Clarify- I'm going back to Meetings to save my wifes sanity! What would you do?

by Witness 007 41 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Finally-Free

    Whatever choice you make, I hope it results in a happy, healthy and fulfilling life for both of you.


  • cameo-d

    ....she is fragile right now and wants to be around people and old friends at the meeting

    007...would it be possible that she could invite one of her friends over for lunch instead of her going to the meeting? Or maybe invite one of her old friends to go shopping with her?

    Maybe she needs to see if they are still friends outside of the Hall.

    Anybody can be nice for a couple of minutes after a meeting. Maybe she needs to see if these are true friends.

    I would even suggest if she knows any wordly people to invite them over, too. Maybe outnumber the witness 2 to 1 so the conversation doesn't have to be all about jehover.

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