Your ideas about a disaster at WTS headquarters

by Mindchild 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mindchild

    For the last few days I've been involved in putting a post together for this board that has been growing and growing because one idea led to another, etc. (I really got to stop drinking so much caffeine) anyway I'm at a point where I would appreciate some feedback.

    The Sept 11 terrorist attack got me thinking about what would happen if there was a major physical disaster at either NY headquarters or Bethel. I'm talking about say a horrific accident or terrorist act that leaves many Witnesses dead and injured. It could possibly be say a major fire, a disease outbreak, but I'm only selectively looking for ideas that may actually be possible...not fantasy.

    Do you think it would stumble many Witnesses? Do you think it would get rumors started that the Big A Day here and they start their message of doom and gloom?

    If you have some believeable scenarios I would love to hear them and your thinking of why you think it possible that the JW's would respond that way.

    Hoping for some great input for my upcoming whopper of a post.


  • TR

    Hey Skipper,

    I was wondering if the HQ was near some sort of flight path to an airport. I was thinking about the Airbus jet that crashed in queens a few weeks ago.


    It isn't out of the realm of possibilty that a mentally disturbed JW might do some sort of sabotage. Fire, bomb, that sort of thing.


    I'm gonna make mince meat outta that Osama!

  • Kismet

    I have been following your posts for a while now.

    Aren't you the guy who wants to create his own island resort for ex-jw's to live in peace and security?

    Now you are looking for creative ideas on how to kill off other humans that happen to be JW's. Only real ideas not fantasy ... NOT!!!! fantasy?!?!? OMG!!!! What?? are you looking for ideas..and for justification for doing it ("will it stumble JW's if I..." oops I mean if someone....

    Around the time of the Oklahoma City bombing, some people at the JW boards made the comment that he parked the truck in front of the wrong building. Some even semed delighted in the possibility of seeing that happen.

    It is just my opinion, but anyone who revels in the death of other humans (i.e. like Osama and other terrorists seem to do) is a low life scum with little to no merit and hopefully will drop out of the gene pool.

    I am not saying you are revelling in the thought of people dying, but combining your isolationist desires along with this obscure and frankly damned scary thread, I am nervous about you.

    Jim Jones expressed very simliar comments, both for isolationism as well as in the 'unfortunate destruction' of other churches or offices of people opposed to him or that rejected him in the passed. hmm David Koresh was the same.

    Not looking for a battle royale, but trends are very interesting to watch... and learn from..

    Have you considered therapy? It might not hurt to check it out.


  • TR


    I must be missing something here. I just thought it was an interesting scenario, "what would happen if..." Could even make a good novel.


    I'm gonna make mince meat outta that Osama!

  • Mindchild

    Kismet...boy did you ever dial the wrong number this time! You are so far off the edge on this one that I wasn't even going to comment but I decided to assure you that this is not my intention at all to find new ways of killing people.

    For your information, I know more than enough horrific things about terrorism that as I used to do security consulting and knowing about terrorism was part of my job. If you read my post again above, I'm looking for ideas about how the average JW might respond to a disaster at WTS headquarters, and I didn't ask for the blueprints of the building to figure out where to park truck bombs. Okay? So chill out, and have A nice cup of warm milk on me

    And my isolationist desires for living on an island paradise are actually rather unremarkable. Who doesn't want to live somewhere with a bunch of good friends in a safe and friendly place and enjoy their life? It is not Dr. Jekel and Mr. Hyde

    Yes I have done extensive therapy in the past, to release my anger and pain suffered from the disconfirmation of my JW worldview. But you can still keep an eye on me and make sure I don't step out of line

    Hey TR, thanks for that input. There was a recent crash in NY city and some people got killed on the ground as I remember. It was probably a terrorist related incident but the government PR machine doesn't want that idea to catch on so it got buried in a long investigation.

    I think there are some really angry and disturbed JW's, even some ex-dubs who come out and are as mad as hell. That sounds like a bigger possibility to me. More likely though someone gone of the deep end would go postal and get a gun and shoot a bunch of people.


  • Celtic


    I'm sure you have no need to worry, rather than jumping up and down, let mindchild play out whatever it is that he is working upon, I have a feeling he has a teaching parable here that we might learn from, lets wait and see first before jumping down his throat.

    Mindchild, the island, I've been thinking about it a fair bit, its feasible enough, looking forward to discussing much further.

    How'd the move go and how is the book distribution going?

    All the best to you!!


  • Kismet

    I would be glad to know I am wrong on this.

    I am not here to keep anyone 'in line' or keep them out of line even :)

    Re-read the wording of your initial post. An unbiased reading might help you appreciate my interpretation of your words. Afterall that is all anyone here has to go by, your own words.

    Your post had an air of menace, and if you are indeed the security expert you claim your unbiased read of your post would reveal that to you.

    Glad to hear you say are not a whacko.


  • Mindchild

    Hi Kismet,

    I will attempt to be more sensitive in the future about how my posts could be viewed. Thanks for your comments.

    Kind Regards,


  • proplog2

    Here is a scenario.

    Russia is still at odds with the USA. Putin jumped at the opportunity to show Bush that Russia is a friend and useful ally. Bush has responded to Putin's kindess by deciding to scrap the ABM treaty. Russia is terrified at the prospect of the USA developing a credible missile shield. This would make Russia's nuclear arsenal obsolete and they would have to settle into a future of obscurity.

    It has been alleged that Russia still has some nuclear suitcase bombs in strategic locations in the USA. They could conceivably detonate one of these devices in the financial district of Manhattan. It could be made to appear like a terrorist attack. It would make Sept 11th look like a fire-cracker. Even if the device could be identified as a Russian weapon - the Russians could claim it was stolen.

    This would have a powerful destabilizing force on the USA. They would not be able to retaliate against any state sponsor. It would emphasize Putin's main argument against a missile shield. A missile shield can't prevent terrorists from harming the USA.

    The Watchtower headquarters is situated in a location that would be seriously affected by any attack that would be focused on the finanical heart of the United States. Even a conventional Oklahoma City explosion designed to create a contaminating cloud of radioactive dust could drift the 1 mile to Brooklyn Heights.

    Would Russia do something like this? Why not! It IS war ISN'T it?

  • Abaddon

    Briefcase nukes are in the 1k ton TNT equivalency range; big mess, but one couldn't destroy a city, just a few blocks.

    As they were intended for tactical demolition, I imagine their blast characteristics would be modified to make them comparatively clean.

    As mentioned, a 'dirty' coventional bomb surrounded by radioactive materials would create more of a mess, or a 'back-yard' sub-chain reaction fission firebomb, the sort of nuclear device any physics student could have a bash at making with suitable engineering, electronic and logistical support.

    But I don't think their use is likely, even in the black-ops scenario outlined, and am pretty sure the terrorists currently being targeted in Afghanistan don't have access to anything like this or they'd of used it by now as part of a second wave.

    How about a charasmatic member of Brooklyn's upper echelons staging a coup? Possibly claiming divine inspiration? Possibly having to remove the 'corrupt' powers that be? So they could be the 'corrupt' powers that will be.

    Hell, it wouldn't be impossible for someone to perform a 'hit' on the GB midsession with automatic weaponry.

    Then of course, there would likely be a police stand-off. Scriptures would get quoted out of context. Fires would be started. People would die.

    Or the GB could just become unpeople. How many people outside of the Organisation would notice they had gone? How many people in Bethel would dial 911 if they heard a few bursts of automatic gunfire?

    Fortunately I think the psyc-profile of most Dubs would not be in favour of this action. Manipulation and bullying are run of the mill. Gross physical violence is contraindicated outside of familial situations.

    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

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