Joe the Plumber

by BurnTheShips 108 Replies latest social current

  • SixofNine

    ‘Plumber Joe’ Replaced by ‘Crack Whore Wanda’

    Email This Post Email This Post By Editors, The Skunk · October 16, 2008 · Post a comment · Print This Post ·

    AKRON, OH — In a speech today, Senator McCain alluded to a young prostitute named Wanda he had recently met, who sells her body on street corners and dark alleyways. “Wanda is a working, single mother, and shouldn’t have to pay increased taxes,” said McCain. “I trust her to do a better job with her own money than the government, but under Senator Obama’s tax policies, she wouldn’t have enough cash to pay her rent, compensate her pimp and purchase a supply of clean needles. ”

    Senator Obama disagreed, saying that under his plan people like Wanda would actually see a tax-cut. “High-paid call-girls and escorts would see a rise in their taxes, but the average streetwalker, crack whore and massage girl would see a reduction,” he said. “And in truth, if she hires other girls to work for her, she will actually receive a tax credit.”

    But McCain fired back. “Not only would hard-working, young women like Wanda suffer under a President Obama administration,” he said, “but Leroy, the man who sets up appointments for her and keeps her in line when she misbehaves, wouldn’t have enough money at the end of the day to purchase the necessities of his business, like advertising or assault weapons.”

    Obama explained that Wanda and others in her profession would actually have more money at the end of the day once the economy turns around. “When consumers have confidence about their finances,” he said, “they spend more on leisure items, like boats, sporting equipment and dangerous sex.”

    “Help is on its way, Wanda,” said Senator McCain, looking directly into a TV camera. “If you will entrust me with your vote, I assure you that the prosperity of the wealthiest Americans will trickle down you.”

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith
    "Joe's not a plumber."

    He's a douche, so they have pipe flushing in common.



  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    Without sharing more than is necessary or relevant, Obama has promised to increase my tax rate. I do not know about you, but I work damn hard for my income. Damn hard. I work harder than my neighbor who earns about one half what I do. But my neighbor has neither accepted the risks nor the workload I have. I have earned my income just like my neighbor has. The reason my income is what it is by comparison is one thing: I took the risks and I put in the time and carry the load. Now exactly why should I pay a higher tax rate? What is my incentive to continue carrying my load and exposing myself to the risks?

    When it comes to taking my money the government has always helped itself. This is nothing new. It is the rate they take it at that matters. McCain has not promised to raise my tax rate. Obama has.

    By the way I am not among “the highest wage earners in America” whose tax payments are less as a percentile compared to middle-income earners. Hence, in my case, this comparison is/would be a red herring.

    Your contributions here compelled my input. You offer a simpleton’s review of the discussion. For example, it is laughable how you chide “Joe the plumber’s” aspiration because he supposedly lacks a college degree and is not fully trained in the business sector he is interested in running one day as his own business. It is laughable because most successful small businesses are started and ran by people fitting that profile. Why don’t you survey your local and successful plumbing companies by asking whether present owners were fully trained plumbers when they began eyeing the business for their future and whether they are college educated? Go. Ask. What you have done on this thread is embarrass yourself, and having spoken this surely expect you to go further in the same direction in reply. I give you the last word.

    Best regards, and no personal insult intended
    Marvin Shilmer

  • dawg

    Top hat, isn't that all the more reason he needs Obama's tax breaks?

    Here's the problem with Joe, its the same problem you have... you can't, no matter what's shown you, you can't see that you're being shafted by the Republican tax codes as they stand now. Joe needs the tax breaks Obama's touting, yet he's lying and saying that as an apprentice in company of two, he'll be making more than 250k... he's a liar your buddy Joe is, as is Palin....

    Why do you and Joe want to vote for things that will hurt you? I'm serious here, why? Do you make less than 250K a year? Then your taxes will go down, as will liar Joe... his taxes will go down too....

    Obama's plan is focused on the wealthy who already aren't paying as much percent of their incomes as you. You should be outraged at this class warfare the Republicans have brought on you, but no! You and Joe just can't get it... damn it!

    What is wrong with you? I mean seriously, these tax cuts are directed in your favor, but you insist on helping out the wealthy who already aren't paying their fare share.

  • dawg

    Marvin, says this...

    "Now exactly why should I pay a higher tax rate?"

    If you "pay a higher tax rate" and you make over 250k a year, then you don't have a good accountant or you don't understand the tax code. It's that simple... anyone with a brain who knows the tax code can finagle a way to keep from paying more percent of income than a middle income worker pays... its' that simple.

    Then you state....

    "Your contributions here compelled my input. You offer a simpleton’s review of the discussion. For example, it is laughable how you chide “Joe the plumber’s” aspiration because he supposedly lacks a college degree and is not fully trained in the business sector he is interested in running one day as his own business. It is laughable because most successful small businesses are started and ran by people fitting that profile."

    I do not "chide" Joe for being uneducated, I chide him for talking about things clearly over his head and for being a Republican plant... LOL!

    If Joe were at my house shoveling crap I'd not tell him how to do it, in fact, I'd have no opinion at all... just the same as he should be about the government... he's a plumber Marvin, not a political scientist... he should have known when to shut his stupid mouth... Just as you should do when Joe the Plumber is at your house running pipe... do yopu stupidly tell Joe how to run pipe? I doubt it!

    Yet uneducated Joe thinks he knows the tax code. He's an idiot and has made an ass out of himself supporting tax policies that hurt him and his family...

    Simple fact Marvin, Joe lied... he had no real plans to buy that business, and the facts speak for themselves. He is an apprentice, and can't practice plumbing in any state like that... I work in a related field and I know... not to mention, there's no damn way that Joe's company makes 250K profit with two men working there.

    Sorry to tell you this Marvin, but I do have a freaking education... and I do know the tax codes, if you pay more a percent of your income than a man making less than 250k a year, then you need a new accountant... don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining Marvin... I know what the freak I'm talking about!

  • Dagney

    Here's my problem with the absolute words of campaign promises.

    George Bush Sr.: "READ MY LIPS! THERE WILL NO NEW TAXES!" Who could forget that?

    Since no one can predict what will happen in the future, especially in these volatile times, IMHO, making a statement of "no taxes" is simply a campaign slogan to garner votes. We all do not want more taxation. But it's a promise I am skeptical the future president can keep.

  • lonelysheep
    Listen to what Joe himself said today... LOL!

    "HOLLAND, Ohio - Joe the Plumber said Thursday he doesn't have a license and doesn't need one. Joe Wurzelbacher, better known as Joe the Plumber, the nickname Republican John McCain bestowed on him during Wednesday's presidential debate, said he works for a small plumbing company that does residential work. Because he works for someone else, he doesn't need a license, he said."

    He's an apprentice and owns a 150K house, yet he's going to buy a company that makes 250K a year! LOL!

    Wurzelbacher, 34, said he doesn't have a good plan put together on how he would buy Newell Plumbing and Heating in nearby Toledo.

    He said the business consists of owner Al Newell and him. Wurzelbacher said he's worked there for six years and that the two have talked about his taking it over at some point.

    "There's a lot I've got to learn," he said.

    Not only does Joe not have the money to buy Newell Plumbing, he's a damned apprentice! An unlicenced apprentice! And the company has only 2 employees! I find it hard to believe this company makes 250K a year!

    Bye Bye Burns, once again the facts are out and prove you false!

    Exactly! He wants to make $250K a year (who doesn't). What an idiot. He was on Good Morning America today. McCain should ensure we all make $250K a year and then he can have most of us vote against Obama. How stupid for him to have even been mentioned last night.

  • jaguarbass

    Burn the ship and top hat are supporting McBush because the Republican party is the party of stupid people.

    There is no way they could support Obama in this lifetime. Not with the tools they have to work with.

    Every board/ forum has an idiot or two.

    And they all crave attention by talking stupid.

    Its the only way they can get anyone to pay attention to them.

    Too bad being stupid is not more painful.

    Then they would be forced to start thinking.

    I bet both of them still go to meetings, and give talks and go out in field circus.

    Neither appear smart enough to escape the tower.

    Probablly neither of them vote or ever will.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    You write:

    “What has America told investors? That they can take a risk and make money but it's not really a risk because we'll make sure that you don't lose - we'll force the taxpayers to pony up.”

    Actually America’s investors have been told quite the contrary, as you seem to comprehend later in your remarks. The current financial downturn’s first impact is to investors whose stock value has plummeted.

    We agree that something needs to be done about money managers whose reckless decisions are set to be rewarded with a lifetime of financial freedom.

    Financial rules have changed in recent years so that living beyond one’s means was easier than ever, and riskier to the overall economy than ever. It has encouraged those most susceptible to financial downturns to put themselves a tremendous risk by living well beyond their means. Over the past few years money was so easy to buy that purchasing existing businesses to turn a profit was easier than ever, and it has caused quite a bit or harm now that the chickens are coming home to roost for those who took the bait, and it seems for those prudent enough not to. We are all paying for decisions of fools and mongers who wanted to live beyond their means and wanted others to enjoy the same thing. Now we are paying for their “freedom,” which is turning out no to be so free. Government is supposed to impede this sort of reckless behavior. That is, behavior with such a significant risk to the general population. Our government has failed mightily in this respect. All of it.

    What we need right now is a leader who is willing to place his own career in the backseat by getting things done building consensus without excessive spending on pork barrel projects. This leader will have to fight all contenders to get this done, regardless of party, social or business affiliation. I have seen McCain do this. I have never seen Obama actually do this. Obama may be the best man for the job, I do not know. I do not know this because on my payroll as a U.S. Senator I have never seen him earn his paycheck by sponsoring a single successful bill requiring a tough consensus, and this is what the next U.S. President will have to do and do well.

    Why should I give Obama a leadership promotion until he has earned his pay for leadership where he is first? On the other hand, why should I give McCain a promotion to a job that requires exceedingly good skills as a communicator given his failure in this respect? In the end my vote will go with McCain for one reason: Despite his failure to communicate in this presidential election he must have good communication skills to have successfully sponsored some of the bills he has. Apparently his communicative skills show up in the dank halls of negotiation where the public rarely gets a glimpse.


    You write:

    “If you "pay a higher tax rate" and you make over 250k a year, then you don't have a good accountant or you don't understand the tax code. It's that simple... anyone with a brain who knows the tax code can finagle a way to keep from paying more percent of income than a middle income worker pays... its' that simple.”

    If what you write above is true then Obama is lying. Is this what you think?

    If what you write is true it means Obama is playing word games just to get elected. Is that what you want in a U.S. President?

    Or, are you suggesting Obama is only promising to increase the tax rate for stupid suckers who happened to fall into more than 250 grand of money? If so, what would that tell you?

    Talk about peeing on the tax payer’s leg and calling it rain? Please! If what you write is true it means Obama is wizzing away on everyone and, worse, telling them his peeing qualifies him as President of the United States!

    Are you so sure you know what you are talking about?

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Evidently

    The gullability and lack of critical thinking skills of you people on this board is utterly astounding. You listen to this man speak and you buy it hook, line and sinker. You were all JW's, you would think you would have learned to use your own reasoning ability to figure out what is going on here.

    Do you all think that Obama will keep his campaign promise to cut taxes? History is not on his side. Right now he is campaigning on the promise of cutting middle class taxes, just like Bill Clinton did in his run for the presidency in 1992. In the debates, Clinton asked that 2% of earners pay 'just a little bit more' to make this tax cut a reality. 43% of the people bought it, and Clinton won the presidency.

    Fast forward to February 1993, 3 weeks after he was inaugurated into office. President Bill Clinton told the country "I've worked harder on this than anything I've ever done in my life, and while I said I'd like to lower your taxes, I can't." Then he proceeded to increase federal income taxes across the board, on all 4 tax brackets.

    Obama has made the exact same overtures, and it seems as though people want to believe him, however he will do just as Clinton did, they always do. The Democrats raise your taxes early on in their presidency, knowing you will forget in 4 years. So, how far into an Obama presidency will he retract his middle class tax cut promise? Will he wait several weeks, or 3, like Clinton, or will he renounce it before he even takes office? It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when. Practically speaking, how can Obama propose $1 trillion in spending, and also propose these tax cuts? He simply can't. And deep down, Obama supporters, those with a half a brain, know this. But, I suspect many of them don't care, because to break this campaign promise is unimportant.

    Use your brain........its not rocket science.

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