My own person theory, and I may get called a pig for saying it, but I think some women want to be controlled. Perhaps it's related to the Stockholm syndrome?
by Kudra 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
My own person theory, and I may get called a pig for saying it, but I think some women want to be controlled. Perhaps it's related to the Stockholm syndrome?
I chaffed under the headship arrangement. I just couldn't understand the logic behind it and saw incompetent men running things...... II can't stand a dominant person and won't be dominated or dominate others. I like equality.
Me too, but then I got him to loosen the handcuffs just a little and then I settled right down!
I think what I resented the most was that the guys could faff about during the meetings with mikes and checking the carpark, and we had to sit still and listen to the boring things.
And drum Roll please.....the number one reason for women not doing mikes
Brothers would be distracted from focusing on the stage as the sister walked up and down the aisle with a microphone as she silently and seductively shifted it from one hand to the other and gently tugged on the cord.
Many of the older brothers might start going into cardiac arrest or sweating profusely all the while their wives slap them in the back of the head for not keeping eyes on the stage.
Brothers would be distracted from focusing on the stage as the sister walked up and down the aisle with a microphone as she silently and seductively shifted it from one hand to the other and gently tugged on the cord.
The sisters might realize they enjoyed the mike more than the real thing.
This tells you alot about the wts and many organisations, they are openly or latently misogynistic. Why not use the best available people irrespective of gender? Unless you want to control them.
My mum was clever, so is my 15y daughter. My daughter should she continue on in the wts will never be used there, how stupid., i do hope she realises the idiocy ot these iodiots.
Misogyny in any form is patently wrong , the sooner it is irradicated the better for all, including those who seek to perpetuate it.
In a way not being able to run the mikes, though seeming to be a slap in the face, would be a blessing. When you're a brother you're constantly hounded to do crap like that.