You know what amazes me the most Burns? You actually think the man has something to say that's relevant.
You actually want "Joe the plumber" speaking for your candidate, because only a simpleton like "Joe the Plumber" could possibly agree with all the Republican dogma.
People like you Burns, elected a fool like Bush to run things... how'd that work out for this nation? Not worth a damn huh?
You love the bubbas, you love the frat boys, you love the plumbers, but we all know that they can't run this nation worth a damn...
Just a guess, I bet you like Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, and Neil Boortz... well guess what? Not a one of them graduated from college, the closet one was Boortz who graduated from a non accredited Law school, he never finished undergrad, he freaking flunked out! LOL! Sean Hannity was a freaking carpenter! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yea, that's what we need... "Joe the plumber" taking care of foreign policy... You're right, he's a commoner....
And a damned commoner is the last thing we need right now, we need a brilliant man running the show, the fact you can't see that amazes me...
We've had enough commoners running things the last few years... we need a man with intelligence... and as much as I like McCain as a person, and don't find his policies unpalatable, he's not the brightest tool in the shed... look at his record, remind yourself of last night's debate, and tell me you think McCain is brilliant?
Nah, Joe the plumber is the last thing we need right now, we need clear, concise leadership.
Joe the Plumber
by BurnTheShips 108 Replies latest social current
Come on Burns, let's get real. Joe the frigging plumber is NOT going to make $ 250,000 per year, period. If he starts his own business it will take him years to increase to that level and then he'll fall into the higher tax bracket. So at that time he will pay more. Obama was quoted that, " Not only do 98 percent of small businesses make less than $ 250,000, but I also want to give them additional tax breaks, because they are the drivers of the economy. They produce the most jobs. " McCain was just trying to " use " Joe the Plumber incorrectly to falsely cast Obama in a bad light . A pretty stupid ploy really. Peace out, Mr. Flipper
..He`s Bald!!..Never trust a bald guy!.......................
Joe's not a plumber.
An added thought- I've been self employed in commercial janitorial for 26 years almost- and have NEVER come close to earning $ 250,000 per year. Doctors, attorneys, other trades requiring " college education " make that kind of money- not 98 percent of middle class Americans. So, yeah- I think it's high time the financially elite among us can pat their fair share - since those are the bastard CEO's who derailed our economy in the first place due to their greed. Let them help pay out more for what THEY f&cked up ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
hemp lover
Joe "the Plumber" Wurzelbacher is a registered Republican, not a licensed plumber and happens to owe back taxes. He would also quality for a tax cut under Obama's plan.
"Joe's not a plumber."
He's a douche, so they have pipe flushing in common.
licensed plumber
He doesn't need a license for residential work.
happens to owe back taxes
Apparently, he needs tax relief going back as well as forwards.
Like I said, the media is vetting a plumber more thoroughly this week than they have the candidate for the presidency over the past 6 months.
Like I said, the media is vetting a plumber more thoroughly this week than they have the candidate for the presidency over the past 6 months.
Or at least more thoroughly than McCain vetted his VP choice!