Were you ever called into "The Backroom"? Why???
How Many Here Had To Go Into "The Backroom"?
by minimus 49 Replies latest jw friends
For secretly meeting with a disfellowshipped one to encourage him. We read the daily text together.
This disfellowshipped person walked over a mile to the Kingdom Hall for every single meeting, and no one would give him a ride, not even his parents. I was prompted to go encourage him the day I saw him walking to the hall in the pouring rain, and all of the good "Christians" passed him on the road, including my mother who was driving.
It truly was a stunning display of what Jesus would NOT have done.
Sister fokyc was ordered to the back room for saying another sister was a liar.
It has since been firmly established that the other sister was indeed a liar, BUT now the elders will not speak to Sister fokyc.
Strange isn't it?
fo kyc
Once, to be told that i was no longer to be collecting the contributions after the meetings (the ministerial servant i used to work with was becoming an elder, so he had to train another MS to take his place, you have so many other responsibilities so this isn't really a demotion or anything, blah blah blah).
Once, because i had handed a mic to someone i didnt know was on private reproof, i didnt know, i should have asked someone, yada yada yada.
Lastly, i witnessed a brief scuffle between an older MS and a young brother in his early 20's. The elders just wanted to know how much i heard and how it effected me. The older MS lost his position, moved to another congregation, got it back. The younger brother soon left and joined the army. I heard he was special ops.
WOW! ....being counseled for imitating Christ,.
hand raised high and waving to be commented on.............and duh....sex stuff (hey this is oompa)
Dune, too bad he didn't throw em a good beatin'.
How were you affected? They needed to know because if you were stumbled, the MS coulda been demoted (too).
Yes. To find out if I had celebrated christmas with my father when I was 10. For my hair being too long. To find out if I had written songs using the elders names in them in a negative way.
Songs?? Didya?? What did you say??
I actually didn't write any songs with the elders in it. However the way I write songs is I'll play a guitar part and start singing random phrases until some idea comes to mind or a phrase strikes my fancy to build the rest of the lyrics around. So in a way when I was writing a song I randomly sang verses with some elders names in them, but I never played them publically it was when I was home alone between classes. So I was rather thrown aback because I had no idea how they would know I even did something like that. The song ended up being completely different.