiding hand of Government provide equally for everyone and all will prosper. It was an abject failure. Man on his own could not create such a society.

    Society as a whole has universal, objective moral values. By that I mean values that are valid and binding regardless of whether you believe tham or not. For example, rape has evolved over the course of human development to be considered wrong. However, if left only to social evolution, it could be conceived that rape would have evolved to be an acceptable way to continue the survival of mankind and thus not be wrong. The fact that it is wrong to our collective consciences points me to a God who has given us that ability. To me, the fact that absolute right and wrong, objective moral truths exist is evidence of God.

    As for the Cannanties, I don't think that they lived for four hundred years. But the Bible explains that the nation as a whole was sinful. They were into insest, child sacrifices and other horrible things. Those who repented like Rahab were saved. The Bible is clear that whoever is willing to repent God is willing to save.

    Don't hear me to say that everything we cannot explain must have been God. I do not discount the march of science through the years to explain what it has been able to explain. I simply think that there is a God that exists and I thank him for what we know and what we don't as yet know.

    Do I have a videotape of God? No, but I have enough evidence for me to say that he exists and that he is good. If you are trying to find God through logic and reason you will never get there without a touch of faith. But from personal experience I can tell you that if you are open for Him to show you he exists, you will be plesantly suprised. I am a lawyer by trade. My profession teaches me to base everything on logic and reason. It was not until I had no answers for some problems in my life that I opened my heart to the possibility of God as an answer. When I did, He changed everything. I didn't lose my ability to be intellectual or use logic or reason, but I had someone I could go to for answers that were beyond my ability. In fact since I have done so I have done more research and study than I ever did in the past. It all points me to the notion that there is more out there than us and what we can fathom through our limited abilities.

    As far as religion curing disease or providing more food or explaining the universe, that is not its function. Religion will care for people who are sick and through relious people provide the cures to people who need them even if science developed them in the first place. Religion will give people comfort in their time of need. People in the name of religion and out of caring for their fellowman will provide food to those who are hungry. Not to say that secular organizations cannot do that as well, but there are far more religious organizations than atheist based ones that send out people to the far corners of the globe to feed the hungry and care for their needs.

    To say that religion is not self correcting denies its history. The truths are the same, but the practices are different. Look at my church for example. Our history in the middle ages is less than steller and cannot be justified other than to say we got away from the teachings of our faith. If religion does not change its practices over time, we would still have the Spanish Inqusision. Thankfully we do not.

    And to be that is the bottom line. The Bible is clear in its teaching that there is one God who is eternal and who provided the route for eternal life through his son. Science just doesn't give me any of that and never will. Why put your faith in something that can't answer how we got here, how we should behave while we are here and what happens to us when we leave?

  • rem


    How did we move from a mere animal that was only worried about survival and that of its young to the concept of morality?
    Another tough question, but again I don’t see the benefit in automatically saying “god did it”. I believe we are more similar to animals than you might imagine. There are societal animals that have their own hierarchies and societal norms. Perhaps our ‘morality’ or conscience is really nothing more than glorified instinct? When animals work together to form societies, there are rules that make things work more smoothly. I’m not sure why an outside intelligence has to be brought in to explain this.

    The question is, where did the idea that there are certain activities that are not related to our continued survival in an individual sense, but which we have declared as mankind are not going to be tolerated
    I think this is just a natural consequence of organisms cooperating for their survival. Again, I’m not sure why the only solution is “god did it”. Sure it’s a possibility, but not a very likely one since there is no evidence for god. Someone could just as easily say space aliens or Invisible Pink Unicorns did it. Sure it’s possible, but it’s not a falsifiable theory.

    A concsience simply cannot be created through physical science or evolution
    How so? All of the evidence we have so far says that it did. Perhaps conscience is a form of instinct? A survival mechanism for social animals. I don’t think you have enough information about the topic to make such a strong claim.

    It must come from abstract thought and animals have been lving on this Earth for millions of years without the ability to reason or have abstract thought.
    This is demonstrably false. There are animals such as primates and dolphins that do have rudimentary reasoning skills and are capable of abstract thought. Humans are more quantitatively different from animals than we are qualitatively different.

    How would you know if the Dinosaurs or ancient mammals did not have the capability for abstract thought?

    Genetically and physically we may be close to the animal world, but we are far different since we have the ability for rational thinking
    I wish humans were more rational. Most seem to be controlled more by emotions rather than by logic or rational thought. If we really were meant to be rational beings created by an intelligent designer, then why would he create the universe in such a way that rational thinkers can only conclude that he does not exist?

    I find it hard to believe that in our long distant path one ape woke up with a rational thought, an abstract idea, and that this gentic mutation led to man as we know it.
    This is because you have a misconception about how evolution works. This never happened. You may be aware that you are presenting an argument from incredulity here. It’s hard for me to comprehend Relativity and Quantum Mechanics. That doesn’t mean that the theories are fundamentally wrong.

    But, it is equally simplistic to say that given enough time everything will eventually be explained by science.
    This has never been said. There are some questions that may never be answered. Some people are more satisfied with questions without answers than made up, god of the gaps answers. God of the gaps answers may be emotionally satisfying to some, but they really don’t bring us any closer to objective truth.

    I look around me and see the blessings that have been given to me, from the world around me to my children and I choose not to wake up and say "Thank you primodial chemical soup for your years of evolution". I chose not to determine what is right and wrong from what I believe or what my neighbor or what others across the globe may think is right or wrong. A sense of individually based morality is a recipe for disaster.
    I rarely thank the primordial ooze. ;) Should I thank my father’s sperm for being so dedicated that out of the millions of other possibilities, I was the one that got lucky? Life is an accident. No need to thank anyone.

    You do determine right and wrong from what you believe and so does your neighbor. There is no one code of conduct that 100% of all humans will agree to. Some people feel it is morally right to fly airplanes into occupied buildings. It is a recipe for disaster and a recipe for joy. Right and wrong only have meaning in your own context. If you lived in ancient Rome, you’d think nothing of leaving your newborn daughter out in the elements to die because you wanted a son. That was ‘right’ back then. Today it’s unthinkable.

    From history we have the best example of what happens when a society attempts to remove God from the equation, communism. A whole political structure based in part upon the atheistic belief that there is no God and man will, left to his own devises under the guiding hand of Government provide equally for everyone and all will prosper. It was an abject failure. Man on his own could not create such a society.
    Since when is Communism a strictly atheistic philosophy? It’s no more atheistic than Democracy and Capitalism. Only Theocracies such as the Taliban are theistic at the core. That is, they only work with a concept of god. Sure Communism was a failure. So is the Taliban. You are probably right that man will never create a society where everyone is equal, but you have absolutely no evidence that god ever has or will either. I personally believe such a government is an unrealistic goal. I don’t see the misrule of man providing any evidence for god. Just because we wish for something doesn’t make it true.

    Society as a whole has universal, objective moral values. By that I mean values that are valid and binding regardless of whether you believe tham or not. For example, rape has evolved over the course of human development to be considered wrong. However, if left only to social evolution, it could be conceived that rape would have evolved to be an acceptable way to continue the survival of mankind and thus not be wrong. The fact that it is wrong to our collective consciences points me to a God who has given us that ability. To me, the fact that absolute right and wrong, objective moral truths exist is evidence of God.
    You have yet to provide evidence for this “collective conscience”. Most people today happen to see rape as wrong. Some don’t. Most don’t like rape because they wouldn’t like to be raped themselves. It’s that easy. Since we all have similar DNA, why is it impossible that we have similar values? You have yet to provide evidence that absolute right and wrong, objective moral truths exist. You may wish them to, but there is no evidence of it.

    As for the Cannanties, I don't think that they lived for four hundred years. But the Bible explains that the nation as a whole was sinful. They were into insest, child sacrifices and other horrible things. Those who repented like Rahab were saved. The Bible is clear that whoever is willing to repent God is willing to save.
    Did the little children and the unborn babies have a chance to repent? I suppose many of the virgin girls repented since they were saved? What about the animals that were slaughtered and hamstrung? How did that fit into god’s justice – only punishing the sinful? I don’t believe that ALL of the people were committing such gross acts. Last time I checked Lot committed incest TWICE and was called a righteous man. No, I believe you are grasping at straws here and you know it. For you the answer is “god works in mysterious ways”.

    If you are trying to find God through logic and reason you will never get there without a touch of faith.
    So basically you have to believe in him first before you will have enough evidence to believe in him. Do you realize that any religion can say this? Why do you not believe in the Book of Mormon? It will make sense to you if you have faith in it first. No, you don’t put faith in something before you have rationally explored it. It doesn’t make any sense. Otherwise you could justify any religion as being the true one.

    Why would a god who created supposedly rational beings require belief in him despite the lack of evidence with which to base a rational decision?

    Also, I had faith. I used to believe in god. I found that it was based on zero evidence, though. Would you recommend a Mormon use his faith instead of his reasoning skills if he were questioning his religion? I don’t think so.

    . I am a lawyer by trade. My profession teaches me to base everything on logic and reason.
    I don’t think lawyers base everything on logic and reasoning. They are trained to win arguments. Emotions and feelings are often times much stronger than any logic when it comes to persuading someone. Scientists are trained in logic and reason. You’ll notice that many people don’t agree with scientific findings based on emotional or religious reasons. If you really are trained in logic, then you should recognize many of the logical fallacies you have committed in you various posts so far.

    The Bible is clear in its teaching that there is one God who is eternal and who provided the route for eternal life through his son. Science just doesn't give me any of that and never will. Why put your faith in something that can't answer how we got here, how we should behave while we are here and what happens to us when we leave?
    Why put your faith in answers that are just made up? I don’t need answers for how we got here to be a happy, well-adjusted human being. I would lose respect for myself if I had to put faith in a fairy tale to feel good about my life.


    "We all do no end of feeling, and we mistake it for thinking." - Mark Twain
  • RWC


    I think we are getting to the point where we are going to have to agree to disagree. From my perspective I see evidence of God everywhere, you do not. That is okay.

    First your thoughts on the law are not entirely correct. Emotion may pursuade a jury for a time, but ultimately even a jury wants to be persuaded by evidence, not swept up with emotion ( and, if they are you can bet that an appeals court will correct them).

    It is a shame that you believe that Life is an accident. I know that my life is more than being in the lucky sperm club. And even though emotion can get in the way of rational thought it is what makes life worth living. When you look at your children do you say, "what a nice bundle of genetic sequencing?" I doubt it. You love them and not for what they can do for you, but for who they are. If we were nothing more than logic, there would be no reason to love children. They may be the continuation of the species, but until they can take care of themselves they are a burden on you. And we continue to do so even after they can survive without us. If you did not do that out of love it could not be done.That ability is what makes us fundamentally different from the animal kingdom and is evidence of the God that is described in the Bible.

    I do believe there is evidence of universal moral values that are not dictated by whether you believe in them or not. That is the definition of a universal moral value. It is wrong regardless of whether a particular group believes it is or not. Can you say that the Holocaust was not fundamentally wrong just because the Nazis believed in it. Can you say that torturing children for fun could be accepted in any society on Earth? Can anyone say that killing thousands of innocent people is not fundamentally wrong regardless of whether those who engage in it believe it isn't?

    That Roman citizen who lays his daughter in the snow to die may have been considered okay for some in that society, but do you really think that it was not wrong when it was done? Not unlike unwanted children who are killed today. We have not come that far in our thinking, but even though people who engage in that kind of behavior try to justify it, there can be no real argument that it is not fundamentally wrong. As evidence for that thought, name for me one society that approves the killing of young children and than tell me that if there is such a society, the names of other countries that have approved that thought under the idea that if its good for them leave them alone. Such a fundamental wrong is recognized as such.

    You have said that at one time you believed in God, but when you looked for evidence of His existence, you found none and concluded that he didn't exist. Is that because YOU couldn't find the evidence or because the evidence doesn't exist? How do you know qauntum physics is correct even as a theory? Have you witnessed experiments in quantum physics yourself, or is it because you have read about it that you think these experiments worked the way the scientists said they did? Have you visited a star to see what it is made of or do you believe what you read in science books when they tell you what a star millions of miles away from here consists of? Unless you have conducted the experiments yourself, you at some point must have faith in what you are being told.

    That is not unlike a belief in God. The Bible is where his nature was revealed in writing. If you choose not to believe in what the Bible tells you about God that is your choice. But to say that he doesn't exist because you haven't proven it for yourself outside of the Bible is short sighted and close minded.

    In fact, the Bible itself gives what I believe to be the best evidence of God's existence and that is the resurrection of Jesus. Eyewitnesses to his resurrection wrote about it and said it happened. Since it did, than a man who died was raised again, just as he said he would. That cannot be explained naturally. Only God can raise himself from the dead. Now, if you don't believe that the resurrection occurred, than because we have written proof of it, proof that it didn't happen.

    The God in the Bible is not a "God in the Gaps". He was not conceived by man in an effort to explain what they could not explain otherwise. As described he controls all aspects of their life, establishes moral codes to live by, passes judgment on them when they do not comply, performs miracles, sends prophets to say what will happen and than these prophecies come true and ultimately describes the path to eternal life. That is far more than a simple explanation for lightning.

    I may be wrong but wasn't communism the latest example of a government outlawing all religion in the name of atheism? The Taliban may be the latest example of the failure of basing a government on one version of religious thought but that is just as wrong as saying that God has no place in society so the government should outlaw it. Either extreme is wrong and not Biblical or moral.

    You are mistaken when you say that I believe that "God works in mysterious ways". What I do believe is that God's ways are always just and good even if I may not always understand them. The Bible is clear that God only does what is good for us and that he has plans for our good, not our downfall. The fact that we may not understand the whole picture doesn't change God's nature.

    As for the killing of children in the Bible I will agree that on the surface it can seem troubling. But the Bible is clear that God is a just God. And there is some thought with support in the Bible that children who die before the age of accountability will go to heaven. Jesus had the children come to him and said the kingdom of God was made for such as these. If that is true than it maybe wrong from our perspective for these children to have been killed along with their wicked parents, but not from God's.

    "So you have to believe in him before you will have enough evidence to believe in him" That is a misconception of what I was saying. I was simply saying that the evidence is there, but that if you limit the inquiry to what you can prove through logic and merely rational thinking, you can always decide to come up short. From a rational investigation you can reach the conclusion that an intelligent designer was behind the origin of life and behind the acceptence of universal moral values and in faith believe that this was the God who is revealed in the Bible.

    As for your thought that you can be a balanced and happy individual without believing in a fairy tale, I am happy for you. I feel great about myself as well and do not need to believe in a fairy tale to feel that way. But what is wrong with exploring the questions of life that are more than day to day living? Why not seek out answers to how we got here and what happens when we die? Why not seek a moral compass that is unchanging even in the storms of life? Even atheists to that, they just come up with different answers. But I know two things: one, the God that I have put my trust in says that he will always be there and has proven it to me during my life and two, if I am wrong I will simply rot in a grave and will have lost nothing in the meantime, however if an atheist is wrong, he will have alot of explaining to do and it will be too late to change.

    Have a great weekend and God Bless

  • rem


    I think it's quite obvious that you are not trained in logic. I am not formally trained in logic, but even I, a layman, can see agriegious errors in your reasoning.

    I know that my life is more than being in the lucky sperm club
    You mean you FEEL this way. You don't know. You have no hard evidence otherwise. It's okay to say you have faith, but please don't try and say that your faith is based on evidence. It is not. It's based on a warm an fuzzy feeling inside you. Otherwise you would have provided hard evidence by now.

    You love them and not for what they can do for you, but for who they are. If we were nothing more than logic, there would be no reason to love children. They may be the continuation of the species, but until they can take care of themselves they are a burden on you.
    I've never said humans were completely rational beings. I agree that there is much value in emotion - it makes us, well, human. But there is no need to invoke a higher intelligence to explain Love (not that you were trying too). Love has a survival benefit, evolutionarily speaking. But when it comes down to it, love is not what chose which sperm out of millions joined with your mother's egg. That was random chance, my friend.

    I do believe there is evidence of universal moral values that are not dictated by whether you believe in them or not
    You've still not explained how this is possible other than hand waiving examples of other cultures that have vastly different moral codes than you do. Heck, even we probably have vastly different thoughts about morals and ethics. Like I said before, since we all have similar DNA and live in established societies, why would does an external intelligence need to be brought in to explain why most of us don't like murder and rape? I really don't think you are understanding this point. You can say there is a single moral standard all you want, but you have yet to provide evidence for it and have ignored evidence against it.

    Can anyone say that killing thousands of innocent people is not fundamentally wrong regardless of whether those who engage in it believe it isn't?
    Does this really make sense to you? You aknowledge two different moral codes and then deny the existence of the two different moral codes in the same sentence. Yes "anyone [can] say that killing thousands of innocent people is not fundamentally wrong" - the people who did it!

    Or are you saying that YOU make the one moral standard and that if people don't agree with YOU then it is fundamentally wrong? Or perhaps you believe the bible is the one moral standard. Well either way, your argument is shot because there will always be people who disagree with your and the Bible's standards, hence there is no one moral code that all people can agree on. Case closed. Moral relativism is a fact of life.

    That Roman citizen who lays his daughter in the snow to die may have been considered okay for some in that society, but do you really think that it was not wrong when it was done?
    I think it is wrong NOW, but if I were an ancient Roman, I probably would NOT think it was wrong because that would be how I was raised. Or do you think people are fundamentally different now than they were in ancient times? I'm not sure how you could prove such an assertion.

    As evidence for that thought, name for me one society that approves the killing of young children and than tell me that if there is such a society, the names of other countries that have approved that thought under the idea that if its good for them leave them alone. Such a fundamental wrong is recognized as such.
    Perhaps you didn't see it the first time: ANCIENT ROME. Even today certain cultures mistreat women (Taliban) and many people in that country and surrounding countries think that that behavior is perfectly fine. We don't think it's fine because we were not raised that way.

    Also, people's morals change. I used to think Homosexuality was a perversion, but now I believe it's just the way some people are and that's ok. How could my moral values change if there was a fundamental 'right' and 'wrong'? You really need to think this through a bit more carefully.

    Is that because YOU couldn't find the evidence or because the evidence doesn't exist?
    I don't believe in things in which there aren't sufficient evidence. There may be a god, but there would be no way for me to objectively verify that at this time. Maybe in the future it/they will provide evidence. I've never said there is no god, just that there is no evidence. When you believe things without evidence, you might as well start believing any and everything, such as fairies, UFO's, ESP, etc.

    How do you know qauntum physics is correct even as a theory?
    I don't know that it is correct. But I do have a level of trust in the scientific method because of all of the practical and tangible benefits it has produced. I happen to agree with the self correcting nature of the scientific method, and I believe that when people use that system of gaining knowledge they have a better chance of getting things right, or at least moving in the correct direction. History has shown us that other methods of gaining knowledge (intuition, religion) have been abysmal failures. So far the scientific method is the only method that has given us progress and increased knowledge of how the universe works.

    I don't have the same level of trust in the Bible because there is no evidence that it is anything more than an ancient book written by superstitious men, just like other ancient books. People who base their beliefs off of theistic principles have been shown to be incorrect time and time again. History is on my side.

    Eyewitnesses to his resurrection wrote about it and said it happened
    Could you cite this please? I think you'll find that this assertion is incorrect. Another person CLAIMED that eyewitnesses saw the resurrection. There is no contemparaneous writing by people at the time who claimed to see the resurrection personally. Even if there was, I'd have to see independent evidence to verify this claim. It's an extraordinary claim, and needs extraordinary evidence to be believed. I'm sure you are aware that there were many miracles claimed by many other 'prophets' in Jesus' time. Why are the Bible's claims more trustworthy than those other obviously false claims?

    As described he controls all aspects of their life, establishes moral codes to live by, passes judgment on them when they do not comply, performs miracles, sends prophets to say what will happen and than these prophecies come true and ultimately describes the path to eternal life.
    There is no more evidence for these claims than for the claims of all other religious books. What makes the Bible's claims unique? Before you say prophecy, I would expect to see an unambiguous prophecy that actually came true (and can be proved was written before the event prophesied about). I also know of several prophecies in the bible that did not come true.

    I may be wrong but wasn't communism the latest example of a government outlawing all religion in the name of atheism?
    That may have been how communism was implemented, but it is not a requirement of communism. The same is true with Capitalism. The fact still stands that there is no evidence of any truly god ruled government that has taken care of all of man's problems. It is a nice fantasy, but it is not based on fact.

    You are mistaken when you say that I believe that "God works in mysterious ways". What I do believe is that God's ways are always just and good even if I may not always understand them.
    That's just another way of saying god works in mysterious ways.

    As for the killing of children in the Bible I will agree that on the surface it can seem troubling. But the Bible is clear that God is a just God.
    You don't see the circular reasoning here?

    I was simply saying that the evidence is there, but that if you limit the inquiry to what you can prove through logic and merely rational thinking, you can always decide to come up short
    There is no decision to come up short when usin logic and reasoning. It's the evidence that comes up short. You are basically admitting what I just said, you have to have faith (belief without evidence) before you will believe. Would you do the same with the Mormon religion?

    I am wrong I will simply rot in a grave and will have lost nothing in the meantime, however if an atheist is wrong, he will have alot of explaining to do and it will be too late to change.
    You do realize that this is called Pascal's Wager, and it has been debunked so many times it's not even funny. Who's to say you are not offending the one true god (or many true gods) right now because you are worshipping the wrong one? In that case, you will have some splaining to do, and I will have no problem at all. Pascal's Wager is a pretty weak reason to have faith in god.


    "We all do no end of feeling, and we mistake it for thinking." - Mark Twain
  • Abaddon

    RCW; I also think we're obviously entering a loop in the conversation. At the end of the day, I don't believe in god because there is enough evidence to support man arrising via natural processes. That's my opinion, you don't agree, which is fine.

    I do agree there is a degree of uncertainty; even given my belief in life arrising via natural processes, it is possible that this was initiated and guided by an entity.

    But there is no evidence.

    Unless such an entity is unconcerned in any practcal way with mankind, and is just something 'other', a creative force, without what we would think of as a personality, there would logically be evidence.

    God cannot be partial. He could make his will known and his existence manifest. Some claim he has done this through the Bible. Some through the Book of Mormon. Other's through the Guru Ganesh (sp?), or the Bhaggadvavita (sp?). But, although some of these ways are more inclusive than others, unless the way is VERY broad, many people will not come to the ONE WAY, due to confusion that this god has allowed to develop.

    Say the Bible is true. Say you have the right interpretation of the Bible. What happens to illerate rural Hindu in Bangladesh? For you to have a better chance than they through chance of birth indicates partiallity.

    So, if there is a god, he is essentially unknowable, and all religious books are failed attempts to know him that may give glimpses. Or god is partial. Or there is no god.

    From the depths of me I cannot accept that god could be partial, and is planting an obscure message, known clearly to few, so that it is, for want of a better word, a game to see if we get the right answer, a game that is easier if you are born as person a in place be than if you are born as person a in place c. It just seems silly. If there is a god, it's not unfair. And if it is, I'll have nowt to do w'it.

    If god is a more diffuse unknowable thing with no 'plan' for us, there is little functional difference between that and there being no god.


    Pom; I'm with you. Rebellion in heaven. So, I suppose God could zap the rebels, but that would leave the question implicit in the rebellion unanswered. Or god could tell the devil to go it's way, and divide creation. Hmmm... don't think either side would want that, it's an all-or-nothing thing. Or god could allow the question to be resolved in a wonderful way?


    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

  • pomegranate

    >>Pom; I'm with you. Rebellion in heaven. So, I suppose God could zap the rebels, but that would leave the question implicit in the rebellion unanswered. Or god could tell the devil to go it's way, and divide creation. Hmmm... don't think either side would want that, it's an all-or-nothing thing. Or god could allow the question to be resolved in a wonderful way?<<

    Perfect analysis. Now...what really was the question? What was this conflict in heaven really all about? Just this: God.

    Who really was "God?" What really constituted being "God?" If I was to take excerpts from Ezekial, and define what it meant to be God to Satan, it would be something like this:

    Ezek 27:3-4
    'You say, O Tyre (Satan), "I am perfect in beauty." (Narcissism) 4 Your domain (asummed godship) was on the high seas (the now tumultous heaven); your builders (angelic traders/traitors) brought your beauty to perfection. (the fallen numbers reinforce his defiant rebellion based on Narcissism.)

    Ezek 27:10
    10 "'Men of Persia (demons), Lydia (demons) and Put (demons) served as soldiers in your army. They hung their shields and helmets on your walls (we're on your side), bringing you splendor (more reinforcement).

    Ezek 28:2
    ...though you think you are as wise as a god. (Satan thinks also "wisdom" makes one a God.)

    Ezek 28:12
    "You had the seal of perfection, Full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.

    (Many believe this passage to be God saying how Satan was created as something special from the other angels. I do not believe that is the case. I believe it is God echoing what Satan thought of himself.)

    Satan thought, he was perfect, he was wise and he was beautiful. That's what Satan thought it meant to be God. Of course, Satan would have to cover over and hide the truth of what it truly meant to be God.

    Ezek 28:14
    14 "You were the anointed cherub who covers (Hebrew: cakak)

    cakak (saw-kak'); or sakak (Ex 33:22) (saw-kak'); a primitive root; properly, to entwine as a screen; by implication, to fence in, cover over, (figuratively) protect:

    YWHW God............Satan, I am a god.

    So, the issue is who is really God. What does it mean to be God?

    Now, before we go further, we need to examine this bubble of trouble. What did God know PRIOR to the line of defiance drawn by Satan. I am hinting at the present quality of God that is taught with surety in the Bible, and that being omniscience.

    We have two choices. God was omniscient before Satan, or he was not.

    Truth tells me He could not have been omniscient prior to "Satan."

    If God foreknew all the evil that would come to be in the future, and He created the living beings that would bring this evil into existence, then God is in fact the source of ALL evil by his own foreKNOWLEDGE.

    Before Satan, there was something God did not know. Evil.

    I believe omniscience was a quality God created within Himself after Satan rebelled. If He can create on the outside of Himself, surely He can create on the inside of Himself.

    I'll pause here.

  • RWC


    My comment about the lucky sperm club was in jest. I fully realize that one out of millions was the one that got me started, but what I was inferring was that life is more than an accident. Conception maybe but life is what we make of it.

    As was my comment about answering questions in the hereafter. I am not basing my faith on hedging my bets.

    Your questions about eyewtinesses is not based upon a proper premise for ancient historians. You cannot compare modern methods of recording history to the methods used in the ancient world and than say if you don't have it say there is no proof.To answer your question about eyewitnesses, see Acts 2:32. Luke, in A.D. 61 records that days after Jesus was raised Peter stood before a crowd and told them that he and others witnessed it. This was at a time that any one who wanted could have run to the tomb to see for themselves. There is no evidence that anyone questioned it by seeking the proof that the body was still in the tomb. So what evidence do you have that it didn't happen as historians recorded what the eyewitnesses said?

    You make the statement that because the resurrection is an extraordinary event you would require extraordinary evidence. This is a false premise. This would prevent you from believing in all sorts of extraordinary events that you accept readily. For example, when you watch the evening news and they tell you the lottery numbers do you believe them or do you say that the odds are too great for those to be the numbers so I won't believe that without more proof?

    Regardless, I believe this evidence does exist. First, you have eyewitnesses to the event. Second, you have thousands of people immediately believing in it and converting to Chrisitanity which was overturning thousands of years of culture and religious belief. Third, you have evidence of many men who were eyewitnesses going to their death for this fact. It is one thing to say that people will go to their death for what they believe to be true, but do people go to their death for what they know to be a lie?

    If you choose to disbelieve the eyewitness testimony that is ignoring the evidence that is there. That is my view of ignoring the other evidence of God that has been presented. You keep saying that I haven't presented evidence, but I believe that it is more accurate to say that the evidence that is presented is viewed differently. You may what direct evidence of the kind you will choose to believe and that is different from saying that the evidence simply doesn't exist. A classic example is the O.J. trial. The evidence was there but the jury chose to ignore it and kept coming up with excuses for doubt.

    As for universal fundamental values, you have disregarded the definition. To be a universal moral value it is a value that is wrong regardless of whether those who engage in it think it is right. Those who fly planes into buildings think it is right, but the world has condemned them. Yet when we go and bomb them the same people say that it is wrong to kill innocent people, them. The difference is not the universal moral truth that killing innocent people is wrong, the diffence is the definition of innocent.

    To say that morality developed through the social evolution of man is to put more faith in man than history warrants. We are no more moral today than we were in ancient times. We have killed more people through violence this century than in all in the past. We have developed weapons of mass destruction that can kill all on Earth. To say that we have made moral progress through social evolution is simply not the case.

    As for proof of fulfilled prophecy in the Bible, there are hundreds of proven prophecies. Just as an example, Isaiah and others gave multiple prophecies about Jesus from where he would be born to how he would die which came true. These were written hundreds of years before Jesus was born. Psalm 22 gives a very specific account of death by cruxifiction that was even in existence at the time david wrote about it. The fact that Jesus was crucified is without question and proven outside of the bible.

    As for the idea that God is a partial God and we know him only by the luck of our birth, that is also a false premise based upon a misunderstanding of the God of the Bible. God as described in the Bible says that all who seek him will find him. It also says that there is evidence of him all around for those who want to seek him to know that he exists. It also says that God is a just God and that children who do not reach the age of accountablity will not be persecuted. For this God as portrayed in the Bible, a child who is born in India and dies before he is old enough to seek God on his own, he will not be persecuted. If he does and chooses to not seek Him, than that is his own doing. this happens in all cultures because people all over the world are converted to Christianity.

    As for the Book of Mormon it is fundamentally different from the Bible. It was written by one man who also said that the only evidence he had to support it was destroyed so it could not verified. The history of the devolpment of the cannoized Bible we have today is vastly different.

    I understand your belief in the the scientific process. I believe in that as well. But the "scientific facts" that come out of that process are something different. If you were living two hundred years ago the science you believed in back than would be far different than the science of today. True the scientific process has increased our knowledge and has attempted to explain how the universe works, but how do you know that what we think today is scientific facts that are true will still be seen as such. Think of all of the scientific theories that have bit the dust just over the last one hundred years.You may beable to believe in science as a process, but nothing more.

    You say that if science can prove to you that God exists you will believe. I like what James Tour, a chemistry professor at Rice University with a doctrate in organic chemistry who builds molecules says about science and how it affects faith. He says that "only a rookie who knows nothing about science would say that science takes away from faith. If you really study science, it will bring you closer to God."

    God Bless

  • Abaddon


    As for proof of fulfilled prophecy in the Bible, there are hundreds of proven prophecies. Just as an example, Isaiah and others gave multiple prophecies about Jesus from where he would be born to how he would die which came true. These were written hundreds of years before Jesus was born.
    Suppose the Gospels were just written to make it sound like someone had fufilled all those prophecies, so that this person was seen as the Messiah? There is no proof that this is not the case.

    The fact that Jesus was crucified is without question and proven outside of the bible.
    I believe there are four contemporary references to Jesus outside the Bible (and the Gospels are not contemporary to Jesus, being written sometime after), and that all four of these are classified as fraudulent or doubtful by many theologans, let alone athiests.

    As for the idea that God is a partial God and we know him only by the luck of our birth, that is also a false premise based upon a misunderstanding of the God of the Bible. God as described in the Bible says that all who seek him will find him. It also says that there is evidence of him all around for those who want to seek him to know that he exists. It also says that God is a just God and that children who do not reach the age of accountablity will not be persecuted. For this God as portrayed in the Bible, a child who is born in India and dies before he is old enough to seek God on his own, he will not be persecuted. If he does and chooses to not seek Him, than that is his own doing. this happens in all cultures because people all over the world are converted to Christianity.
    In the, oh, three hundred years Missionaries have been active in India, Christians remain in a massively small minority. This either means that people are dying unaware of god's true word due to ineffective dissemination of God's word (which would mean it wasn't fair), or because they were somehow intrinsically less inclined to follow the true god (which implies some cultures or races are more inclined towards god, which is illogical).

    As for the Book of Mormon it is fundamentally different from the Bible. It was written by one man who also said that the only evidence he had to support it was destroyed so it could not verified. The history of the devolpment of the cannoized Bible we have today is vastly different.
    There is as much PROOF that the Book of Mormon is god's inspired word as for the Bible. What about the Hindu holy scriptures? WHat proof is there that these are not god's true word, and the Bible is not? What about the books as old as the Bible that were excluded from the Bible by the Roman Catholic CHurch?

    Your comments regarding the development of scientific theory ignore the fact that religious theory is as imperfect as scientific theory and lacks any possibility of final closure, whereas over time many scientific theories achieve closure.

    Also, just becasue one Chemist believes in god does not mean that there is scientific proof of god. He's entitled to his opinion, and would likely agree that there is no proof of god, even though he believes that you can get closer to god.

    As I said RWC, we are going in circles here. You're not going to change your mind, and I have seen no evidence presented by you that would change my mind.


    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

  • JosephAlward

    There's zero evidence from disinterested, contemporaneous sources that a person named "Jesus Christ" was crucified and resurrected. The historical basis for Christianity is on ground no firmer than that which supports Mormonism; almost all of it seems to have been made up.

    In those days, there were lots of men who claimed to be the "messiah," just as there are today, and different groups lobbied the peasants to elect their man as the one they've all been waiting for, the one spoken of in the Old Testament, the one who would be the heir to King David's throne. In order to promote a nonexistent man called "Jesus" as his candidate for the messiah prophesied in the Old Testament, the author of the book of Mark adapted Old Testament stories about Moses, Elisha, Elijah, and David, as well as acts of Yahweh, to create fictional stories about a "Jesus" who did things that were even more wonderful than those done by the divine Old Testament characters, thus "proving" that Jesus was the son of God. The gospel writers thought they knew what things the real messiah would have to do to qualify as messiah, so they made sure their stories about their man, "Jesus," made him fully qualified.

    Mark was the first to write fictional stories about "Jesus." The authors of the books called "Matthew" and "Luke" merely adapted the Jesus stories in Mark to suit their different agendas; the reason that the synoptics are so similar is not that the three men were eye-witnesses to the same events, but because one man made up all of the stories decades after he alleged they had occurred, and then the other two just plagiarized them and made a few changes and additions.

    Take Mark's story about Jesus' agony at Gethsemane, for example. The writer took the story of King David's betrayal by a friend and made it into a story of the "descendent" of David being betrayed, too, by a friend. The writers in 2 Samuel had David be resigned to the will of the Lord, and since the long-awaited messiah was supposed to spring from the seed of David, Mark copied King David's acceptance that his fate would be decided by the will of the Lord:

    David said,

    If I find favor in the LORD's eyes, he will bring me back and let me see...his dwelling place again. But if he says, `I am not pleased with you,' then I am ready; let him do to me whatever seems good to him. (2 Samuel 15:25-26)
    and Mark had Jesus say,

    Abba, Father," he said, "…Take this cup from me (remove my suffering). Yet not what I will, but what you will." (Mark 14:36)

    There's much more evidence in the article, "David and Jesus," is at *

    There are many other Old Testament antecedents upon which Mark based his Jesus stories; they may be found at the web site linked below in the signature. On that same site, forum readers will find many examples of the author of the book of Matthew making a fool of himself in his interpretations of what must have been only half-remembered or half-understood Old Testament stories. For example, he based some of his Jesus stories on "events" in the Old Testament which never happened, but which he THOUGHT happened because he misunderstood the text. For example, Matthew thought the Old Testament spoke of a king entering Jerusalem triumphantly with a donkey AND a colt, so he had Jesus do the same thing, but the fact is, the king only traveled with a donkey, not both a donkey and a colt. This is just one example of Matthew's mistakes, and not even the best one; readers will find a more complete discussion in articles at the web site shown below.

    The evidence shows to any objective observer that the stories in the gospels are virtually entirely fictional.

    Joseph F. Alward
    "Skeptical Views of Christianity and the Bible"


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