Why should we try and change her mind? Ones that do this have already MADE their choice and are looking to justify that choice. They (and she) do not NEED our permission OR will we ever agree to her choice for ourselves because we are well past the point of defending the WTS ever again.
Good question, Sunspot. I know, after 30+ years out of the organization, that I am not looking for justification for my choice.
But, as I grow older and should be more at peace with acceptance, I find that there is a bittersweet regret that my life's course was launched from a place of coerced compliance when I was too young to think or speak for myself. Sweet that I began to extricate myself at 23, but bitter that it cost me dreams and opportunities that should have been nurtured from the earliest years in order to be fulfilled. Instead, a scramble of bad choices and mis-steps, without the time and resources needed to correct them. The damage to a life begins to increase exponentially and pick up speed.
The choices we make when we are young - education, marriage - have repercussions long beyond the manifestations of their visible parameters. And so, there is a deepening sense of the travesty of young, vulnerable minds being used up like so much fodder for the self-serving machinations of a religious sect that promises so much and delivers so little.
I guess, Sunspot, that it isn't so much about convincing anybody, including myself, of the falseness of the JW sect - that is long, long ago and sadly filed away under "Ancient History." It is a need to express the attendant feelings of having been duped and misled. If someone else can be persuaded to cut short this mental slavery - so much to the good.