A woman can run for 2nd in command of the free world but can't do the mikes

by Kudra 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • IP_SEC
    or why women are supposedly acceptable by gawd as anointed ones but not welcome on the governing body. LOL

    lacking sack. Just saying... oh? so are they? hmm good point.

  • dinah

    If I put a coupla golf balls in my pantyhose...........

    Dayum!! I may be onto something.

    Kneel before me! I could lead the "free nation of rejected Natural Jews who hated Christ and Jehovah elected the Jeeeeeeeeehoboer Witnesses, who are not perfect but close enough (kinda like in horseshoes) to take the Jews place but"

    Yeah, I shouldn't have balls. I almost got on a power trip.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    LOL, Dinah!

  • dinah

    And if the congregation gets unruly, I just pull the golf balls outta my hose and ping them in the head. Tell them it was holy spirit and retrieve them before they regain consciousness. The rest of the congregation will be busy trying to revive the DA's that got the spirit and will never be the wiser.....

  • SPAZnik

    LOL ... microphones *are* kind of phallic, huh.

  • SixofNine

    :hands Spazzy The mike" ;)

  • BluesBrother

    Re The mikes.. Somebody asked about this at an elders school , He was from a small congo and needed people to do it.

    The instructor said that there was nothing against it if no brothers were available BUT a young sister would be a distraction to the brothers, so it was definately not recommended

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    ...at the Kingdom Hall.

    Yeah, a woman can run for the second highest position the world has to offer (I guess) but can't even give a talk that a 10-year old snotty-nosed kid can do at the f-n KH.

    This used to annoy me NO END at the hall... there were these morons doing the bible reading or what have you and they couldn't even PRONOUNCE THE WORDS.

    Fortunately, things my non-JW dad used to say, like, "I'll go to your Kingdom Hall when YOU can get up on stage and give a talk like those ..."brothers"" gave me a sense of self-worth that helped me escape. Seriously, how does this attitude that JWs have not drive away any thinking woman?? I know churches worldwide are like this but JWs are worse somehow... Maybe it's just because it was my own personal experience.

    (Oh, by the way, I was thinking about Geraldine Ferraro not S.P. in the topic title)



    My own person theory, and I may get called a pig for saying it, but I think some women want to be controlled. Perhaps it's related to the Stockholm syndrome?

    I don't think this applies to women only though. Think about the popularity of bondage and fetishes involving school teachers with whips. Hard to make sense of, but I can only assume there must some form of comfort or security in being servient to someone else? Interesting phenomenon to say the least.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Good point, John Doe. The women who leave seem to be the strong ones, or some leave for other reasons and end up going to a church that treats women the same as the WTS.

    I chaffed under the headship arrangement. I just couldn't understand the logic behind it and saw incompetent men running things. I left and only visited short time at churches until their chauvenistic ways showed through. Then, I was gone!

    I can't stand a dominant person and won't be dominated or dominate others. I like equality.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Handling the mikes took a combination of mental toughness and intestinal fortitude. It took every last bit of my soul at times. It was always a race against the clock to get the cord wrapped up again before the end of the closing song. And having to decide in a split second if the person in the middle of the row was your responsibility, or the guy on the other side. And let's not forget having to hold the mike steady while Brother or Sister Longwinded commented. You ladies don't know how lucky you were.

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