I got a card on Valentines day saying my boobs were A-ok too.
But, and it's a big but, did you get a little pink tote? Mine had a refrigerator magnet in it.
by LouBelle 52 Replies latest watchtower medical
I got a card on Valentines day saying my boobs were A-ok too.
But, and it's a big but, did you get a little pink tote? Mine had a refrigerator magnet in it.
No, I got no pink tote
thanks for the input. Will go get the boobs checked to be safe - ugh not looking forward to have the bejesus squeezed outta my boobs. I hope I get a goodie bag too FHN.
Oh man, my post with that pic got deleted. Censorship!!!!
Yeah, I was concered about my testicles and got a thread locked. I'm learning.
You forgot the first commandment--"Thou shalt not laugh at bodily functions" er, something like that.
thanks for the input. Will go get the boobs checked to be safe - ugh not looking forward to have the bejesus squeezed outta my boobs. I hope I get a goodie bag too FHN.
Go for a long run or vigorous walk first and the endorphins will help ease the pain. Better to have them hurt once a year than to have advancing cancer and radical surgery and chemo and maybe die. Right?
Yes! you're right mamma FHN.
At least they not too small so it won't hurt as much. Will give an update on the situation. Making an appointment for next week.
Your topic was an important one. Unfortunately some people took it as an opportunity to make fun out of a serious issue.
your image was deleted because it made fun out of a serious issue and was the bait to derail this topic
When you guys, and for the most part it is the guys, can't discuss a sexual issue seriously then your threads and posts will be locked or deleted.
Cancer is a serious issue. Making sure you have the medical exams necessary to help screen for possible problems is essential to our good health. Breast cancer happens to both men and women. Testicular and prostate cancer are equally serious. Both men and women need to be checked especially if there is a family history of these cancers and after a certain age for some of them.
Doing regular manual exams helps you knowing what your body feels like when there is no problem. And that can help a person know when there is something that doesn't feel right.
Just before I left the JWs one of the sisters showed me a large lump on the side of her breast. It was about the size of an egg. She had left it and was terrified of going to the doctor. But I insisted. She saw a doctor the next day - a Wed, By Friday she had a biopsy and it was cancer. it finally killed her. We have had several women here who have had breast cancer.
Early detection and treatment can save lives. In most cases people over the age of 50 (although that changes based on location and risk factors) should have regular medical exams to screen for the early warning signs.
Get tested. It could save YOUR life.