Do You Like Teenagers?

by snowbird 78 Replies latest social family

  • FlyingHighNow

    Yes she does, Dinah. She's an Obama girl.

  • JWdaughter

    Teenagers terrified me when I WAS a teenager. My son was such a classic teenage boy and I am so glad he is growing out of it(some of you may remember our travails). I have a teenage daughter who is very unsocial-so I worry-and she isn't consistently hateful-only when I ask her to do something that she doesn't want to do. She doesn't scare me, surliness I can deal with. I worry about her NOT getting out more and getting into SOME kind of mischief or staying out too late or something.

    IN general, no I don't much like them. I am working on training up my 8 year old to turn 25 after his 10th birthday-so I can avoid adolescence with him altogether. I think it's too late already!

  • snowbird

    My, how this topic took off!

    I thought you didn't like men, but liked kids Sylvia. Now you don't like kids either?

    I love kids; I just don't like teenagers or men!


  • coffee_black

    It depends on the teenager....

    Had my challenges with my 2 kids from time to time... but nothing serious. My grandson has made me very proud at age 14.

    I wrote about it here:

    Someone emailed me the following it this morning over my first cup of coffee...

    I took my dad to the mall the other day to buy some new shoes (he is 92). We decided to grab a
    bite at the food court. I noticed he was watching a teenager sitting next to him. The teenager had
    spiked hair in all different colors: green, red, orange, and blue. My dad kept staring at him. The teenager would look and find him staring every time. When the teenager had had enough, he sarcastically asked, 'What's the matter old man, never done anything wild in your life?'

    Knowing my Dad, I quickly swallowed my food so thatI would not choke on his response,
    knowing he would have a good one, and in classic style he did not bat an eye in his response.
    'Got drunk once, and had sex with a peacock. I was just wondering if you were my son.'


  • snowbird

    LOL, Coffee.

    That was a good one!


  • BurnTheShips

    Oh that's awesome Coffee!

    I can just picture it.


  • hillbilly

    They have to be the laziest teens in the world. The two have their own nice car which their dad is paying for..he gives them a gas credit card..he buys their name brand them spending money..can pretty much come and go as they wish..and can't do a simple 2 chores a week!..

    When I was shocked and said something about it to my daughter..she said they pick their fights with the kids..only important things...I'm trying to figure out what "Important" things are. So far the 16 now 17 year old was caught sneaking a duffle bag full of liquor out of the house to go drinking that night with her "Cheerleader" group of friends and some boyfriends.Her punishment consisted of a trip to Florida with the family..a few grounded weekend nights ..and a shopping trip , out to eat, and show with the family.....Apparantly she always stays out past her 12:00 allowed to stay out all night at a guys house with other kids if they are drinking so they don't drive and drink..

    The grandson has had 3 speeding tickets one for 100 miles per hour..he worked a vending business his dad bought and was allowed to keep the profits..his dad sold the business after 9 months and the son got the money (Surplus). He is now 18 but when 17 he had no curfew...did I mention he is extremely lazy? Neither one of them can puch a chair or stool in when they get up..I shamed them into putting their dishes in the sink at least even tho the dishwasher is close it takes more work to open the door and put dishes in.

    Oh yeah..he has had two accidents and his dad paid to get them fixed so his insurance wouldn't go up. Oh yeah..the dad pays for both their insurance on their cars..

    I could go on and on about how they enjoy telling my daughter and their father how stupid they are...even tho the parents are paying for everything they have..

    But they insist they pick their fights with the far it looks like the kids are picking the fights..if their parents dare tell them NO about something..

    But on the plus grandson is a genius..he scored a 33 on ACT test. He is receiving a full scholorship on his merits..He is so smart he is obnoxious...and did I mention lazy?

    My granddaughter has a C average right now..she has too much of a social life to worry about getting any better grades..It seems a C is acceptable...did I mention how lazy she is?..

    Snoozy...Bragging about two of her grandkids...

    wow...I met some of your grandkids. I have some children who associate with me who are about the same ilk. I dont do a thing for them or feed the drama. I ahve even marched a couple of em to the bus station and bid them bon voyage over the years.

    Hill (wont tolerate a slacker)

  • SnakesInTheTower

    do I like teenagers?...yep..and kids too... kids... crunchy with milk....

    oh wait, thats Kix not kids...... Kix is crunchy with milk..sorry.....

    Snakes ()

  • Mulan

    I do because I think I understand them. Out of our 4 kids, only 1 gave us trouble, and he is 42 now and a very good man, with a great family. Teen years are difficult but most survive them. We have two granddaughters who are 23 and 19. The 19 year old is very irresponsible and flaky, but so funny and loving. I have confidence she will find her place. You just have to love them to death, unconditionally.

    A teacher friend of mine told me once, that the way kids are as toddlers will give you an idea of how they will be as teenagers. I found that to be oh so true.

  • snowbird



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