Republicans are.
Fortunately, since Democrats took over the Congress in 2006, we have seen solid economic growth, nonpartisan politics, and unemployment reduction. I fully look forward to a Golden Age over the next four years.
by Witness 007 334 Replies latest jw friends
Republicans are.
Fortunately, since Democrats took over the Congress in 2006, we have seen solid economic growth, nonpartisan politics, and unemployment reduction. I fully look forward to a Golden Age over the next four years.
Burn, that is sooooo incredibly disingenuous. They took office in early '07 for starters. They've been filibustered and vetoed in record numbers for finishers.
I read some interesting stuff the other day. Even this turkey knew what was up.
This is just a drop in the bucket, but Enjoy!
I s it already time for Spitzer nostalgia? Recently, bankers and government officials have insisted that they were blindsided by the subprime-mortgage cataclysm. “Nobody, including me, anticipated” this crisis, Richard Fuld, CEO of bankrupt Lehman Brothers, told Congress. That claim has left former “sheriff of Wall Street” Eliot Spitzer’s old crew shaking their fists at the TV. Because they saw it coming. Spitzer wanted to regulate the markets—all by himself, if he’d had his way. “Almost no one in public office was willing to state basic truths,” says one former aide. “The one exception was Spitzer.”
In 2001, Spitzer investigated subprime-mortgage giant Household International for misrepresenting the terms of loans. Household paid $484 million—at the time, the largest settlement for victims of predatory lending ever. Later, he found that Ameriquest Mortgage Company had engaged in deceptive and predatory practices; it paid the victims $295 million. (During the recent crisis, it went out of business.) “For far too long, the subprime market has been a feeding ground for unscrupulous lenders looking to gouge the most vulnerable consumers,” Spitzer told a then-adoring press.
But in 2003, the Bush administration stepped in. Regulating national banks is the federal government’s job, it said, invoking the 1863 National Bank Act. All 50 state attorneys general howled in protest, but the Supreme Court upheld the administration’s view in Watters v. Wachovia. Its power affirmed, the administration then did little; it believed financial institutions were their own best regulators. This year Wachovia, crippled by $42 billion in risky loans on its books, sold itself to avoid bankruptcy.
The former Spitzer aides, most of them now out of government, say it’s not redemption they’re after. Spitzer’s sex scandal was of his own making, they know. Still, it’s hard not to say: We told you so. .........................cont.
Mental health workers say that 80% of suicide attempt patients regret what they is a illness or a temporary condition...unless you own a gun!
mediums say 60% of successful suicides regret what they did...
Mediums can eat it.
Someone suggested banning drano isn't that the big thing in japan drinking some kind of bleach drano combo that is a sure kill? Of course the fumes make everyone else for a square mile deathly ill but wtf right?
As to guns the columbine shooters didn't plan on a huge gun body count they had set propane bombs around the school with the idea that the people fleeing from the shooting would be blown up in massive numbers. Fortunately they were to stupid to make the detonators correctly. The bottom line is that crazies will figure out a way to be crazy...
...anyone trying a home intrusion is most likely a moron, desperate for something and probably not good at aiming a gun. ~RS
I would disagree with your evaluation of the situation. Most criminals are fairly intelligent motivated and have leadership qualities. During the 30's Bonnie and Clyde, John Dillinger etc hid in plain veiw for several years and were able to raise hell at will. Jessie and Frank James, John Wesley Hardin and a whole list of earlier outlaws fit the same bill. All were crack shots. The folks in business today are not far behind the greats.
A few years ago a whole office of FBI agents got tore up by a couple of crooks in Miami Fl... the agents were a little lax and the criminals were very well prepared
Many criminals are sociopaths or have other emotional and mental flaws... stupid is not a common factor.
If anyone armed ever invades my home I hope you will excuse me if I dont invite the guy outside for a little range practice. After all any moron, with a gun, who can formulate a plan to enter my house is probably not entiltled to a shooting lesson from me.
Everyone, with a little know how, can manufacture their own gun at home. Why do you think it's only Americans and why do you think a gun can destroy the country it resides in? Guns have been defending countries (or attempting to) ever since they were invented.
Accesibility isn't the problem. I have six guns in the closet, no problem. I can take them out and load them, no problem. I can hunt and target shoot with them, no problem. I can commit crimes and kill people with them, now you have a problem.
It's not the gun, it's who holds it that makes the difference. Someone lacking conscience and fear of punishment is the problem. They will use anything to kill and resort to killing to get what they want. Some just like to kill. Jeffery Dahmer didn't use a gun.
We can eliminate guns and the murder rate will increase because of the few who didn't have a gun to defend themselves.
Look at 911, all that took was a box cutter.
It's not the gun, it's who holds it that makes the difference. Someone lacking conscience and fear of punishment is the problem. They will use anything to kill and resort to killing to get what they want. Some just like to kill. Jeffery Dahmer didn't use a gun.
We can eliminate guns and the murder rate will increase because of the few who didn't have a gun to defend themselves
If the 8 year old that shot and killed both his father and a male friend hadn't had access to a gun, they wouldn't be dead and that little kid wouldn't be sitting in front of a prosecutor that wants to plea bargain with him. That brings to light really big issues as to why a kid gets beat so much they need to kill the parent, however, in light of your argument, where do you put a child? There have been mall shootings every month leaving scores of innocent dead. The two goons in SoCal who had a shoot out at ToysRus - all because the women with them started fighting, wouldn't have gotten far since people are far more apt to step into a fist fight and help stop it than they are a gun fight. If the gun isn't the problem and it's accessibility, then perhaps that should be addressed. sammieswife.
8 year old that shot and killed both his father and a male friend hadn't had access to a gun, they wouldn't be dead and that little kid wouldn't be sitting in front of a prosecutor that wants to plea bargain with him. That brings to light really big issues as to why a kid gets beat so much they need to kill the parent, however, in light of your argument, where do you put a child? There have been mall shootings every month leaving scores of innocent dead. The two goons in SoCal who had a shoot out at ToysRus - all because the women with them started fighting, wouldn't have gotten far since people are far more apt to step into a fist fight and help stop it than they are a gun fight. If the gun isn't the problem and it's accessibility, then perhaps that should be addressed. sammieswife.
If the 8 year old didnt have a gun that day and things didnt change who says he wouldnt have locked bio-dad in the house and set the house on fire. There a dozens ways to take a guy out... that kid would have figured one of em out sooner or later.
As you note... the bio dad was the problem. You want me to licence a gun but any pud knocker can make a baby eh... you just made my point (again) ... we have raised 70 years of steadily declining human flotsam in the western world. I guess if the neighbors would have beat the shit out of bio dad and run him out of town on a rail that would be a liberal issue too?
Those 2 nitwits in California were mutual bleach in each others gene pool. You cant legislate stupid can ya? California has some of the most restrictive gun laws around... they were both criminals as soon as they left home that morning...
Enforce the laws we have... get social services to chase the people they need to chase for a change... Liberals always have an excuse for why what they do doesnt work.