The issue of the scope of our "free will" is nicely covered by Mark Driscoll in this video-check it out and see what you think.
Thanks for chiming in, but you gave me a link to a theological explanation / exegesis. I could waste a hundred pages on the rampant conflicts within the scriptures on this issue and I think any reader not pre-committed to biblical innerancy would agree that different writers of bible books had different beliefs about this. So different that it has taken 2000 years to cobble together a fairly poor and largely offensive mish-mash of interpretations.
Besides, the argument I was discussing is the logical impossibility of GOD having freewill and knowing the future, not humans having free will.
The Transcendental Argument for the Existence of God (TAG) often used by Bahnsen (Against not only Stein, but Tabash, Smith, etc.) is not taken seriously by academics, even by most of the Theist philosophers out there. It's convincing to laymen because it treads on metaphysics which is a difficult terrain for those new to philosophy. TAG has several flawed premises which I won't get into here. Maybe I'll start up a thread dedicated to each one of these eventually.