WANTED ! JW Apologist

by wobble 389 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Bizzy Bee..As a practicing Jehovah's Witness for 23 years, the one single thing I saw that was a gauranteed disfellowshipping offence was actively disagreeing with the Society. About anything. That`s true and you won`t find that written in a WatchTower either............................................................................My understanding is, that when Armageddon comes, Jehovah is going to kill fence-sitters just as dead as Catholics..............Except Reniaa....Reniaa does`nt have to follow WBT$ rules.....Reniaa is special.....

    Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    One thing you haven't accepted as of yet is that all religions are contrived bullshit by God playing men

    indulged with their own self empowerment. You've totally forgotten that the JWS was originally started by

    a non-biblical scholar but rather a crooked businessman, who intensionally was trying to build himself up as a modern

    day spiritual prophet and sell as many of his books and magazines as possible.

    This disingenuous endeavor continues on to this day with the WTS. , millions of lives were damaged or destroyed all

    for the sake of illicit power and corruption, now that a true story of biblical proportions.

    Take this truth with you Reniaa wherever you go and speak of the of the one and only true religion.


    Flipper..Good post..I read Reniaa`s reply.....It`s not an answer to any of your questions.....Just a reply..Blah Blah..................................... Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • booby

    5 Jehovah himself examines the righteous one as well as the wicked one,

    And anyone loving violence His soul certainly hates.

    reniaa: does this mean that Jehovah can/will die or at least that he has a mortal soul?

  • reniaa

    Outlaw - I find your posts offensive and will not reply to any that call me offensive names and use sewar words with regards to myself, on topix I have learned I don't have to put up with this type of verbal attack and I hope moderators realise how abusive you get to pro-Jws on here.

    Besty all churches have donation arrangments the post you quote says "Jw's are 'multimillion dollar org' as if it is some kind of offense? you would have to elucidate? the vatican is a trillion doller org were the money is liberally spent on private Jets and the popes comfort, as well as jewelry, and any new icons a church may need etc. Other multi-million dollar faiths also spend their money in various ways too. JW money is spent on literature and preaching work and fast builds of kingdoms halls, helping out in crisis areas where Jws have suffered. So in relation to the money what close-examination do you mean? Jesus himself had appostles put in charge of donations etc wasn't judas the appostle?

    bizzybee the stats show 90% of df-ing is done on fornication grounds so you going to have to provide proof on your statement other than what I know. since fornication and related sins are bible condemned and part of keeping the congregation 'clean' and 'expelling the wrongdoer' i'm not sure you can apply gb to this unless your saying they are applying scriptures here to heavily? as for apostasy well that is a difficult but since the only apostates I've ever known are ones on here that will do anything even become elder 'outofthebox' (anyone know what happened to him?) to get people out of the Jw's I would back them on this one. My sister under the influence of this forum sent certain emails to Jw's she was once friends with, it is not something I approve of, do you?

  • purplesofa
    JW money is spent on literature and preaching work and fast builds of kingdoms halls, helping out in crisis areas where Jws have suffered.

    AND don't forget settlements on Pedophilia cases.

  • booby

    reaiaa: the reason Russell didn't/couldn't accept the hell fire doctrine was the fact that it went against his understanding of his god being a loving god. Today Jehovah's witnesses believe that russell's loving god is going to obliterate billion's; men , women, children, including obviously pregnant women with their unborn. How do you feel russell would have felt about that?

  • mrsjones5

    AND don't forget settlements on Pedophilia cases.

    Free Smiley Face

  • BizzyBee
    On blood (it's a whole debate in itself) with blood you either believe or not! to be honest since the scriptures are there and quite clear, It really is upto God if Jw's have gone beyond his word or upheld the principle that all lifeblood belongs to God. I took the stand once and survived although my blood count was down to 7 I don't think I was life-threatened, I had iron transfusions instead.
    I respect anyone who doesn't become a witness on this, it's a difficult doctrinal thing and one not to be done lightly.
    Pedophilia - official wt policy is... police involvement is the families perogative and right, a pedophile is df'd, a known pedophile isn't given any congregational responsibilities or allowed to go unaccompanied on the doors.


    Excuse me, but are you presuming to tutor us ex-JWs here on what JWs believe? You see, we KNOW. We know everything about JWs and the WTS that you know and quite a bit more, because we have studied it - subjectively and objectively, from inside and from outside.

    We know that the GB wanted to dump the blood policy many years ago (because, 1. Too difficult to support biblically, and, 2. Too many legal problems), but WT lawyers would not let them do it because the resulting lawsuits would ruin them more surely than just keeping the policy. Too many JWs have died for refusing a BT for them to now say, "Never mind. Blood is now allowed. Toodle-oo. Don't forget to turn in your time. Sorry about your dead child." We know about the hipocrisy that continues to claim innocent lives. We know that this is why they compromised on blood fractions.

    We know the difference between 'official WT policy' on pedophiles - and how they practice it. They protect pedophiles by ignorantly accepting their 'repentance' and not alerting the congregation that there are child predators in their midst. They protect pedophiles by handling it internally, intimidating victims from going to the police. They protect pedophiles by the 'two witness' rule.

    So don't tutor us about what JWs believe, and what they practice. Let us tutor you about the rampant lies within the WTS.

  • passwordprotected

    Reniaa, you side-stepped my question. Does the doctrine that the "faithful and discreet slave" class was selected by Jesus in 1919 stand up to Biblical examination? As I earlier said, you need to believe this in order to survive Armaggedon. A good friend of mine was recently disfellowshipped for stating he didn't believe this. He was told by an elder on the committee that when Armaggedon comes "he's had it".

    You admit that churches accept people who don't believe the trinity, you can openly admit to this in church and you won't be treated any differently, you won't be told "you've had it". A Christian friend of mine spent the first 20 years of their Christian faith not believing the trinity but still led a busy, involved life in the Christian community.

    Could a Jehovah's Witness say "I don't believe Christ returned in 1914" and still lead a busy, involved life in the Jehovah's Witness community? Does the teaching of 1914 stand up to Biblical scrutiny?

    Could a Jehovah's Witness say "I don't believe Jehovah only speaks through the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses" and have any hope of salvation? Does this claim of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witness stand up to Biblical examination?

    Could a person believe that the only way to have ones' sins forgiven is to be in the new covenant and be accepted for baptism as a Jehovah's Witness? Does rejecting the new covenant and still hoping to have the benefits of Christ's ransom applied stand up to Biblical truths?

    I think these are valid questions for any Jehovah's Witness, whether they view themselves as an apologist or not.


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