Do You Like Teenagers?

by snowbird 78 Replies latest social family

  • FlyingHighNow

    I like them. Sometimes I get baffled by things they do, but in general I love them.. It's their job to push and our job to give them something stable to push against. My therapist tells me this about my nearly 13 year old grandson Julian. He does exasperate at me at times, but mostly he makes me laugh and smile. I try to concentrate on the fun times with him.

    If adults expect teenagers to act like perfect little adults, then adults will always be disappointed. Teens may seem like the don't want us around, or need us around, but this is simply not true. They need to feel we understand them and are the for them with unconditional love. C'mon, don't you all remember thinking adults didn't understand you? Teens need and want our boundaries and limits, no matter what they might tell us and no matter how loudly they may shout it. They test us all the time, but they don't want total freedom, not really.

    If teens were adorable and sweet 100 % of the time, we'd never want them to leave our homes.

    I am taking a positive parenting class. The teacher is always driving home what normal behavior in children actually is. She told us that 3 out of five kids will be defiant. So really, kids who are compliant are not the majority. If we all keep this in mind, teenagers will be easier to understand and tolerate.

  • avishai

    Sure, otherwise I would'nt have worked with them in group homes for so many years. It's a rough time in anyone's life, and as long as you don't "personalize" their whacky behavior, you get along fine.

  • FlyingHighNow
    and as long as you don't "personalize" their whacky behavior, you get along fine.

    Well, said Avi. Your daughter is a very lucky little girl. And cute to boot. Hey, I got Candy back on myspace.

  • hillbilly

    Kids are a treasure...

    we should bury em


  • dinah

    I LOVE teenagers! But I did have a couple of years when my daughter was 11-13 when I thought one of us might have to move. She's 15 now and growing up nicely. Her friends are great too.

    I used to think teens got on my nerves until I managed a McDonald's. Some of them were a waste of air, but for the most part they were great. They also helped me because I missed being a teen. Get the typical teen smart-mouth with a JW Mom. Yeah, just try it!

    It could just be my daughter and her friends and my McDonald's kids I adopted, but I really think so many of them really "get" things. They work so hard on their grades. Well, my McDonald's kids mostly just worked hard, but they are all in their mid-20's now and doing so well.

    Teenagers today seem different than us Gen X kids.

    Now the obnoxious, don't give a crap kids are a different story, the spoiled ones.

  • chickpea

    omg snowbird!!!

    i am only 3 yrs younger than you are
    and i still have two teens of my own
    AT HOME!!!!!!

    constant influx of friends and girlfriends, etc

    noisy, eating my groceries, using the computer, noisy, smelly, asking for rides, noisy.....

    in the army, you were called a short-timer if you had less time left to serve, than you had already served...
    we would get a chain with links that matched the months/weeks/days til discharge
    my oldest is now 23.... youngest, 15......
    i am soooooooo doing the short-timers link count!!!

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    Teenagers today seem different than us Gen X kids.

    Has there any been a generation who didn't say that? Everyone is such hypocrites.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I've learned with mine how to deal with them. Listen when they talk and leave them alone when they say they want to be left alone if they seem stressed. I learned to not push them. Set boundaries and let them hate you. They don't really. I love teenagers. They are so cute trying out different things in life, like fads. Their experimentation with style is really fun to watch. As long as it doesn't endanger their lives or freedom or family unity, I let them do whatever they want, dress how they want, color their hair however they want...

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    John Doe. Colon Blow, sounds an awful lot like Colin Powell. I just had to say that. Isn't this the same product, used for the removal of hemmroids?

    Teenagers. You better listen to me!

    Ah shit, I can already see the rotten tomatoes flyin.

    Teen agers can be cool, and, know a lot more of whats going on, than ya might think. Let em live, Let em love. It's their day, I can be cool about it....... but don't step on my toes ......and we'll be fine.

  • John Doe

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