Why I am an atheist

by Awakened at Gilead 129 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • fjtoth


    Yes fjtoth, that is exactly what I am saying.

    So, which is it? First you say it's "ignorance" period, and now you say it's ignorance concerning evolution.

  • Satanus

    'What is so arrogant about saying you can't read my mind or know what's in it?'

    Depends. Is what is in your mind truth, or is it just a collection of thoughts, inerwoven and built into a huge belief system about a god? Or, is it some truth? If it just thoughts, well, who cares what they are? If it's some truth, well then, why could i not also have posession of this truth? I think that you were thinking of something that you saw that suppored your god belief.


  • fjtoth


    You're ignoring my question. I asked about arrogance, not about why you and I disagree. You're confirming even more strongly that you have a problem with reading comprehension.

  • fjtoth

    Well, guys, I've gotta go. I've enjoyed the discussion. It's been fun. But I'm working nightshift this week, and I'm on my way. Try me again tomorrow after my nap.

  • Satanus

    Sorry teacher, that i didn't give the right answer. I'll try again. Is the answer, nothing? No, you are NOT arrogant. Yes, NOW i'm scoffing. Must be against thr rules, when you are presiding, sir.


  • Satanus

    Of course, i could be overreacting.


  • BurnTheShips

    Belief in God is neither illogical nor irrational. And certainly, it is not in itself ignorant, as many highly intelligent enlightened believing individuals can attest through personal example. Even militant "hard" atheists go about life with faith in certain axioms or premises. The scientific method itself is undergirded by unproven assumptions. Any belief system or worldview ultimately rests on such an epistemology.


  • shamus100

    How wonderful it would be if we all could infallibly judge others in the way you judge me


    I only see one person getting upset here.

  • donny

    I will admit that waking up to the reality of a godless world was both difficult and sad in the beginning. I wanted to prove to myself that such a being existed, but the more I opened my mind and really looked at the evidence, it wasn't there. I discovered praying to God is just as much a crapshoot as making a wish or flipping a coin. The believer has an answer for any situation. If what you pray for, or at least some of it, comes true, then it was Gods will. If it doesn't, it wasn't his will.

    If you live a long life, then either God blessed you or he had a lot of work for you to do on his behalf. If an infant or child dies, then God wanted them to be with him and he could care less about the agony he left the family in.

    I wanted to believe in everlasting life, but again logic interferes. Why would a supreme being put mortal creatures through such agony just to prove a point. Why would a supreme being, who appears to want worship from human beings badly, go through such great lengths to make itself unavailable and unprovable.

    Like some of the earlier posts, I am open that something exists beyond our mortal senses, but I am waiting for proof. I can't believe in something just because the masses do or because I want it to be true. As Bill Maher stated on the clip earlier in this thread, a Mormon who believes in magic underwear is no more or less credible than a talking snake or the virgin birth or a talking bush.

    And even if it was somehow possible to prove the existence of a creator spirit, it in no way supports that he had his thoughts and ideas recorded in 66 books that took a lot of political and religious quarrels to assemble into what most call the Bible.


  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Modern knowledge and understanding of the world we live in, easily overwhelms ancient understanding and knowledge of very long ago.

    The difference between atheism or not is the acquiring and acceptance of that knowledge as unbridled truth.

    The gods never really existed but human ignorance most certainly did.

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