Did you accept appointments announced to the congregation as coming directly from Jehovah God and his holy spirit?
When Someone Was Appointed To A Position Did You Question Holy Spirit?
by minimus 39 Replies latest jw friends
While I was mentally in, I never really questioned anything, we had a pretty good group of elders, and ms's (no real jerks)...So 'no'. But, I had a good friend that did some foolin' around with his fiance, he felt so guilty....and then a few months later he was appointed a MS. He was so relieved, he knew Jehovah had forgiven him...(by appointing him) and he would never have to bother going to the elders. I was a good friend and never said anything either...even though I was a "good" MS and knew it was my official duty.
keyser soze
Yes. And when those same people were removed a short time later, that was God's spirit, too.
I wish God's spirit would make up its mind.
Good God yes!!....i know two or three that were having affairs at the time or had concealed one....one had burned up his car and mobile home, and since he had an apartment fire before being baptized every one knew it had to be for insurance and he was an abusive husband!!!.....oh and he was running a scam and stealing from my workplace!!.........i did not question it i knew it BS!!......oompa
The fact that I was appointed an elder proves that the holy spirit is not a factor.
Over a six-nine month period prior to being appointed an elder I learned the lies about the truth and wanted nothing more than to just walk away from the organization. However, due to family (primarily my (ex) spouse) I was stuck. During all this mental and emotional turmoil I was appointed as an elder.
I reluctantly accepted while it made my (ex) wife happy I was not (to say the least) and wondered why the HS allowed such an egregious mistake.
uh yes...especially after they appointed me... then I knew it was a scam.
I knew something was wrong when I heard certain brothers appointed when I knew they were no good even by "worldly" standards. After I was appointed an elder, I seen how things "really" worked. Theoretically, the elders sit down and "prayerfullly" consider the prospective sucka elder's qualifications based on the Bible (written under the influence of God's Holy spirit Jack Daniels.) Yeah, "Holy Spirit"? I don't think so. As an elder, I tried to bring out the Bible and the Wacktower article that breaks the "Scriptural" qualifications down.... and I was shot down as a "newbie." Basically, it has already been decided out on the golf course. Those elders not in the know (read that, not in the golfing foursome) just go along for the ride.
Then the CO (directly appointed by the Governing Body, theoretically annointed by God and are under the influence of holy spirit some good $hit weed) vets the prospective brotha (and allegedly prays for guidance), who then forwards it to the Society for approval.... yeah, guess what? The Gibbering Buddy never sees those recommendations...someone in Service Department (who is supposed to also pray for guidance) literally...and I mean literally....rubber stamps the recommendation and forwards it back to the CO and local yokels for announcement.
And I know first hand that the tide changes for or against a brotha based on what is happening on the links. Before the CO played golf with the PO and SO, I still had a chance to stay an elder....after the golf outing...Brotha Snakes was outta there.
The only praying going on is when the congregation hears the announcement and they mutter "Oh God, what are we in for now?" And the only thing "Holy" is when Brother Closet Pedophile is appointed an elder and everyone goes "Holy $hit."
The only praying I do these days...is ....oh wait... I quit that looooong time ago. Never mind.
Snakes ()
I was an MS from the begining of that arrangement and about 6 months later made an elder. Over those first few years we had constant strife with brothers who felt they should have been "promoted" to MS or elder. Humbly accepting the decision of the Holy Spirit was the last thing they were thinking about, LOL! One brother who was passed over asked for a meeting with the entire BOE so he could point to one of the elders and remind him of the filthy joke he told him once! It got quite nasty. He was finally made an elder. About a year later his wife broke down and told us he had been sexually abusive their entire 20+ yr marriage.
I questioned holy shit but no one answered....
I was 20 when I was appointed MS and 24 as elder. Holy spirit should've known better!