Healthy Breasts: Searching for Lumps

by LouBelle 52 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    When you guys, and for the most part it is the guys, can't discuss a sexual issue seriously then your threads and posts will be locked or deleted.

    I don't agree with your stance. It's a proven fact that people learn more with a little humor introduced. When you gals, and for the most part it is the gals, can't laugh at yourselves, then your posts do not deserve to be read or considered.

  • unclebruce

    Beg to differ Lady Lee.

    I think that thread was going along nicely and you waltzed in like a dim witted over bearing clown and wrecked it stone dead.

    This isn't the first time you've mistaken humour for lack of thought or seriousness and rode rough shod over the adult/mature and perfectly natural playfulness of others. Without a sense of humour we might as well give up and slash our wrists. Without a sense of humour we might as well confine ourelves with writting reams of witless boring attacks on watchtower doctrine, so called blood issues, what is the watchtower's latest light on wayward elders, divorce, disfellowshipping and all that dumb sh*t. Yes, when boiled down so called "serious" discussion is very often pointless dumb sh*t. Ok we all need help with leaving the cult but to keep writting anti-watchtower articles year after year after year, just mean's you're still trapped. The Society still has you hooked, you're still playing their game. They got you like a puppet on a string. Everytime the Society speaks you jump like some sad pavlovian pup without enough brains to see the funny side and laugh the religion off like the joke it is.

    I guess what galls me is your total disrespect and disregard for the most powerful and successful weapon in fighting the Watchtower cult and gaining our freedom. That is humour - satire, parode, laughter. They cure, they comfort, they heal and provide hope.

    Jesus if a man can't joke about his cancer what can he joke about? I think you need to wake up to yourself Lady Lee and stop acting like a four year old - wading way out of your depth. Without a sence of humour we may as well hand our brains over to the next passing cult. Hospitals couldn't function if nursing staff couldn't mix laughter and joy with medical treatment and I believe it's the same here. Anyway i won't go on but amoung other things laughter is a coping mechanism and very serious business. The fact remains that the deepest most profound and 'serious' thoughts expressed here seem lighthearted and foolish to the thickheaded likes of .... some.

    Nothing personal LL, you had your say, now I've had mine.

    unclebruce, profesional health care employee.

  • BurnTheShips

    No one cares about men's health.

  • unclebruce

    People do care and that's why I'm cranky.

    Anyone with any experience in men's health knows that men use humour as a coping mechanism. It's often crude and boisterous but big deal. I've heard doctors of both sexes joking with patients about prostate removal and all sorts of serious medical stuff. I did a 48 hour walk against cancer last year with over a thousand cancer survivors, mostly women. It had it's serious moments but it was a celebration more than anything and a giant laugh fest. People hate being pussy-footed about and wrapped in cotton wool and would rather confront the truth straight and undiluted by morbid negativity.

    oops I'm bangin' on again ..

    unc who's serious about humour.

  • beksbks

    Hey Unkie Bruce, men do not corner the market on humor. I believe the only way we manage to survive all the crap we do is with humor.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    To give you guys the benefit of the doubt I went to read the thread again and it is staying locked. Other than a couple of posts the rest contributed nothing positive to the discussion.

    I have absolutely nothing against humor as a tool to diffuse tension and help move a discussion along. I would not be sane if I didn't have a sense of humor to get me through the things in my life. When it helps people continue the serious discussion - great. But there is a line that is crossed when no one really wants to discuss the topic and would rather fool around

    Now THIS topic is over and we won't rehash the other thread here.

    If the men want to continue a serious disccusion on testicular and prostate cancer they are more than welcome to discuss it here or even open a new thread.

  • Gregor

    This is your call, LL. But I must say you have added a new dimension to the posting guidelines. 99% of us are adults who have lived a lot of life. You have always been helpful and, I think, fair in the past. I think you are imposing your own conservative viewpoint on your fellow XJWs and I learned a long time ago that basically we do as the mods say or we don't post. Yes, I posted a silly comment on the men's health subject. It was not obscene nor did I do anything else I to violate the gudelines. You turned a topic thatwas generating attention to an important subject and made into a schoolmarm moment for a bunch of adults. To have you tell us that "cancer is a serious issue..." is rather condescending don't you think? How do you know what we know about cancer in our own lives?

    I still appreciate your efforts here.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Let's see, when I was in grade school, I had a close friend who contracted leukemia and had to have a leg amputated. When I was in 7th grade, I had a science teacher die from cancer. My mom died in 03 from colon cancer. I've had 2 semi close and 1 extremely close uncles die within the last 3 years from cancer. I've had 3 well liked neighbors die from cancer. So yeah, I'm pretty sure I realize it's a serious subject. Thanks for pointing that out though--I never would have considered it otherwise.

  • Mary

    I had a double whammy today: My check up at the Cancer Clinic where I was just so thrilled (not) to have a male student in there this time. I um, don't think he's had too much practice in doing 'the scrape' because it hurt like hell and I heard the regular doctor trying to give him some guidance. Oh ya, that was fun. Free Smiley Face

    Then I went upstairs and had a mammogram. Doesn't hurt too bad and it's worth the few seconds of pain to make sure nothings there. The nurse was trying to make my boob lie flat and it wouldn't so there she was trying to squish it down and eventually yelled out "somebody bring me a rolling pin!" We both laughed out heads off at that. Free Smiley Face

    I finally said "well it ain't gonna get any flatter than that so you may as well do it" so she did. You always end up chit chatting and she told me one woman was in the other day with such enormous boobs that she had to do four mammograms on each one instead of two. Free Smiley Face

  • BurnTheShips

    I had cancer when I was 20.


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