Could we see a time when a monthly report isn't required - just a list (compiled by the overseer) of active & inactive publishers? As the WTS no longer publishes average hours / mags / brochures etc on a country basis, why collate these figures any longer. There are quite a few JWs who are quite resentful of "putting in a report" & there certainly is no scriptural basis (yes , I know - it doesn't make any difference) of reporting "field" activity to an overseer.
For legal reasons the WTS increasingly seems to be attempting to give the illusion that the WTS has no control or legal responsibility for individual JWs - hence the concept that the Org doesn't disfellowship anyone - they voluntarily DA themselves. The system of reporting activity to a team leader creates a tangible link , mutual dependency & implied responsibility on the part of the organisation to whom reports of activity are given. The usual blood article in the Jan KM stresses that decisions are made by individual witnesses on the basis of their own conscience. We know this isn't true but is the WTS increasingly trying to protect themselves from any legal liability from actions from their flock. Remember Barbara Anderson's documents where the WTS deny any structure or organisation whatsoever in California , stating that they don't exist as any kind of entity there.
The big stat that I'm looking for is the new partakers figure - rumoured to be north of 10,000. Maybe the new "simplified" statistics arrangement will lead to this figure not being published either.