It would help alot on this discussion, on both threads, if two things were clarified:
Start with the guys making nearly 500% more than the average worker.
The average wage for a unionized worker at one of the big auto maker plants is $70+/hour plus benefits.
And similar comments.
First, unsourced statements are made about hourly wages earned by UAW employees. I have read figures all over the internet that range from 20 some dollars per hour to 80 some dollars per hour. In reading these articles, if you read between the lines, in no case are the figures substantiated.
It appears to me that the higher figures ($70-$80/per hour) are arrived at by dividing total compensation over number of all employees, including executives.
It appears to me that the actual wages per hour are deliberately obscured in every article I read, so I think it best to go with the comments of those who claim to be in or around the industry.
So, let's say loaded cost of the average UAW worker is $40/hour.
That is a cost per worker of $83,200 per year.
Or, if you like, go with the higher estimate of $73/hr, per this source:
"It's estimated that GM workers earn an average $73 an hour when benefits including health care and pensions are added in. That appears to be about $25 an hour more than Toyota's U.S. workers. Toyota and GM workers earn about the same hourly wages. Benefits are what push the UAW members ahead. The GM contract slashes the hourly rate by making changes in retiree health care. The contract also will allow GM to bring in certain workers at lower wages."
At $73/hr, that is a cost per worker of $151,840 per year.
Now, according to generally available sources:
CEO Rick Wagoner's salary and other compensation rose 64 percent in 2007 to about
$15.7 million
reported CEO Mulally received $2 million in base salary, a $4 million bonus and more than $11 million of stock and options in 2007. His base salary was unchanged over 2006. Mr. Mulally has earned nearly $50 million in compensation since taking the helm of the auto maker. That's
$17 million for Ford's CEO.
CEO Nardelli- no information available on hois real compensation package. But earlier figures before the buyout by cerberus have CEO compensation in the same range as above,
averaging $16-17 million.
So, what is the point? It is this:
The average big 3 CEO is being paid $16.5 million per year, while the average UAW employee makes, using the higher figure, $151,840 per year.
In other words, these CEOs make 109 times what the average UAW worker makes!!!! That is not 500%, but 10,900% what the average UAW worker makes!!!
Do you really think
that these CEOs provide as much value to the shareholder and the consumer as
109 employees who actually manufacture the product?
Obviously, if the average UAW worker is making less, then that figure becomes even more obscene.
By comparison:
top 37 executives earned a
combined $21.6 million in salary and bonuses
the top 21 earned $11.1 million, combined, in salary and bonuses
The point is that while UAW employees are definitely overpaid, it is that CEO and other Executives, with their outrageous compensation that is killing the Big 3!!!!
The larger point is that this is not only an issue with the Big 3- it is problem with NEARLY ALL US Corporations!!!
This is why the US is experiencing the crumbling of it's financial status. Every publicly traded company must must reign executive compensation into a reasonable ratio as compared to employee pay (privately held corps should be exempt), or this country's standard of living will continue to slide down the tubes.
This won't happen of course, so get ready for the Great Depression II. Why? The politicians are bought and payed for by corporate lobbyists, so they spinelessly sell out this country to the wealthy elite.
BA- Clarifying things.