Should women be allowed to have 14 kids without job?

by sammielee24 280 Replies latest jw friends

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    There has always been an inherent animosity against large families bordering on a prejudice. With birth control and the availability of abortions, we are not and will not be having a population problem. This animosity is based upon nothing more than elitist snobbery.

  • beksbks

    Mrs. Jones? You're not thinking of fertility treatment are you???

  • mrsjones5

    too late, I've already been snipped

    John, my grandmother had 14 children (not all at once), hard to be a snob if your father has six brothers and seven sisters.

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    hard to be a snob if your father has six brothers and seven sisters.

    Remember Cousin Pearl from Beverly Hillbillies?

  • beksbks

    Oh Doe, get a grip. It's based strictly on the realization that the world doesn't need any more people.

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    Oh Doe, get a grip. It's based strictly on the realization that the world doesn't need any more people.

    Which is not born (no pun intended) out by statistics. Check out the average number of children per family. In most states, it is under two. Which means, statistically speaking my dear, that if you have two children you are statistically above the average.

  • mrsjones5

    Remember Cousin Pearl from Beverly Hillbillies?

    I'm sorry John, it's late and I'm really not getting your drift right now...

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Cousin Pearl was an elitist snob but was also a hillbilly.

  • mrsjones5

    Oh you mean like Hyacinth Bucket...

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    How many multiple birth experiances will it take before its no longer a big deal, and huggies can't afford handouts, Enfamil won't provide Formula and reality shows have no timeslots for it? I'm just asking.

    I'm guessing it won't be soon since this is only the second time in history that octuplets have survived more than a few hours after the birth. This case really does make medical history. I read that the other mother of octuplets wishes the new mother well. She says she never regrets it and her children have been a blessing and a joy.

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