No Communion for Obama supporters says Priest

by cameo-d 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • BurnTheShips
    Why does God allow miscarraiges?

    Why does God allow heart attacks? Does this therefore mean that I can just kill adults?


  • beksbks
    Would this priest support increased age appropriate sexual education to reduce teen pregnancy? I wonder.

    No need to wonder, we're talking Catholic remember? No birth control.

  • mavie

    Right on beks. This is exactly how extrinsic religiosity and its harmful dogma can become a detriment to society.

  • Jeremy C
    Jeremy C

    First of all, it's none of their damned business who their members voted for. Second of all, I wonder how many of these "pro-life" priests support the death penalty.

    I am sorry if I offend any of our Catholic friends here, but I sick and tired of the Catholic Church sticking it's boy-fondling tentacles into politics. They have advocated both very conservative and very liberal viewpoints; whereby they set up a litmus test that their followers must jump through in order to be considered in good standing with God. The Catholic heirarchy has a rather amusing set of moral precepts:

    Vote for Obama = sin / denial of communion

    Molesting little boys = transfer to another perish with a light warning


    This is an issue of the RCC imposing discipline on its members, and that is perfectly in line with Scripture. Why are you all so interested in the inner workings of the RCC anyway? BTW, I am NOT a Romanist.

  • BurnTheShips
    Second of all, I wonder how many of these "pro-life" priests support the death penalty.

    Few to none.


  • Jeremy C
    Jeremy C

    The reason why I show any interest in this is that I have very close friends who were raised Catholic. All of them have left the church due to the superstitious beliefs and legalistic church doctrines that were foisted up them growing up. Most of the ones I talk to had a difficult time regaining any faith in God after that - much like ex-Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • FlyingHighNow
    One should not partake of the Eucharist in a state of sin.

    No one can be free of sin, Burn. So no one gets to partake of the Eucharist. Not even the Pope. If all it takes is confession and absolution to be free enough of sin to partake in the Eucharist, then any Catholic can go to confession, receive absolution, even Catholics who *gasp* voted for Obama.

    The good thing is that most Catholics I know do not buy into such fundy/highcontrol thinking. They use birth control. They think for themselves. It's a minority of Catholics who let the antiquated laws of the Vatican control their lives.

  • cameo-d
    Blondie says: So how does he expect to identify all the Obama supporters?

    I think this is a KEY ISSUE right here.

    We are supposed to have a SECRET BALLOT. If you want to share your choice, that's your privelige. But NO ONE can be FORCED to disclose his voting choice.

    To make such a decree in the church would be ILLEGAL as it would FORCE someone to DISCLOSE either verbally or by abstinence of communion who their political alliances are.

    I hope we have not heard the last of this, as I think this could open the way to some explosive decisions concerning churches authority as well as its tax exempt status.

  • hamsterbait

    This from a Church that has huge stocks in companies manufacturing condoms, pills, and abortion instruments armaments guns uranium ....

    Now I know why the saying is "You hate those who most resemble you"

    (Look at the Witchtower stock holdings)


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