LWT:Are you saying that they would be better off trapped in a cult than have an Atheist use the Bible to extract them?
Lance:Are you criticizing my motives? I don't get it.
It's just that i don't get it.
I can understand someone who has an alternative belief system that they are trying to persuade or coerce others into believing. Take Shazoolo for example, he's a born again christian, his motive is to 'save' JW's and Mormons. So he critiques the WTS from his own beliefs and the way he interprates the bible. That i understand.
On the same token i have had many debates on bible forums with active JW's, debates using the bible, yet my own beliefs do not necessarily align with the bible. But for me, it was part of the healing process. Once i realised that i could prove the JW's wrong it felt empowering to do so, it was as if a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders.
But in all honesty what stopped me from debating the bible with others was Newagegamer's videos. In that we saw as it happened, his doubts coming to the surface, he has gone through a hard time at such a young age of losing his family. The reaon for this was his doubts had begun as regards Colossians 1. Now in my opinion all he has done is change one belief system for another and in doing so he has lost his family. In my opinion, and i feel i am going to be slated for this, he would have been better off staying a JW, rather than becoming evangelical and losing his family in the process.
So speaking for myself i do not now get involved in biblical debate, because ultimately i feel the bible can be interpretated in many ways. If i do not believe in a certain interpretation of a scripture i will not present an alternative, because i do not feel i have a right to critique one belief from another, when i believe in neither.
If as an atheist you are presenting one alternative biblical standpoint against another, and you don't believe in either, as a way to cast doubt on WTS beliefs, then i guess i am being critical of you. If you are doing it purely for your own healing or telling your own story then i am not.