Beg to differ Lady Lee.
I think that thread was going along nicely and you waltzed in like a dim witted over bearing clown and wrecked it stone dead.
This isn't the first time you've mistaken humour for lack of thought or seriousness and rode rough shod over the adult/mature and perfectly natural playfulness of others. Without a sense of humour we might as well give up and slash our wrists. Without a sense of humour we might as well confine ourelves with writting reams of witless boring attacks on watchtower doctrine, so called blood issues, what is the watchtower's latest light on wayward elders, divorce, disfellowshipping and all that dumb sh*t. Yes, when boiled down so called "serious" discussion is very often pointless dumb sh*t. Ok we all need help with leaving the cult but to keep writting anti-watchtower articles year after year after year, just mean's you're still trapped. The Society still has you hooked, you're still playing their game. They got you like a puppet on a string. Everytime the Society speaks you jump like some sad pavlovian pup without enough brains to see the funny side and laugh the religion off like the joke it is.
I guess what galls me is your total disrespect and disregard for the most powerful and successful weapon in fighting the Watchtower cult and gaining our freedom. That is humour - satire, parode, laughter. They cure, they comfort, they heal and provide hope.
Jesus if a man can't joke about his cancer what can he joke about? I think you need to wake up to yourself Lady Lee and stop acting like a four year old - wading way out of your depth. Without a sence of humour we may as well hand our brains over to the next passing cult. Hospitals couldn't function if nursing staff couldn't mix laughter and joy with medical treatment and I believe it's the same here. Anyway i won't go on but amoung other things laughter is a coping mechanism and very serious business. The fact remains that the deepest most profound and 'serious' thoughts expressed here seem lighthearted and foolish to the thickheaded likes of .... some.
Nothing personal LL, you had your say, now I've had mine.
unclebruce, profesional health care employee.