Your ideas about a disaster at WTS headquarters

by Mindchild 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • proplog2

    I want to clarify my post. I did not say the Taliban has nuclear weapons. I said it wouldn't surprise me if Russia exploited the situation and detonated a very damaging device with the convenient cover of terrorism.

    The opportunity is there. It isn't very often that a state gets to cause devastation to their competitor and escape blame that could elicit retaliation.

    How many of you know anything about the alleged terrorist attacks that took place in Russia in 1999? The Chechens never took credit for the bombings. There is a very interesting discussion of the 1999 bombings at

    Do you think that it is unlikely the Russians would pull something on the United States? Did you ever think Moslems would fly passenger jets into buildings?

    In defense of this thread. It was clearly stated that the subject involved a "disaster" scenario NOT a revenge attack by crazed X-JW's.

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    I always liked RPGs myself. Claymore's are nice if you get them in the right spot

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    Lets look at this senerio.
    A GB stops taking his medication and realizing that they are not God organization, plots to kill the whole bunch on their wednesday meeting and so straps on 20 stixs of dynamite and pushes the button and blows them all up.

    What do you think would be the effect of the death of the entire GB on the R&F?

    For sure there would be changes in policy with all those old farts gone, and just like when Russel died the Lawyers would sieze control.
    They will probably keep on going just as if nothing happened.

    I betcha they would even come out with some new dates.

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?

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