A woman can run for 2nd in command of the free world but can't do the mikes

by Kudra 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Kudra


    I CRINGED whenever a sister would do that. Like if there was, oh, some 12-year old kid present at the field service meeting and no one had a cloth, and sister-can't-be-humble-enough goes and gets a piece of TOILET PAPER from the bathroom for a head covering...

    Jesus Haploid Christ.


  • Kudra

    Hi Mickey Mouse (I like this Flipper-style individual reply thing!),

    Yeah, having "priviledges" is sort of bogus BUT- it should have been our prerogative to accept them or reject them... I think I made myself feel better by saying "Well, harrummph, I wouldn't want them ANYWAY." Sort of a sour grapes thing...


  • Kudra

    Thanks Oompa, I like YOUR use of ellipsis marks...

  • oompa

    Ellipsis Marks


    Use ellipsis marks when omitting a word, phrase, line, paragraph, or more from a quoted passage.

    Sorry kudra...i break all the rules of ellipsis marks.....including using more than three dots........i use them as kind of an.......extended visual pause....a lot here dont like it.......but sorry......not......oompa

  • jamiebowers
    Can you imagine a sister behind the literature counter???

    No, because the bad jw sisters' minds are consumed by thinking of ways to beguile the brothers into committing fornication, while the good ones are occupied with finding and keeping a husband, whether or not he beats her, pioneering and cleaning the kingdom hall. PUKE!

  • blondie

    Actually, many Protestant and non-denominational churches have female pastors and deacons.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    The JWS demean woman in the most unpleasant ways for example :

    Eve tempted Adam with that special apple

    Babylon the great is a Harlot

    Woman were not allowed within the temple ( could be wrong on that )

    Man was made first and made in god's image not from a woman's image

    Woman were kept as a lower class of person in biblical times, much like a slave or servant

    The JWS play out this hierarchy class system in their religion

    In reality many religions do so as well, its a way of keep men in power and control over their possessions

  • Kudra


    hah- I meant to say CREATIVE use of ellipsis marks!

    -K :)

  • Thirdson

    It annoyed me when I was 'in' that the WTS boasted that 5 'sisters' did all the brick laying at the London Bethel expansion but women couldn't read the Bible from the platform.

    The church we attend has several female pastors, I wouldn't be part of a church that didn't have women priests. I have read scripture at church on occasion but not regularly. Mrs Thirdson and I were asked to read the lessons for a Christmas service. We took it in turns.

    When we were married, we had a female Episcopal priest officiate.

    I have on several occasions flown on airliners with a female pilot in the left-hand seat.

    My doctor is female and so is my boss.

    I can put my life in the hands of female airline pilot, or a female surgeon and take direction from my female boss but if I were a JW, I couldn't have a woman pray for me.



    Since when,was the WBT$ World,a Free World?..............................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

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