No Gentials in New System? Does the WT say that?

by asilentone 55 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Satanus


    The wt angels are spirit men, totally male, except for the above named missing bits. As such, it would be reasonable that the rest of their parts would be the equivalent to the human parts, such as heart lungs, brain, fingers, etc. Any misuse of the above named parts would turn them into demons. For instancem satan used his brain too much, and turned into a super demon called devil. Some other demons used parts that they did not have, officially, materialising them, and thus turned into demons. Only the wt god jehovah, the alpha spirit man is allowed to have ALL of the human male equivalent parts, cuz he would never misuse it. You may have read in the nwt of jehover's rod of strength, and of course his getting mary preganant.


  • rebel8

    Gregor, FF, and Homer.......please......stop........stomach........hurts from laughing.....

    There are some really important questions that have been missed though!

    1. Did Noah have genitals?
    2. Will the pet lions in the New System have genitals?
  • Finally-Free

    Since there will be no procreation it would be pointless for women to have boobs. Imagine a world without genitals, rectums, and boobs. No wonder sin will be a thing of the past! We'll lose all our playthings, and there won't even be anything to tell dirty jokes about.


  • BizzyBee


    First of all, abbigail - I will pay you cash money to avoid reading all that androgyny shite.

    Second, you all laugh about cameo-d's post but the joke is on you - she is serious!

    Third, no genitals means a major re-creation of the human body which, if you haven't noticed, is all about intake, elimination and sexual functioning, things that pretty much make life worth living. As one function wanes in importance, others take center stage. (You know that is true!)

    I would love to see this question brought up at the WT study.

  • sir82

    I dunno, I still say I'm right - technically, at least.

    The WT was never so graphic as to say "no genitals" in print anywhere, although the citations above certainly imply it.

    But, of course, JWs are trained to accept everything at face value, not questioning the implications of anything said or written. I suppose that most JWs, if pressed, would expect that, as one poster said, a resurrected person would come "fully equipped" but without the will to use it.

    The drawings of resurrected women all seem to represent them as "fully developed" - without the proper hormones, that wouldn't be.

  • Quirky1

    What about the promise of an erection??

  • minimus

    Yes. The ressur erection hope!

  • RubaDub

    Just in case we lose our genitals, I had my wife show me how to pee sitting on the toilet.

    Rub a Dub

  • minimus

    Rub, I think you just wanted to see your wife pee.

    In the new system male & female will never have to pee again! What true real freedom!

  • crazycate

    "So the resurrected one is really just a Frankenstein's monster. "Hey, theres old Fred! Good to see you Fred. Where's your junk?"

    Rebel8 you made me laugh out loud!


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