by BurnTheShips 108 Replies latest social current
If you think this idiot is "everyman", then you're off your rocker.. he sounds like an uneducated fool, and when this interview was going on, I was laughing and thinking how our founding fathers only wanted land owners to vote at first. I can understand their point of view.
"Joe the Plumber" don't know his ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to politics! I don't want "Joe the plumber" speaking for me, I want someone with an education.
"Joe the plumber" may know how to fix a broken water pipe, but he's an idiot when it comes to politics.
No, read the last few posts I've made... I don't even write off McCain... this man is uneducated, to interview a man that knows so little about this nation, about the Iraq war, crap man, about anything... like this fool speaks for all us Joe's out there,it's an insult...
The man needs to buy some books and read them, he knows not his ass from a hole in the ground.
Interesting that 'Ol Burn The Ships has returned after some crippling weeks clinging to the last vestiges of the McSame presidential bid. As it turns out BTS, it looks like "Joe The Plumber" was a plant by the McSame crew. You didn't think that McCrabby could come up with that debate stunt all by himself did you? There are also rumblings that Joe The Plumber is related to one of the Keating 5 crew. I am trying to get this verified, but if this is true it will be another hilarious development with the McCain train that is falling off of the tracks. exjdub
The way the media works, by 11/4 I will know more about Joe the Plumber's life and dirty laundry than about one of the presidential candidates. To destroy anyone who stands in Obama's way. Humiliate. To ensure that anyone else who ever wants to question Obama knows that every last bit of their dirty laundry will be aired for all the world to see. How a plumber speak against the anointed? They have to make an example of him. Welcome to the New Amerika.
How contradictory, how inane. Typical hardline supporter of the far right - Christian, war, no taxes, no government, seal the borders.
To tell people in the US how bad the elderly Iraqi's have it - by gawd they have no clothes, that's poverty - flies in the face of logic, since poverty in Iraq did not exist as it does now - that happend after we bombed the country and caused millions to flee, major destruction in cities, villages and infrastructures and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of regular 'joe six packs' who got in the way. Homes bombed out, no electricity, no water, no school - yep that's the freedom he talks about and from the guy who says he doesn't care why we are there, he's just glad we are. Kill them, destroy their property and their lives and then turn around and tell you, my fellow Americans, just how thankful you should be because you aren't there.
That's not every man.
It might be you, or your hero - but it's the minority in this country and certainly not the majority.
He doesn't need another set of parents telling him what to do? He doesn't like the government? Sure. That's why the US financial markets are collapsing daily - because nobody bothered to baby sit the kids. That's the reality of what happens when there are no rules - we all pay.
Not for one minute does this guy represent every man, but if you want, you can throw out your Superman comic book, the stuff of heroes, and put Joe the Plumber up on your wall - give you someone to look up to.