If the cars don't sell, and the money ain't there, unions aren't going to help. Chicken before the egg?
by Sunnygal41 66 Replies latest social current
This is a big part of what is wrong with America today. That and the idea that no government is good government. It's Reaganomics and that ideology thirty years later. Younger people who have grown up hearing nothing else for 30 years buy it hook line and sinker. This is the
Now that I don't get. I hear that stupid phrase all the time - heard it again out of the mouths of Republicans on television today who were slamming welfare while at the same time yelling to let the car companies go bankrupt. Go figure.
What I don't get is if any single representative in government, believes that government is bad, then they should get the hell out. Let people who believe in change and teamwork and leadership work together for the people and make it something good. When Reagan made his famous statement regarding the nine most terrifying words in the world "I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'" , he should have been given a kick in the butt and sent on his way. That comment spoke highly of the derision he felt for the office. sammieswife.
If big chunks of the populace aren't making decent wages, they're not buy anything but groceries. And damn few of those.
The answer is that the direction the company takes is determined by the Corporate Directors and the Board of Directors, whose responsibility is.....read this carefully......to turn a profit for their shareholders, regardless of how it happens.
Uncontrolled capitalism has driven us to the brink of disaster
My sentiments exactly. It didn't exactly help their cause when the top 3 execs flew in on their own jets...but then I had to pinch myself to remember that AIG, who already got over 100 billion, actually had a fleet of jets and is still going to the spa. Paulson didn't have a problem with that bailout though..didn't even blink...sammieswife.
How much "government" do you want in your life? I think that is always the issue. The idea of no government is rediculous. If you are willing to turn a lot of your responsibility over to your government, then you have to be willing to take what it dishes out. I think that is what scares the heck out of independants and conservatives.
What I don't get is if any single representative in government, believes that government is bad, then they should get the hell out. Let people who believe in change and teamwork and leadership work together for the people and make it something good. When Reagan made his famous statement regarding the nine most terrifying words in the world "I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'" , he should have been given a kick in the butt and sent on his way. That comment spoke highly of the derision he felt for the office. sammieswife.
Girl, when are you coming to Cali?? This is when we started our downward spiral, right at that moment. Too bad............
How much "government" do you want in your life?
In MY life? Not much. In the lives of those who hold the cards, pull strings, buy and sell the country? LOTS.
Thank God there are people who understand what is really going on! All of this so-called discussion by Republicans is nothing more than an attempt to break the UAW. Bastards!
Thank God there are people who understand what is really going on! All of this so-called discussion by Republicans is nothing more than an attempt to break the UAW. Bastards!
Right on Jamie.
I want the amount of government needed to lead the country and to provide the protections for its' people as they are obligated to provide. One of the principle responsibilities of government and the president, is to act as a buffer between the wealthy corporations and the people, who without laws and regulations, set out by that government, become nothing more than prey. A corporation cares nothing for flesh and blood, it cares nothing about people - it exists for profit. A person is a human being and therefore, without adequate representation in the form of government, it is nothing more than a number on a page and completely expendable. sammieswife.
Economic concerns were, and always have been, at the root of social and political concerns. The "rich" and the role they play have always been a threat to liberty, leading Jefferson to observe,
- "That liberty [is pure] which is to go to all, and not to the few or the rich alone." --Thomas Jefferson to Horatio Gates, 1798.
As a rule, the wealthy do fairly well under any form of government. The rich have always worked their way into government to their own advantage, and to the detriment of the poor.
- "Experience declares that man is the only animal which devours his own kind, for I can apply no milder term to the governments of Europe, and to the general prey of the rich on the poor." --Thomas Jefferson to Edward Carrington, 1787.