The January KM is completely different. The style has been totally revamped
NEW KM style
by stillajwexelder 101 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
pics or PDFs?
The German one is here - I will try and scan mine and post - unless you give me your fax number
It has the style (leatherhead) of the study-wachtower. It is totaly onreadeble! Every week has an own page. The first time I read it, i had to laugh: they keep changing the litle things, to keep the rank & file busy! "See how the brothers think about us. The end is near!" as sister elder told us.
sweet pea
Just rearranging chairs on the Titanic.
Does it have no service report? No figures?
aligot ripounsous
Does it have no service report? No figures? Here is how the french KM puts it in the News from our ministry box : From now on, only outstanding aspects of our activity will appear in the present column. Therefore, the latter won't be systematically published every month. Then they report that between 2004 and sept 2008 the number of regular pioneers has risen from 4778 to 9001 and that for the 7th year on a row the total number of publishers has risen by 1%. That's all for the article.
Mickey mouse
Here is how the french KM puts it in the News from our ministry box : From now on, only outstanding aspects of our activity will appear in the present column. Therefore, the latter won't be systematically published every month. Then they report that between 2004 and sept 2008 the number of regular pioneers has risen from 4778 to 9001 and that for the 7th year on a row the total number of publishers has risen by 1%.
This is important!!!!!!!!!!
Basically they are only going to report selected statistics where increases can be shown and not the elements which reflect a decrease! I wonder whether we will see a similar "simplified highlights version of the annual report??
Wow that is a major change. What is going on?