Should women be allowed to have 14 kids without job?

by sammielee24 280 Replies latest jw friends

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Now that's a good question BTS. Perhaps we should look to China for guidance on this matter?

  • independent_tre

    Geez-Louise!!. Cog, don't be such a poo-poo head as my 2 year old would say. Stop taking an internet forum so personally and issuing personal attacks and so forth.

    If this woman is so capable of taking care of 14 kids with no help. I say fine. She should go rent out a gigantic shoe and her and her children can live there happily ever after in the mess she's created.

    ****bangs fist on computer keyboard**** Wow, I never thought that I, a really easy going WOMAN with children of her own, would be accused of being a hate filled angry WOMAN!! That's new. I guess I better get used to it, really.

    Anywho, I think I'll let my main girl Cog Dee have the last word on this one, as it seems she's sure to reply without saying anything new. Your Turn!


    Purps, that sounds like a book I should definitely read ( or maybe not). As I get so angry, I'm likely to blow my top!!

    I'm laughing as I type this. No really I am.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I would propose that the cure is most certainly worse than the disease. The availablitly of birth control and the desire of the average person to limit their child output makes this pretty much a non issue. However, once you expand the government's intrusion into the most basic of humans rights, such as child rearing, you've rung a bell that you don't want rung. It's easier and more sensible to keep government powers from expanding that it is to unring the bell of overexpansion and regulation.

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Wow, JD, I knew you would come around to my way of thinking sooner or later.

    Oh and Independent-tre: My apoligies. I assumed you were a man. I guess that's what happens when you make assumptions about people you've never met on the internet. Mistakes are bound to abound.

  • Twitch

    If this woman is so capable of taking care of 14 kids with no help. I say fine. She should go rent out a gigantic shoe and her and her children can live there happily ever after in the mess she's created.

    Now that's some funny $hit,....

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Whatever happened to the good old days, when a woman could live alone in a shoe with all her children and never be harassed by the government asking where her husband was and how the hell was she feeding all those kids anyway?

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    So let's take this thread full circle and assume by majority of posts, that women should NOT be ALLOWED to have 14 kids without a job. How will we enforce our new law? Forced sterilization for unemployed women? Forced abortion? Forced birth control. Outlaw sex?

    Let's take this to it's logical conclusion. Any other suggestions for how we will DIS-ALLOW undeserving women to reproduce? What should be the cut-off point. One child? Two children? Five? Six?

    Should the amount of children you are allowed to have be graduated to your income, like income taxes? What if you have the children first according to your income and then lose your job? Should they take your extra children away from you? Starting with they youngest or the oldest? Or should existing children just be grandfathered into the plan? I think we have some kinks to work out here if we are going to put this new plan into action.


  • beksbks


  • purplesofa

    How many multiple birth experiances will it take before its no longer a big deal, and huggies can't afford handouts, Enfamil won't provide Formula and reality shows have no timeslots for it? I'm just asking.

  • mrsjones5

    when the novelty has worn off...I'm hoping it will be soon

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