I have had trips there to discuss polishing my shoes, wearing a WHITE dress shirt, and that if I am going to pio-sneer, I am going to have to pay more attention to dry cleaning and ironing shirts. As if a single guy is going to be excellent at ironing shirts--obviously, they planned for me to never see the opposite sex (instead, they wanted me in the Value Destroyer Training School and held me to standards that such people would have had).
Additionally, I was hounded for not going out in field circus. This was because they thought I was going inactive--it was September 3, and they wanted me to go out more during that month. Labor Day at that--why are they worried that I am "slipping" for the month when it is still the first of the month?
I wonder what they are thinking now--zero boasting session attendance since the REJECT Jesus Party 2005, zero field circus since June 2005, Christmas decorations that were visible from behind the apartment, and joining a "secret" society that effectively exposed the scam of all religion (let alone the witlesses).