Addition To post on Disfellowshipping!

by Bill Parker 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • roybatty

    You Know,

    Here's Vine's definition...

    >> <A-2,Noun,2083,hetairos>
    "a comrade, companion, partner," is used as a term of kindly address in Matt. 20:13; 22:12; 26:50. This, as expressing comradeship, is to be distinguished from No. 1, which is a term of endearment. Some mss. have the word in Matt. 11:16; the best have heterois, others, AV and RV, "fellows." See FELLOW.<<

    Used here, it's not meant as a "close persinal friend" however as Vine's says "a term of kindly address." So if JW's were to follow Jesus' example, they should "kindly address" df'd ones, not ignore them.

  • You Know
    You Know
    "a comrade, companion, partner," is used as a term of kindly address in Matt. 20:13; 22:12; 26:50.

    Sure,it can be used that way. After all, to be disFELLOWshipped, means to not have FELLOWship. But, as I pointed out, Jesus also used the word "fellow" in a general way, as in the instance of the illustration where the "fellow" was tossed out of the wedding feast. As for Jesus' supposed friendly greeting of Judas, that's simply not in evidence in the account. Jesus merely acknowledged that he knew Judas not that they were still friends. For a fact Judas had been a close personal friend of Jesus.' The prophecies foretold that Christ's initmate associate would betray him. That's why Jesus addressed him personally, as an acquintance, and asked why he was betraying the Son of man with a kiss? But as far as Jesus having any sort of fellowship with Judas after he was dismissed as a betrayer would violate the principle stated as follows: "What fellowship does Christ have with Belial?" / You Know

  • joelbear

    You know doesn't answer my questions since there are no answers.


  • ozziepost

    You Know,

    You acknowledged the current judicial practices of JWs are less than perfect and then you said: "But, for now, it serves the purpose."

    Please tell me, WHAT PURPOSE WOULD THAT BE?


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."


  • roybatty

    You Know,

    Either way you look at it, Jesus "kindly addressed" Judas. Judas was no longer a close associate of Jesus, which I can except if that's the way JWs want to treat those who leave the WT. BUT, again Jesus set the example by treating him kindly, the very man who betrayed him.
    Can you imagine Jesus today, being on earth and not talking to a teenage JW who is df'd for smoking or perhaps a person with a drinking problem? I can't. Can you? Can you really imagine Jesus agreeing with the Society's rules on dfíng people for disagreeing with them? As a matter of fact, YOU should be df'd (yeah, I know this was discussed before). Again, Christian love and Christ example do not jive with the WT's dfíng policy. And we all know it. It's simply a weapon them use to keep people in line.

  • Englishman


    YK quotes a Dylan song that no-one has ever heard of!

    Last time that I saw Bob Dylan he was droning on about how good it is to be broke, on the road, love the flowers yakketty yak.

    Then a big helicopter swooped down and carted him off to the next venue.

    Just like YK's posts, a lot of noise, a big puff of wind and then - nothing!


    Bring on the dancing girls!

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