Thought for the day

by John Doe 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    If you only have a year to go, I think it would be good to finish. You'll get a sense of accomplishment for finishing what you started and getting through it. If you don't care about money, there are plenty of organizations that pay squat that you could work for. I'm sure they all need good lawyers too. Talk to Ilbh. He has a law degree and doesn't use it for his employment, but he doesn't regret getting it at all.

  • llbh

    Hi John,

    As you are aware i have law degree , as CD describes above, and as you know hence llbh - LL.B (Hons) i completed it in very adverse circumstances.

    Year 1 brother, 36 y old goes into a diabetic coma, cousin 35 admitted into hospital a week later, both die within a week of each other, weeks later. I spent a part of my first year studying in an ITU.

    In my final year mum diagnosed with terminal cancer, dies 3 weeks after i graduate, dad dies 10 months later. I really wanted to get my degree, and did get it.

    One of only five in my year to finish ( i did it in evening classes)and one of only 3 to get an honours degree. I did not go into the legal profession because of circumstances at the time. Do i regret if? NO not at all, it is a great degree to obtain and will provide you with a very useful set of skill sets for the rest of your life.

    So whatever you do i say finish your degree, enjoy it .

    Best wishes David

    ps if you want any help at all feel free to contact me

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Thanks David.

    The days are beginning to get longer. The air outside is gusty and is beginning to feel warmer. Groundhog day was last week. If I lived in a place with a garden, I would be perusing seed catalogs and anxiously awaiting the spring planting. I would be looking at fruit trees in anticipation of watching them grow and produce. And I would be looking at apiary equipment and planning to build some hives.

    But alas, it's just another day in a small, gardenless apartment in the city with mundane chores and pointless activities. My acquaintance with city life is a love hate relationship. I love being 5 minutes from the store and not driving miles everyday. I hate being so close to other people and not being able to piss off my back porch without getting a ticket. But I suppose that's the price we pay for being "civilized."

  • llbh

    Hi John ,

    Life is good in my experience, even in adversity. I really enjoyed doing my degree and sometimes look wistfully at what might have been, but not for long as i could have changed little and gained so much.

    For me the feeling of achievement i have in getting it, and the education i gained was, and is an end in and of itself.

    Hang in there , remember, "he who endures to the end" !!!

    Regards David

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Strangely, I've got nothing to say today.

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Are you seriously ill?

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    All right, I do have something to say.

    There seems to be an incontrovertible law that requires bird brain drivers to be in front of me at all times. For instance, sitting behind a driver at a red light waiting to turn right. Nothing coming for a half mile to the left or right, while the idjet sits there gazing into the horizon as if they're in some kind of trance. Without fail, as soon as someone approaches from the left they pull out and make their turn. No matter they could have done so at any time in the last minute. Now, without fail, there is a string of traffic off into the distance coming from the left, and I have to wait for a light change to make my turn. The prim boosturds!

    Following a car who is about to turn left, and they turn from the fast lane instead of the turning lane.

    Making a left turn in a turning lane before a stop light, and an oncoming car who is turning to their left will cross the double yellow that goes for 200 feet from an intersection and use my turning lane as their own personal parking space, blocking my direction of traffic.

    Being honked at for turning left after going through an intersection and properly not crossing the double yellow into oncoming traffic.

    Being behind someone who is content to do 45 in a 60 but feels a need to floor it whenever they come to a passing lane.

    Cell phones and radios and lack of mufflers--no comment necessary.

    Sometimes I wish I'd have been a cop.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Why do guys send their wives to the hardware store to buy stuff and then bitch them out when they come home with something that isn't what they want?

    Ladies, I don't know how you put up with some of these men. I get this kind of thing all the time. Woman comes in with a picture or a phrase saying that hubby says you'd know what he's talking about. Uh, no we don't know what a green doohickey for tightening a watchamacallit is. If you have to tell your wife to get a green doohickey for tightening a watchamacallit because you're too embarassed to admit you don't know what the hell you're doing, you don't look any less stupid than if you'd have come down to the store with heiroglyphs and meaningless words yourself. What's worse, your wife doesn't know what you want, and you've got no legitimate reason to yell at her when her and us hardware store guys together can't figure out what you're talking about. In short, sending your wife to get your parts that you don't know how to ask for just makes you one big ass, and you're not fooling your wife either because the irritation in her voice when she quotes your "they'll know what I'm talking about" means your ignorance is crystal clear to her.

    Not the same, but similar situation I had today. I felt bad for a woman who came in today--I really did. She had bought a dryer and had it installed, and evidently needed a different cord. She returned one cord and exchanged for another earlier in the day. Evidently she had returned some screws from the dryer with the cord, and they were needed to hook the new cord up. Common, every day, $.05 sheet metal screws. The applicance guys were already gone, so she came over to electrical and got me. She was embarrased beyond belief, and I have a pretty strong suspicion her husband had bitched her out. She kept apologizing and putting herself down. She kept saying "I just gave them back just in case because I thought they went with the cord." I took her over to hardware and got the package of screws she needed. No big deal right? However, she acted very timid, almost afraid. That really chapped my hide. Not only did the lazy sob more than likely bitch her out, he was too much of an asshole to come down and get the screws himself, and he was the one doing the work. He would have known exactly what he needed--she did not.

    Ah well, rant over for the day.

  • JimmyPage

    Good thing I've already fulfilled my dreams of being a star NFL wide receiver and world famous guitar hero. Otherwise I'd be bummed right about now.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Got a Playstation?

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