Things That Were "Confusing" To You as A JW

by minimus 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover

    Just one article where it mentions 6,000 years of mankind's existance on earth.

    (I thought the pic would load, but you can click on the link to see it)

  • bonnzo

    im still trying to find the scripture that shows: 1) the FDS in mt 24:45 is a class 2)how one can prove that the remaining annointed are the FDS. whats the connection? apparantly there is none. Second confusing thing is blood fractions; either you can or cannot, period.

  • wobble

    I don't know that I ever thought of anything as confusing,but a hell of a lot was impossible to swallow. !

    I remember some years ago we had a WT study article or two on Daniels prophecies of 2300 days and 1260 days etc. I gave twelve or so questions on the prposterous WT explanations of this to a number of Elders, I never got an explanation,just sidestepping comments,and "wait on Jehovah" type bollocks.

    Why oh why did I not fully wake up then????



  • NewYork44M

    I never quite understood that the fds and the annointed are one in the same. However, women are annointed, but cannot be a part of the fds, because they lack a penis. And the leadership does not come from the select group of annointed in brooklyn, not from the annointed spread out throughout the world.

  • daniel-p

    Restrangled, there's a difference between how long they say mankind has been on earth (6000 years) and how long they estimated the "creative days" were (36,000).

  • restrangled

    DP....thanks.....but I guess I never understood that as a child and it stuck. I was taught 1000 years equals one year of human time, and I distinctly remember being taught 6000 years was the total creative time. I hope some one can back me up with that info from the 50/60's.

    I swear thats what was being taught by the Society.



    Restrangled..Your right..That`s what we were taught during that time..I was taught the same thing as a kid..Your not Crazy..LOL!!...............Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • restrangled

    Thanks my good friend OUTLAW....I was beginning to feel I was living the nightmare all over again!


  • jookbeard

    1935 being the cut off for anointed ones, how can since the Crucifixion only 144k have a heavenly hope , 2000 years up to this date? Insane simply crazy

  • lisavegas420

    I understood the 6000yr thing the same as restrangled.

    I always wanted to know after the flood if Noah, Ham, Shem and Japheth and their wives were the only people left on the earth... it was one of them..or one of their children that f'd up all over again......but which one? What did they do? Why not just get rid of the bad kid?


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