Personally, I generally don't like people. Strange as that may sound. I am very antisocial. I hate large crowds of people. I have no problem standing on a stage giving an hour sermon, or leading a study, but once I'm off the stage, don't talk to me. I like small circles, I have always had a small circle of friends. When I first started my association with the JWs, a few tried to befriend me. But I realized that I just didn't belong. I found myself associating with older ones, going to their homes and sitting around chatting one on one, about Truth, personal experiences, our lifes, etc.
people my age (at the time in my 20s) seeed interesting in one thing, finding a mate. Gatherings were nothing more than "pickup bars". The one friend I had was like me of spanish descendant, his roommate was in the spanish congregation, they were always having parties with loud music, not only do I hate Spanish music, I don't like loud music and large crowds. I don't know perahps I am dysfunctional.