Hilarious coming from such an ill informed person. You know very little of what you speak. But I am a very nice person Touche. Wow! Your reply completely blew away everything I said.
by Sunnygal41 66 Replies latest social current
Hah, I know man, I don't know why you even try.
C'mon kids!! Simmer down now.
But Watson!!!! He started it!!!
Ok, but first this. I am a Liberal, and I am dead set against illegal aliens. Pubs who supposedly are all over the subject, have been in power for the majority of the last 40 years. So they can in the last eight years, take us into a war based on horse puckey, suspend habeas corpus, override our right to privacy, but they can't deal with illegal aliens?? They can't seem to find the employers of said aliens, and fine/imprison them???? Come on, that's just dippy.
I'm confused though. How the hell do they actually determine how much they're paying the workers south of the border? When you get your pay cheque, is your health benefits factored into the hourly wage or what?
No. That's the figure that the big talking heads are using to make it look worse than it is. The actual paycheck is only based on the wages less deductions - they add in the rest so you are told that's what you cost them. It's not what they necessarily earn per hour - which isn't all that much more than any of the other car makers here anyway. sammieswife.
I'm confused though. How the hell do they actually determine how much they're paying the workers south of the border? When you get your pay cheque, is your health benefits factored into the hourly wage or what?
It depends on what you are trying to say and to whom. For most budget purposes, start with wages and add 30 - 45% for benes to find the true cost-per-worker. So for a worker paid $38/per hour, the real cost is around $50/per hour.
No, on your paycheck and in formal budgets, the benes are itemized. Oui?
Sorry hon, I disagree. The average wage for a unionized worker at one of the big auto maker plants is $70+/hour plus benefits. That is slightly beyond "good wages"----it's an extreme amount to pay for the type of work they do
Well. Mary do you know how much the full wage and benefit package is in other industries? Twenty years ago I was working for a subcontractor on a project at Eli Lilly - a non-union compnany- and I was told their wage/benfits cost for a worker was $58/hr and that is why they hired subcontractors like me for a total cost of $35/hr. I would not be surprised, if the Eli Lilly production workers who are making your Insulin or maybe your Zoloft have a cost of over $70/hr wages/benefits for hourly workers on company corporate tax returns. Like I said it's not labor costs of a car that are no more than 10% of the cost of a car. The cost of marketing and dealer profits is far more than the labor costs. I believe the auto industry is probably far more fair in wages than the companies that you buy your shoes, dressses and handbags from. They exploit foreign workers and sell their products for high profits to American consumers who have no loyalty to American workers.
Do you realize that taxpayers are subsidizing the low wages of it's unskilled labor? Thanks to the Earned Income Tax credit law a worker with 2 children who has a minimum wage job can get a free check of over $4700 when they file their taxes. That is the equivalent to a $3.00/hr boost in their wages. It's a great deal for businesses. They can pay $6.55/hr and the taxpayers (like the middle class) pay that $3.00/hr bonus for the business through higher taxes for all the rest. Now, we could do away with the credit by just increasing the minimum wage to $9.55/hr and stop fooling ourselves about the true cost of labor. But American taxpayers aren't complaining and haven't figured it out yet.