Healthy Breasts: Searching for Lumps

by LouBelle 52 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • LouBelle

    I dread going for a breast check up - having my boob flattend is painful and if I don't have to go I won't.

    Saying that tho I do do the persoanl check. Lying down and feeling the breast - though I'm not sure if I'm doing it right and if what I'm feeling is normal or not.

    How do I tell the difference between a lump, a muscle or just fat - because the other night I got a bit of a scare. My left breast was a little sore on the left side - so I was feeling away and felt a bump, but it wasn't hard and it wasn't soft.

    So how do you tell?

  • watson

    I don't think the WTS allows this practice as it may lead to other questionable "self examination."

    Seriously though, being consistant and thorough is very important on breast examination. Once your breasts have a clean bill of health from the appropriate physician, then getting to know your breasts thru thorough and consistant self examination will enable you to find irregularities, changes, new lumps, etc. Your doctor will help you tell the differences between lumps, muscle and fatty tissue.

    I probably should have stayed away from this one, but I noticed there wasn't much traffic tonight, so..... I'm sure the ladies will have a lot to add here. Some of the guys too.....

  • wobble

    This is a BTT as I think it is vital that all you lovely ladies keep an eye on things, early diagnosis of a problem is SO important. and if the problem is minor,as was my Wifes a couple of years ago,it is still better dealt with early.

    good health to You!



  • unclebruce

    Pretty scarey stuff LouBelle.

    Women tell me mammograms are very painful (they say, for a man it'd be like having his nuts squeezed in a vice).

    There are a lot of instructional websites out there and a local library and even a trip to the chemist/drug store should be helpful .

    goodluck finding the info you need.

    Breast Self Examination.

  • ex-nj-jw

    Hey lou,

    The whole point of doing the self exam is to know your breasts. Each month do the exam in the same way (standing in the shower, laying flat) etc... most breast are lumpy, you want to get used to "your" lumps and notice when and if there is change/are changes. If you drink caffiene its normal to have more lumpy breasts.

    It's the new or unusual lumps and bumps you need to report to your MD or if you are just not sure go anyway and get checked out.

    Hope this helps.


  • carla

    hmm, what does the wt have to say about self exams?

    Your doctor should have a fake breast in which there is a lump for you to check out. When I was in high school they had small assemblies all the girls had to go to about breast cancer and they passed around the fake breasts. Needless to say it was not a big hit with teenage girls to be passing these things to the next person for their turn!

    Have you considered thermal imaging instead of a mamogram? Some say they are as accurate others say no so check with your doctor about it. Here they are private companies that you can go to quite inexepensively, no need for a dr ok, and a qualified tech reads the results, you are sent the pics and if there is a problem they suggest you go to the doctor then. My girlfriends sil was recently saved by thermal imaging, the mamogram did not pick up on the cancer but the imaging did. She had a lumpectomy & chemo and is doing well now.

  • ex-nj-jw

    Usually, if it's soft and squishy and can be moved around its not serious, if it's tiny like a pea, hard and unmovable not so good. Now, anything you feel that wasn't there last month should be checked out.

    Have your MD do the exam, have the mammo and maybe even ultrasound if for no other reason than to put your mind at ease! Been there done that, felt much better after all checked out ok!

    We have breast diagrams here at work for women who are not sure or who have lumpy breasts. You actually mark on the diagram where you felt a lump/bump, how big it was and then next month you look for the same lumps. It's like a cheat sheet to help you remember your own anatomy. Your doc should be able to get you one.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I have regular breast exams every two years now. I can tell you that they don't hurt nearly as much as they used to. My first one was horrible. Now it's not much more than a long-pinch.

    That being said I think it hurts more if you are small breasted. They have to apply more pressure to keep it in position when it is smaller. The larger they are the easier to get a good grip on it. lol

    My GP does an manual exam when she does my physical. (I also get the manual done when I get the mammogram).

    unclebruse is correct. There are many sites on the internet that will tell you what to look for.

    Be Safe. Get a mammogram.

  • BurnTheShips

    I once heard that many lumps are first detected by husbands. So ladies, be smart and let your men enjoy the lovelies. Its good for your health!


  • minimus

    Healthy Breasts: Searching for Them

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