Thought for the day

by John Doe 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Hey John

    Great post about your dad. It sounds like that was one of your defining moments but perhaps you didn't realize it at the time.

    I think we expect to have some great epiphany at some time in our lives where our purpose and everything else becomes crystal clear. I believe that is a fantasy fed by fairy tales, movies, religion, etc.

    In reality, I believe defining moments are often quieter, gentler, and come at times when we least expect it. They can be little flashes of awareness that come piece meal along the journey of life. Turn a corner here and see a slightly new perspective. Round the bend and get a little better glimpse of the way foreward. They can also come at times of loss, big or small, or times of transition.

    Are you rethinking your commitment to your path of study? Wondering if others might have been more suited to you?

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    Are you rethinking your commitment to your path of study? Wondering if others might have been more suited to you?

    Actually, yes.

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    ahda or add by any chance???

    Me? No, never had that problem.

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    If this is any help, I also don't believe we are suited to only one particular path in life as far as study, careers or anything else goes. Well, perhaps a few gifted geniuses are, but for most of us we are a little more well-rounded in our development and have a number of aptitudes and a number of activities that we might enjoy equally.

    However, life is short and it is not always possible to be able to focus to the same degree on all of them. You may be a perfectly good lawyer and also may have done just fine at something else. We can torture ourselves in life with "what if's" and "if only's". How might my life have turned out differently if I had chosen this other path.

    In a way, this type of thinking can be fruitless fantasy and another way to procrastinate. Every life choice has it's upsides and downsides. I can guarantee you that the farmer out hoeing his field by hand at 6 am on an almost freezing morning has also spent a good deal of time wondering, "what if I had gone to college and become a lawyer? I could be in a warm bed right now, sleeping in until 8am, and then off to my cushy job in a nice office, raking in the big bucks, instead of freezing my ass off out in the cold dark morning, hands blistered, and worrying if I'm going to make the mortgage on the family farm this month.

    If you absolutely hate everything about what you are doing, then by all means, life is short, considering changing paths. However, if you do enjoy certain aspects of what your doing and find others a little tedious and mundane and less preferable to some cocoa and a nap, then that is just life and comes with any job. After all, they don't call it work because it's fun like play! That's why they have to pay us to do it!

    Also good to keep in mind: Very few people have the capability to become a lawyer. Very few people in life earn as good an income. Those are not to be dismissed lightly.

  • Satanus

    I found that when i learned to step out of my thoughts, things got much clearer. The mind can fill w thoughts on what we should/shouldn't do, thoughts from our peers, parents, movie ideals, etc. They end to lead one helter skelter, instead of zeroing in on what WE want at our core. When that happens, i tell myself 'OBSERVE', and it separates me from those thoughts, for a bit. The mind can sometimes get in the way of what we really want. It can be like a hyperactive dog entangling our feet. Make it your servant WHEN you want it, instead of letting it be your master. It should be lying comfortably in the corner, ready for when it's needed. AND what loubelle said. Though, that's a LONG job.


  • John Doe
    John Doe
    Also good to keep in mind: Very few people have the capability to become a lawyer. Very few people in life earn as good an income. Those are not to be dismissed lightly.

    Ah, but I've never cared about money.

    Then again, I only have just over a year left. Even if I don't become a lawyer, the degree will be valuable getting into an upper management job.

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    I found that when i learned to step out of my thoughts, things got much clearer.

    Makes perfect sense if you don't think about it?

  • Satanus

    Ain't barking at that.


  • Satanus

    Btw, your dad didn't make, after that, i gather? He sure worked hard.


  • John Doe
    John Doe
    Btw, your dad didn't make, after that, i gather? He sure worked hard.

    No, dad is still around, but he's not the same. He had extensive and permanent brain damage. We had to finally put him in a nursing home in November after he fell and broke his hip.

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