Here in Florida we have a law called. "Right to work" which means squat. It means an employer can fire you when ever they feel they want to.
I worked for a large Well known firm here in Orlando......The owner earned hundreds of millions, drove 5 different exotic was sickening.
The Legal secretaires were considered the lowest paid in the business, and when this man lost money after running for office, he cut benefits.
If he fired an attorney the secretaries were fired too, no matter how good a job they had done...he was paranoid about what they knew.
We had salary limits, and no matter how long you had served this company, once you reached that limit, you could never earn more, and lost benefits to boot, because Mr. J. wasn't making enough. There were legal secretaries who had been there 10 years and were earning $10.00 and hour, because they had started at $5.00.
Client's checks from the insurnace companies were held for months on the client's suffered.....some were Millions of dollars and we as secretaries had to beg the accounting department for clients, to get some small payout while this firm held their funds. It was a constant disgusting battle.
If you have a personal injury situation in Orlando, PM me for information on what FIRM to avoid!
I guess my point being...we need Unions in every area. I know my father always had to hire union workers in was never an option not too. The work was always top notch because the workers were paid what they were worth.