What do you think of this-obese win right to 2 airline seats for price of 1

by sir82 109 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover

    Now...I had the opposite happen that was just as bad.

    I was the last person boarded one time and the attendant told me to take any leftover seat. I saw two...one next to a fat guy, middle of the row. The other was an aisle seat next to a little Indian guy. I mean, he was small, like kid size.

    I thought, I'll sit next to the little guy on the aisle...pefect.

    I shortly regretted that decision. The Indian guy reeked of curry. And it was warm on the plane and we had a long wait on the tarmac before being cleared to take off. Oh god....did he stink. The only saving grace was that it was a short east coast flight. I would've been better off next to the fat guy for an hour instead of being next to stinky.

  • watson

    LOL...what a dilema!

  • beksbks

    Hmmm I was going to say that was nonesense, unfair, yadda yadda yadda, until I started to think of it from Doe's point of view. If you look at it as accommodating the rest of the passengers instead of the fat fu guy, it's actually a good thing.

  • Robert7

    This is one reason I always take window seats. I HATE it when I have an aisle seat, and some fat person has to squeeze thru and their ass rubs against my shoulder and arm. Even worse when they stop and this ass is right there like 6 inches away from my face.

  • watson

    So many "visuals," STOP IT.

  • Emma

    Yeah, those big, fat, stinky folks; it's a wonder I had any friends.

    I used to try so hard to stay out of peoples way, always afraid I was taking up more space than I deserved.

    Being large isn't always completely under your control. I have friends whose entire family is big, they're all built alike. You could tell they were siblings just by looking. They work hard, work out, watch what they eat, but the weight is hard to budge. I'm sure that with enough work, they could change at least a bit.

    How about a row or two of larger seats. If they weren't used by the fat folks, it would be a bonus for the skinny ones.

  • watson
    How about a row or two of larger seats. If they weren't used by the fat folks, it would be a bonus for the skinny ones.

    Like First Class?

  • Robert7
    How about a row or two of larger seats. If they weren't used by the fat folks, it would be a bonus for the skinny ones.

    We call that first class :)

  • beksbks

    Look how sharp you boys are!

  • Emma
    Like First Class?

    Oh, how 'bout the back of the plane, more exercise you know.

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