Do You Like Teenagers?

by snowbird 78 Replies latest social family

  • White Dove
    White Dove


    That's exactly it. Don't try to shove them into your mould. That's all it's about. Let them play and make mistakes. Then, let them suffer the consequences cuz you really did "told you so!" They'll learn and love you for it. Let them embarrass themselves with silly styles so they will have something to laugh at later, and so will we:)

  • Sparkplug
  • Snoozy

    I told my daughter her teenagers were lazy!

    They can't even walk two steps to the dirty clothes hamper in their rooms to put their dirty clothes.They just leave them laying on the floor, including their wet towels, where they took them off. I told her that they are really only asked to do two things a week for the house...pick up their clothes and either take the trash out 2 times a week or empty the dishwasher a few times a week.....they do nothing apparently..(at least when I visit) ..clothes all over their room on the floor, including clean clothes that were just washed..and the mom is emptying the dishwasher...I said you ask nothing of them but pick up clothes and do trash or dishwasher and they can't bother to do either?

    They have to be the laziest teens in the world. The two have their own nice car which their dad is paying for..he gives them a gas credit card..he buys their name brand them spending money..can pretty much come and go as they wish..and can't do a simple 2 chores a week!..

    When I was shocked and said something about it to my daughter..she said they pick their fights with the kids..only important things...I'm trying to figure out what "Important" things are. So far the 16 now 17 year old was caught sneaking a duffle bag full of liquor out of the house to go drinking that night with her "Cheerleader" group of friends and some boyfriends.Her punishment consisted of a trip to Florida with the family..a few grounded weekend nights ..and a shopping trip , out to eat, and show with the family.....Apparantly she always stays out past her 12:00 allowed to stay out all night at a guys house with other kids if they are drinking so they don't drive and drink..

    The grandson has had 3 speeding tickets one for 100 miles per hour..he worked a vending business his dad bought and was allowed to keep the profits..his dad sold the business after 9 months and the son got the money (Surplus). He is now 18 but when 17 he had no curfew...did I mention he is extremely lazy? Neither one of them can puch a chair or stool in when they get up..I shamed them into putting their dishes in the sink at least even tho the dishwasher is close it takes more work to open the door and put dishes in.

    Oh yeah..he has had two accidents and his dad paid to get them fixed so his insurance wouldn't go up. Oh yeah..the dad pays for both their insurance on their cars..

    I could go on and on about how they enjoy telling my daughter and their father how stupid they are...even tho the parents are paying for everything they have..

    But they insist they pick their fights with the far it looks like the kids are picking the fights..if their parents dare tell them NO about something..

    But on the plus grandson is a genius..he scored a 33 on ACT test. He is receiving a full scholorship on his merits..He is so smart he is obnoxious...and did I mention lazy?

    My granddaughter has a C average right now..she has too much of a social life to worry about getting any better grades..It seems a C is acceptable...did I mention how lazy she is?..

    Snoozy...Bragging about two of her grandkids...

  • Purza

    I love my teenager, but no, I don't always like her. I only have 1.5 years to go until she is no longer a teen - I am almost there - god help me!


  • Snoozy

    Just another note..did I mention these two grandchildren were perfect when they were little?

    I have no idea what happened to them!..


  • dinah

    They have to be the laziest teens in the world. The two have their own nice car which their dad is paying for..he gives them a gas credit card..he buys their name brand them spending money..can pretty much come and go as they wish..and can't do a simple 2 chores a week!..

    There lies your problem.

    You have to work to have stuff. If your parents are keeping you warm and dry and fed then you take out the garbage, take your dirty clothes to the laundry room, etc.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I don't think calling teenagers lazy will help them. In fact, it will only encourage them to dig in try less to be neat. There should be natural consequences for breaking rules and overstepping boundaries and the discipline needs to be logical.The teens want to use the car? Have a list of must do's to have the privilege of using the car. They leave their clothing on the floor near the hamper? Put the hamper in their rooms and then don't do their laundry. Let them do their own. I did my own laundry and I changed my sheets everyday as a teen. No matter how hard I tried, my mother and grandmother cruelly called me lazy. I kept good grades and ran my own babysitting/housekeeping service. My room wasn't always perfect, but it was pretty neat. I made my bed everyday.

    Calling kids lazy is counter productive and disrespectful. If you want to teach kids to use respect, don't treat them with disrespect. Would you boldly go around telling your friends and other adults they are lazy? Why do it to your kids? Just because they are under 18 doesn't mean they don't deserve to be treated with dignity. A little kindness never hurt anyone. High light the good behaviors when you see it. Harp on the good they do and just expect them to live within rules and boundaries in order to enjoy freedoms. Don't nag about the negatives.

  • dinah

    Yep. And teach them to EARN things.

  • Snoozy

    I have told my daughter and son in law the same thing..I am not a butt in mom..really... but I couldn't help it one day. If I heard them scream at their Mom one more time and calling her stupid I would have really lost it.

    The thing is my daughter wants the kids to have "Happy" in comparison to her JW now it's my fault...

    She isn't being balanced in her ideas because you also have to teach them responsibility. She thinks they will learn this when they go to college...they also think that letting them drink now will prepare them for college..but all I see it doing is turning them into early alcoholics..they love to drink..they both have even had a hangover and that doesn't discourage them..that really worries me.

    Snoozy..who is glad she doesn't have anymore kids to raise!

  • FlyingHighNow

    My mom told us if we wanted a car, we had to buy it ourselves. No problem, I didn't want a car. I rode the MARTA busses.

    I was proud to earn my own money and have my own savings account. I gave Mom part of my pay.

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