by Elsewhere 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • villabolo

    I'm sure this crowd is familiar with the contradictions between Matthew and Mark's account of this tree murder.

  • Chalam

    Maybe you should write to them so they can change that to "dog and figs"?!

    What version are you using BTW? I have got 40 entries for dog(s) tops. I suppose it could be the NWT? They make a lot of mistakes in the translation.

    All the best,


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I misread that one. . .

  • cameo-d

    Looks like the authors know more that the Apostle Paul who wrote over half the New Testament


    Actually Paul is credited with writing almost half (not over half) of the new testament. Paul was probably illuminati "damage control" after the murder of Jesus.

    Paul was a lunatic. He imagined that he saw Jesus on the road to Damascus. Vision, I think he called it. Conveniently, there were no other witnesses to the event.

    Everyone tends to think Paul is an authority on the life and times of Jesus, when Paul never even met the man nor heard him speak.

    Go ahead and laugh at my Illuminati reference. Did you know Paul was related to King Herod and the Bible gives names of the bloodline?

    Most protestant churches base their misogynistic doctrine on a lot of Paul's idiosyncracies and fear of females.

  • Chalam

    Hi villabolo,

    I'm sure this crowd is familiar with the contradictions between Matthew and Mark's account of this tree murder.

    I just read the accounts. What discrepancy do you find?

    All the best,


  • Chalam

    Hi cameo-d,

    Where do you get your insights into Paul? Interestingly enough, the other apostles thought he was a lunatic at first also.

    As for myself, I find Paul to be a cool dude. As Peter said, some of his teachings are hard to understand but then Jesus did show Paul round the third heaven and clue him in on a few things so he got more that a head start in the theological business.

    All the best,


  • villabolo

    In Matthew 21:20 the fig tree is destroyed instantly, in Mark 11:20,21 the disciples don't notice it until they're back from the city. Also the chronological order of their trip in and out of the city is contradictory and confusing.

  • Elsewhere

    The man ate moldy bread.... which explains why he thought he talked to dead people, saw dragons with multiple heads, horses with the tails of scorpions, wild beasts made up of the parts of many different animals and things flying around in the sky.

    The dude was tripping on some bad shit.

  • Chalam

    Forgive me for another post, I am on a roll here!

    Here is another verse the authors failed to read.

    Genesis 1:31 (New International Version)

    31 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.

    I expect the NFFT Holy Scripture will read

    Genesis 1:31 (New Fig Free Translation)

    31 God saw all that he had made [except figs], and it was very good.

    All the best,


  • cameo-d

    Jesus did show Paul round the third heaven and clue him in on a few things so he got more that a head start in the theological business.

    Skuze me, but what religion is that?

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