Thought for the day

by John Doe 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Feel free to post your own thoughts/relfections on this thread. I don't mean this thread to be only about mine.

    All right, here's two thoughts for this day. When I was a child, I used to go outside after dark and take long walks after midnight. The air had a distinct smell, and the stars shone brightly. Crickets and frogs played their own symphony. When I found myself out on these nights, occasionally I would mimick a dog barking. Just one long "buuuurrrrrruuuuurrrruuuurrrrruuu." Inevitably, all the neighboring dogs would start barking, and barking, and barking. And I would chuckle.

    Dogs bark for no reason other than another dog is barking. You can watch them, and they point their nose straight into the sky, curl their lips, and bellow, not a thought in their wee heads. Often when reading discussion forums I think of those dogs. I think of how one jesting bark can get everyone up in arms just because they hear noise, not because they have any thoughts in their heads. And the barking never stops.

  • watson

    That sounds like a manipulative remark about a manipulator belittling the manipulated.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Yes, it does.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Long ago, my father and sister were in a car wreck. Dad was a hard working man--had been all his life. We had a cattle ranch and dad was a carpenter and also worked a third shift job in a factory. This lead to an inevitable build up of calloses on his hands. Dad's hands were strong, thick, and hard. As dad lay there on life support systems after the wreck, his head swollen to the size of a basketball and the respirator methodically pumping away, I remember looking at his hands and seeing the thick yellow callouses on the palms below his fingers.

    The nurses in intensive care did not know what the callouses were. They peered at the yellow lumps curiously, as if they were some sort of growth. At this moment I had a small epiphany. Men like dad are a dying breed. We work in cubicles and type on computers and never lift a finger in physical effort unless it's at a gym. People who do still have physical jobs tend to wear gloves. Construction men are more apt to use a backhoe than a shovel. Ranchers are more apt to hop on a 4 wheeler than walk or saddle a horse. We are soft.

    And there is something satisfying in physical labor. When one exerts himself strenuously all day long and can look back at his accomplishments at the end of the day, a feeling of honor mixed with tiredness settles upon him. Modern society breeds all manner of mental diseases, depression, and apathy. I sometimes wonder if a slight move away from machines and hurriedness would increase our mental well being. Too many of us want things immediately, and we don't want to put effort into getting them, and many look down upon physical exertion.

    Whatever my differences with dad, he was a good man, and I respect his callouses.

  • watson

    When my hero (grandfather) was on life support, I remember looking at his hands and thinking some of those same thoughts. We stand on their shoulders. The question now is: What do we do with what they gave us?

  • mouthy

    "I am dying, Maximus. When a man sees his end he wants to know there was some purpose to his life. How will the world speak my name in years to come? Will I be known as the philosopher? The warrior? The tyrant...? Or will I be the emperor who gave Rome back her true self?"

    Quite striking isn't it?

    Yes I found that VERY Striking!!!! At my late age. I think these very thoughts "wants to know there was some purpose to my life"I have nothing to say I left the world a better place, I have two lovely daughters .1 shuns me ( JW) 1 helps me ( A Christian)

    Lost 3 in death. Here I sit 81+ cant walk much, dont see too many people now . So my thought for the day is
    "Did you regret anything,my answer is YES!!!!!!! LOTS!!! & I cant erase them either

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    I have nothing to say I left the world a better place, I have two lovely daughters .1 shuns me ( JW) 1 helps me ( A Christian)
    Lost 3 in death. Here I sit 81+ cant walk much, dont see too many people now . So my thought for the day is
    "Did you regret anything,my answer is YES!!!!!!! LOTS!!! & I cant erase them either


    I have always enjoyed your posts. Although I don't know you in person, your readiness to forgive people and to be non judgmental has certainly made this board a better place. Your words are the words of a strong person.

  • chellechelle

    ahda or add by any chance???

  • free2think

    JD your defining moment was becoming one of my friends.

    I think i've had a few defining moments in my life, one is definitely leaving the wts, i see that as a great achievement.

  • mouthy


    I have always enjoyed your posts. Although I don't know you in person, your readiness to forgive people and to be non judgmental has certainly made this board a better place. Your words are the words of a strong person

    Thank you You made my day(HUG)

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