What do you think of this-obese win right to 2 airline seats for price of 1

by sir82 109 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover
    For all you know, maybe the guy was on his way to have surgery for his obesity so he isn't feeling like human feces because he's taking up someone else's space. And btw, handicapped people have every friggin right to try and do anything and everything possible to live as normal a life as they can. Why the hell should they just have to "accept" their lots in life?

    I didn't say that handicapped people didn't have the right to try to live as normal a life as possible. I said that at some point, depending on the handicap, they have to realize they can't do everything that normal people can do. Otherwise they wouldn't be handicapped. There are going to be situations where some handicaps are going to restrict what you do and how you do it. That's a fact and it should be one that people learn to deal with instead of finding some one to blame or sue.

    Walk a mile in their shoes or you shut the f*ck up.

    Before anyone preaches to me about lack of empathy for a fat guy sitting half in my seat, I'd like to see them sit in my seat on that flight for nine hours and then see how they feel.

    By all means you have every right to be comfortable in the space you paid for, not disputing that fact. Did you ask to be moved to another seat? Or did you just silently fume for hours over the fact that "mister fat ass" was taking up your space? Sometimes the lack of empathy shown by some on here reminds me very much of the borg. Fit in or get out mentality at it's finest.

    If you read the original experience you'd see that I said it was a full flight. I looked and asked for an emply seat. None to be had. I had to endure the situation on a trans-atlantic 9 hour flight. I've sat next to large people on shorter flights and while I didn't like it, it wasn't overly burdensome. In this case it was extreme and it was a burden. All I'm saying is that if someone is that large, obese, fat, whatever, they should have to pay for the space they take up because no one else will be allowed to use it.

  • mustang
    Are people in wheelchairs allowed on planes?

    Special handling and almost universally boarded first.


  • Cheetos

    And you have real Obese Fonts.

  • hillbilly

    a guest... I work with those bucket trucks in the utility business...they have weight limits.

    Most come in at around 400 pounds or so. Would it be wrong to deny promotion to a big, large or heavy person who would be over the limit for the equipment I own? Or should I be required to accomodate those people with mandated higher capacity equipment.

    You keep turning this into a matter of folks not having Christian compassion and being small hearted... I argue that its a matter of simple physics.

    (be careful with your answer... I can cite a court ruling)


  • AGuest

    who makes someone else uncomfortable. That includes those who are (and please feel free to add to the list):

    Unhygenic Compulsively clean Stinky Perfumed Old Young Ill Smokers Non-smokers Drinkers Tee-Totallers Adulterers Fornicators Idolators Religious Non-religious Atheistic Non-American Islam Christian Black White Homeless Homeowner Self-Righteous Perfect Imperfect English Irish Middle Eastern Asian Rich Poor Tenant Landlord Intellectual Stupid Well-Read Illiterate Large Small Long-haired Short-haired Classy Low class Middle class Upper class Non-classed ...

    C'mon... I know you all know of others. Anyone and everyone who offends someone else... or takes up even the minutest part of another's space... should absolutely be prohibitedfrom flying on planes, riding on horses, sitting in churches, attending meetings, eating in restaurants, attending theater, walking down the street... for God sakes, LIVING.

    Let's get everyone of these offensive people off our planet once and for all.


    SA, a slave of Christ who no longer marvels at why demons 'hate' us - they do not vie for space, they do not toil as we do, they do not classify as we do... and yet, it is to us that the kingdom has been promised. Perhaps they can't fathom why we even deserve it...

  • AGuest

    it would those folks who don't use their signal lights before changing lanes/making a turn. Off with their heads and may they all burn in... wait... my dear husband doesn't use his signal light. Maybe I'm being a little harsh/hasty here. Nope, I must be consistent: he should be banned from airplanes, horses, churches, etc., too!

    We really need to get over ourselves, dear ones. We cry because we don't have enough people in our life... and then call down fire and brimstone on one poor person who touches our personal space for a couple/few hours. Good lordy.

    SA, a slave of Christ...

  • mustang
    Actually John... for some classes of air travel the FAA assumes that the standard passenger weighs 170 pounds.. the ramp agent does a weight and balance calculation for the aircraft and the pilot is responible for checking it.
    Some of the smaller aircraft in regional service are very sensitive to weight and balance issues... and I have seen seating on those flights rearranged to get the big folks in the right spots in the cabin.... all so the plane wont crash. It's some silly nonsense about weight, moment and leverage and having enough elevator authority to pick the nose up.

    Weight and balance is necessary for all planes. It is a matter of multiple "lever arm" equations. This includes "consumables", i.e. fuel and oil. Fuel burn during flight may have require compensation.

    The C.G. (Center of Gravity) will move fore and aft of the "Datum" or reference mark. The actual C.G. and the Datum do not necessarily coincide; for convenience, the Datum can located in the cockpit. But adjustment is done against the Datum, regardless. Original Design criteria generally place the C.G. along the centerline of the wings, from one wingtip to the other. There is an "envelope" in which it is safe to fly: if it goes outside the limits, YOU DO SOMETHING. Same thing for a simple "over Gross" weight. A slight "aft CG" can result in a noticeable fuel savings.

    Transport planes have a "loadmaster" who does nothing but this. From the earliest days, there were calculators for this, i.e. the Singer LibraScope; now they all use laptops. Passenger liners use similar techniques.

    As a pilot, I was taught to use 180 pounds for a "standard passenger"; I've handled the FAA "standard gun" and the FAA "standard bomb". The FAA likes to have everything classified. If things look too far off "standard", pilots discretion will have to adjust the nominal weight & balance assumptions.

    You don't always catch everything: a friend of mine flew a Lockheed Constellation charter once. They nearly kissed the fence on takeoff roll and burned fuel like nobody's business. Nobody tumbled to the fact that it was a BOWLER'S CONVENTION until they landed. Then a passenger dropped a bowling ball almost on my friends toe: 70 guys w/ 2 or 3 16 pounders each!!!

    So ... would I be a bastard if I offered this person a draft cross horse to ride? After all that Belgian cross I have to offer 'screams' fat guy please.. or whould it be inhumane on my part to let the fellow tag along in a horse drawn wagon? There are limits. Big folks dont ask to be big... but not all accommodations can deal with the stress.

    Sorry, but safety and physics preclude being sensitive or "politically correct" at times. I'm watching my weight so I can take helicopter lessons: 220 pounds weight limit. Screw up in one of those and you're a smokin' hole in the ground.


  • hillbilly
    We cry because we don't have enough people in our life... and then call down fire and brimstone on one poor person who touches our personal space for a couple/few hours. Good lordy.

    No... I think the point just about anyone but you gets in this discussion is ...if you dont fit the seat buy 2. Or rent a car and drive.

    It's pretty simple... the Canadian govt says giving a person who cant fit in 1 seat 2 seats for the same money. So move to Canada... they have a heart, lots of blue tarps and duct tape... Red Green lives there and they like mayonaise. Lot's of guys named Gordon live there and they are all polite.


  • AGuest
    a guest... I work with those bucket trucks in the utility business...they have weight limits.

    As does the airlines. Weight limits are not the issue here. If it were, then perhaps some of us should carry on one (or two) less suitcase(s) full of... well, very often, stuff we don't even use but bring just because we have some kind of a security-blanket need to haul our stuff around with us... so that PEOPLE have precedent.

    Would it be wrong to deny promotion to a big, large or heavy person who would be over the limit for the equipment I own?

    If the weight limit for the job is 400 pounds, the weight limit is 400 pounds. This is not about a job. It is about a person's right to travel... and not being charged more... or treated disdainfully... for doing so.

    Or should I be required to accomodate those people with mandated higher capacity equipment.

    IMHO, if the equipment does not cost more... and if the person can do the job... safely... as a result of it, then you should accommodate him/her. Kind like if he/she doesn't have legs... but there is equipment which can help him/her do the job. I mean, are fat people truly deserving of less dignity than everyone else? And, yes, I know, there are those of you who believe they are...

    You keep turning this into a matter of folks not having Christian compassion and being small hearted... I argue that its a matter of simple physics.

    Since when is a christian supposed to be concerned with physics? But, okay, let's look at it: an airplane has, say, a 35,000 lb. passenger weight capacity (hypo, folks - I have no idea what the weight limit is). As a result, they can fly either 3,500 100lb skinny people... or 100 350 lb people. Or a mix. They can make more money flying the 100 lb folks, of course, and so, they place seats accordingly.

    But would they really lose that much if they made 2 or 3 seats just a little wider? Not much. Problem is... SKINNY PEOPLE WOULD GO FOR THOSE SEATS and clamor that they have a right to the "extra" space as much as the next person. Whether they actually needed the space or not. Right? And so, the argument would go, well, who's to say how much space skinny people need?

    Which is the case with heavier people - it's not them who say they need the extra space. Hell, most of them are embarassed that they take up ANY space. People like some here have made them feel that anything beyond the perceived "border" of what is "normal" is... well, unclean... heinous... demonic.

    But the TRUTH is that it's the skinny people who need the extra space because THEY don't want to sit next to the heavy person. If SKINNY people such as those who commented here DIDN'T have a problem, there would BE no problem.

    (be careful with your answer... I can cite a court ruling)

    Cite away... and peace to you.

    A slave of Christ,


  • AGuest

    . . .

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