Larc - you're too darned's "backatcha". The "cha" is necessary to proper slang pronunciation. That was a joke, btw.
You Know had some interesting points - I was impressed with his delivery and construction of argument. May have failed - but he sure got further than I would have!
Btw, I'm near University of SC, signing up today for a painting class (was art major in school before). Will be during my lunch hours plus another 1.5 hr couple times a week. I hope I love it! I'm also going to take a "serious" class at night. I hope I can survive it!
They also have continuing education on short term basis - going to take the series in stocks&bonds, etc. That way, when my stock broker calls me, at least I'll know what he's referring to. Actually, he's pretty good - and I've learned a lot from him. He's a yankee too. Fast talker and doesn't say "cha" properly. Funny as hell.
Anyway! I plan to go back and read this whole thread - y'al broke it down to understandable language. I'm impressed - I understood some of it!
added: I went and signed up - Art is out (wrong time for my work time), Psych. is in early morn. & stocks at night. Ah, well - maybe next semester.....