I am getting a visit - help me prepare for it!!!

by eyeslice 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • mkr32208

    Dress up in full Pirate Regalia! Insist that Jehovah told you that you must dress like a Pirate anytime you discuss spiritual matters.

    All praise to the flying spaghetti monster, may you be touched by his noodly appendage! Did you know that pirate apparel is the official garb of the students of the benevolent past? It has been clearly shown by the work of diligent scholars and pastapharians that there is a direct correlation in the decrease of the numbers of pirates in the world and a DIRECT rise in global temperatures and global warming!

  • Finally-Free

    It's a simple 3 step process. When they knock on the door you:

    1. Open door.
    2. Tell them to f*ck off.
    3. Close door.


  • eyeslice

    Thanks for all the advice. Not too sure about burying the wife in back yard though!

    Like many here I have been on the other side of the fence but I was never and enforcer elder. I once chaired a JC for a brother who was caught smoking who then confessed to fornication, and still managed to swing it so he wasn't disfellowshipped. I was never one for disfellowshipping especially after a young brother in a near by congregation commited suicide after being disfellowshipped.

    I am not going to avoid these guys because (1) I know they will persist, out of genuine concern, if they think I am avoiding them and (2) they were former fellow elders and friends.

    I think I know what not to say. which is probably as important as what I will say. I will be very careful with the "do you still believe this God's spirit directed organisation" question.

    I am sure that this campaign is to try and help ex-Jws return and not some sort witch-hunt to disfellowship suspected 'apostates', that is unless someone knows better?

    The thing that worries me about this senseless religion, is that like Hotel California of the Eagles' song, you can never checkout. I have not been to a meeting for over 5 years, and have been careful never to appear as if I am still under the juristiction of the congregation. If things ever got difficult, then I would make sure that they understood I would never attend any JC meeting. But the bottom line is that although they might not be able to 'disfellowship me', they always have the "so-and-so is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses" option, which is a bit a difficult one to get out of really. If you object to that line, you immediately put yourself back under their perceived jurisdiction, if you don't, then you are confirming their statement. You really can't win.

    I will post an update after the visit.

  • eyeslice

    Just one further point - I doubt that they will offer me a Bible Study. I spent all my childhood and most of my adult life in the 'organization' and always prided myself on being up to date with all the new light and doctrines of the society.

  • Tuesday

    I don't know what your situation is but there's no harm in just telling the truth. You might downplay it a bit, if it's a problem with the teachings just say you're having an issue with some of the teachings and you're looking for the answer through the publications but you don't feel right going to meetings while having these doubts. If it's a problem with people, just say you felt stumbled by some things you've seen and need some time to work through it.

    The last resort is depression, say you're feeling really depressed and can't concentrate well enough at meetings. Say you're going to seek counselling but you don't feel it's a good idea to go to meetings until the counselling takes hold.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    I say... just drive em nuts like they'd done to you all those years.

    Just agree with them, then don't attend.

    They'll soon tire of it.


  • leavingwt

    A destructive cult controls the minds of the "brothers" you'll be meeting with. Sadly, they are only your "friends", if the organization gives them permission. They only "care" about you, if the organization gives them permission.

    Cults operate on fear. Fear will prevent them from allowing their concern for you and their friendship with you to interfere with their ticket to the Paradise Earth. They will side with strangers in Brooklyn, over you, every day of the week.

    If I'm wrong, you can be pleasantly surprised.

    A wise man once told me: "Not everyone deserves to know what's in your heart."

    He was right!

  • eyeslice

    leavingwt - I am sure you are right about their friendship being conditional.

    I did use the expression "former fellow elders and friends" to really mean "former fellow elders and former friends". These guys made life unbearable for me and then dropped me like a hot potato when I stepped down as an elder. I am under no illusion as to the fact that their friendship is conditional.

    I am sure that the guys visiting me are apprehensive about the visit. I know too much about what has gone on in the congregation in the past. I also seem to know much of what goes on now as many still regard me as somewhat of a confidant when it comes to matters of disagreeing with the elders.

  • leavingwt

    Gotcha. It breaks my heart when I think of all of those fine people being controlled. They would be my best buddies right now, were my "status" different. I patiently await their awakening.

  • Quandry

    Maybe when they come over you could tell them you've hit hard financial times. Start hinting that maybe they could donate some money to your family, say a few thousand, to "help you get back on your feet financially," then maybe you could return to meetings.

    I'll bet they excuse themselves in no time and don't bother you any more!!!!

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