Seeing that Nathan didn't see the implied connection between the monkey and Obama
Does that mean that Nathan is the least racist on here ?
Or does it mean that if you connect. monkey = black man , that you are racist?
by snowbird 45 Replies latest social current
Seeing that Nathan didn't see the implied connection between the monkey and Obama
Does that mean that Nathan is the least racist on here ?
Or does it mean that if you connect. monkey = black man , that you are racist?
Even those who are not racist, should still be sensitive enough to the implication that this could be perceived as such by those who are racist and those who are victims of the racism!
There's a petition going around calling for the editor to be fired. In case you're interested:
Not only is it tasteless, it's just plain stoopid. Now if the chimp was supposed to be Nancy Pelosi, then I'd think it was relevant and funny.
My first impression of that cartoon is the satiric connection between the chimp that went crazy in Connecticut and a Congress that went crazy writing and rushing the stimulus (spending) package.
Now, whether the cartoon is on the tasteless side is another subject all together...
That was my first impression as well...
But I knew a lot of people would be offended even though I don't think the artist meant to make a rascist statement.
Can the artist or editor be responsible for how people choose to interpret anything printed, be it an article or a cartoon?
Free press, free speech. The cartoon made no direct reference to Obama(it could have been referencing Congress), it made no reference to racism. If people choose to see that, that's their own interpretation.
Remember the furor over the cartoons of Muhammed that got all the Muslims in an uproar? Remember how we couldn't understand how they could get so upset over a cartoon? I guess some of you understand now...though I still don't.
The First Amendment is designed to protect UNPOPULAR speech.
I live in Washington STATE. I'm sure you're aware that this is on the west coast of the USA and nowhere near Washington DC.
For the rest of you:
Did you happen to notice the news item yesterday about the CHIMPANZEE who attacked a woman in Connecticut and was then shot and killed by police, did you? In the cartoon, the "unidentified" police officer is shown with a police shield on the sleeve of his uniform. It is more subtle than the OBAMA IS A CHIMPANZEE sign in the cartoon, but it is there.
From now on, I'll try to remember to think "African American" whenever I see a chimpanzee. It will be hard, because I'm not that smart, but I'll try.
I don't know what was wrong with my mind before.
What should I think of when I see Orangutans? Are they Vietnamese or Korean? I want to make sure I get this right.
Today's Delonis cartoon featured a small fire hydrant in the lower left hand corner. I get it; obviously that's a reference to Al Sharpton.
I don't think the cartoon was intentionally racist. It was most likely the reflection of the collective intelligence the artist felt was behind the signing of the stimulus bill. But whatever the intent, there was little if any thought put into it. They should've been smart enough to know how it could've been perceived. Comparing a black man to a chimp, in any context, is not going to be received favorably.
Nathan - Thanks for the clarification. For my edification, how would someone from DC be listed under their avatar?
IF this cartoon was made to satire the Connecticut case and not President Obama, it would make sense that the context of the cartoon would include a family scene - maybe with the chimp raising havoc in the livingroom - and the caption could have read something like "That's one way to cut our expenses" or "One less egg to fry" - something that referenced the chimp as a family pet (which was their situation). INSTEAD, the reference was to the stimulus package. How do you make the leap from their situation to the stimulus package???
Considering the amount of time it took the artist to draw the picture, I would have to say "criminal intent", or an IQ level far less than that of a chimp.
IF this cartoon was made to satire the Connecticut case and not President Obama, it would make sense that the context of the cartoon would include a family scene - maybe with the chimp raising havoc in the livingroom - and the caption could have read something like "That's one way to cut our expenses" or "One less egg to fry" - something that referenced the chimp as a family pet (which was their situation). INSTEAD, the reference was to the stimulus package. How do you make the leap from their situation to the stimulus package???