Feel free to post your own thoughts/relfections on this thread. I don't mean this thread to be only about mine.
All right, here's two thoughts for this day. When I was a child, I used to go outside after dark and take long walks after midnight. The air had a distinct smell, and the stars shone brightly. Crickets and frogs played their own symphony. When I found myself out on these nights, occasionally I would mimick a dog barking. Just one long "buuuurrrrrruuuuurrrruuuurrrrruuu." Inevitably, all the neighboring dogs would start barking, and barking, and barking. And I would chuckle.
Dogs bark for no reason other than another dog is barking. You can watch them, and they point their nose straight into the sky, curl their lips, and bellow, not a thought in their wee heads. Often when reading discussion forums I think of those dogs. I think of how one jesting bark can get everyone up in arms just because they hear noise, not because they have any thoughts in their heads. And the barking never stops.