Theists who have no issues with biological evolution - lame or not?

by nicolaou 56 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Narkissos


    if they are willing to invite Darwin to their table they've no right to complain at the nature of the after dinner conversation.

    Lol. Actually I believe Darwin invited himself, the conversation started poorly, but now nobody wants to leave...


    Excellently put.

    We found God's place empty, and then we couldn't find the place anymore. Now we miss the absence.

  • SixofNine

    We found God's place empty, and then we couldn't find the place anymore. Now we miss the absence.

    Happy New Year, Didier.

  • slimboyfat

    never mind

  • IP_SEC

    Hi Nic. You are wrong.

    Evolution is a scientific theory. It has no agenda. ALL it is is a working model that shows how species diversify in time. The implications of evolution on theism is +/-0%.

    The only exception being literalist believing that we are molded mud pies with a soul. These were the 19th century enemies of evolution. These are the 21 century enemies of evolution. They do this by making the same claim you do. That evolution and theism are incompatible.

    Evolution is a scientific theory that shows how/why life is what it is today compaired to the past.
    Theism is an illogical yet provable philosophy.
    Atheism is a logical yet unprovable philosophy.

    Theism (mono, poly, pan, etc.) is the belief in identifiable god/gods whether creators or not.

    Evolution doesnt care whether there is a creator, god, or gods. ALL it does is show how life is what it is today without the need for intelligent interference from any god.



  • IP_SEC

    I have a theist friend. Take it a step further he is a christian theist. He doesnt take 99% of the bible literally.

    Adam & Eve Allegory
    Sin Allegory
    Jesus A good man whose example he follows.
    God come to earth to teach us some stuff? Ya prolly so, maybe not.

    He logically accepts that evolution has happened and is happening. Ive certainly never thought of him as lame

  • nicolaou
    Evolution is a scientific theory. It has no agenda. ALL it is is a working model that shows how species diversify in time.

    Totally agree. And, for the record, I have never completely discounted the idea that god or gods may exist. I made the following comments on JWD a couple of years back;

    "If, as an atheist, I am forced to accept that the Universe gave birth to intelligent life on Earth should I not accept that intelligent life - godlike life - may also have arisen elsewhere in this almost unfathomable Universe? . . . Yes, I might have to accept the possibilty that a god exists. . . . If the Universe did indeed produce godlike intelligence then I'd like to meet it. I wouldn't worship it, it would only be my brother after all - a child of the cosmos just as I am."

    This is why I think that the implications of evolution on theism is somewhat greater than +/-0%. If gods are real, be they the old school monsters of monotheism or the new gods of a more 'enlightened and spiritual' generation, then they can surely only have come into existence through some form of Darwinian natural selection. If there is another way I'd like to hear it.

    Correct me if I'm wrong but have any evolution embracing theists accepted that their chosen deity arrived at existence this way? If so then we just end up with a semantic debate about the meaning of the word 'god'. If not, well that would be a curious position to take - accept evolution for some versions of intelligent life but deny it for others.


  • Mr. Majestic
    Mr. Majestic

    I love these debates because they end up proving fuck all to no one. There is no such thing as truth in regards to the question if there is a creator or not. You can’t prove that life came from inanimate matter, and you can’t prove that god or some higher (or not so higher) being started the whole process either. So how is one more provable or logical..??

    Every theory (pure guesses mostly, subject to huge change over the history of science) is ultimately flawed and fails when you follow the trail of logic to the obvious conclusion. Life created by a ‘god’ doesn’t seem to make sense, but at the moment it is a scientific fact that only life can bring about life.

    What gets me is how some people can come from being fooled by a religious perspective and then fall into the same trap with regards to science. Science is so full of bullshit it could easily be compared to the teachings of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, and is promoted with just as much confidence and dogma despite the flaws. A lot of so called scientific truth is pure fabrication. Everyone believes in gravity right..?? Then why do gravitational models fail in the universal structure…??? It’s all bullshit. Black holes, dark matter, dark energy, none of it is provable, ( you can’t see it but we know it’s there…now where have I heard that bullshit before..??) but we are told they are there. But these things were made up by people the same way that god was made up by people.

    If we have been duped before how come we can’t see that we are being duped again…?? So who is to say that there isn’t a creator, but he is not all powerful, and the only way that he could bring about his creative plans was to do things slowly and in sequence. Perhaps he doesn’t have the strength to do it all at once and needs a few million years to make something. Or maybe even that thought is just a load of bullshit along with the rest of the theories that are promoted as truth….. Who really knows for sure at the end of the day..

    Just a test post to see if everything works on this new site……

  • BurnTheShips

    then they can surely only have come into existence through some form of Darwinian natural selection. If there is another way I'd like to hear it.

    Me too, but the way I see it, God didn't come into existence, he always existed, because there is no such thing as Time in Eternity. And also, Darwinian evolution has to do with physical life, not spiritual life.

    Correct me if I'm wrong but have any evolution embracing theists accepted that their chosen deity arrived at existence this way?

    I've never heard of one, besides Darwinian evolution is a biological process not a spiritual one. I've never heard of a theist think God was biological, outside the belief in the incarnation of God in the man Jesus, and even in that scenario God was eternally preexistent.

    Darwinian evolution explains some things, not all things. I guess if all you have a is a hammer then every problem looks like a nail.


  • BurnTheShips

    You can’t prove that life came from inanimate matter

    I think we will someday. We haven't completely figured out the process by which the simplest organisms resulted from the self-assembly of molecules--but I think that is what happened.


  • hamilcarr

    Darwinian evolution is a biological process not a spiritual one.

    But it produced theists anyway.

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