I'm disgusted by YOU

by skeeter1 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    HappyexJW & Hubert,
    You are both very good writers and I thank you both for your kind and sincere thoughts.
    I'm sorry if you didn't see the original thread. It kept getting burried a few pages back. Lack of interest.
    I am not normally a crass person or one to make scenes or tries to get attention. I've only sent one plate of food back to a kitchen, and it was a really bad plate of mussels.
    I wrote in a crass style because I knew it would provoke A reply from the posters here. I got hardly no replies from the original thread, which was a big story where we can each teach a government about our own story and hurt caused by the Watchtower Society. I was trying to ruffle feathers, because I thought my original thread was worthwhile read for this on-line community. Being nice and bttt the original thread was going no where.
    Yes, we've each been hurt. I choose a long time ago that wallowing in my hurt made me hurt more. I had to make lemonaid out of my lemon life. Each time I write a letter, I get healing. Writing to the Irish authorities is a chance for me to heal big time. I can dream that I will make a change. I will make life better for a sick JW child who is stuck in the Truth.
    I'm sorry if I hurt you. And, I understand if all you are presently able to do is to post here. I understand now that everyone's inaction is because they've been so emotionally paralyzed by the Watchtower's hurt. I took it that you all didn't care.
    I'm a fighter and I'll fight to the end. It just would be alot easier to get Ireland to listen if there was an army of ex-JWs, instead of a few lone soldiers.

    Someone needs to get over themselves.

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    I get the feeling that Skeeter wants me to get involved in legislation the takes away the rights of JWs.
    That is not my scene.

    Yes, that was my point.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Skeeter, I'm disgusted by me, too. For lots of other reasons really, I guess.

    Don't be discouraged. Remember, organizing apostates is like trying to herd cats. We each want to go our own direction. You have passion on this issue and you have personal experiences to relate. If you want to bump the topic back to the top. Do so. Post the topic on every other forum, too.

    My grassroots level is my friends and family in the bOrg, my neighbors, and business associates. I am doing damage to "the faith" and coming here helps with the ammo. I appreciate what you posted about what's happening in Ireland. I was a reader, but didn't really have anything to add to your thread. However, your information is very helpful to my cause, since you can be sure that it will be a "Topic for Conversation" about the increasingly problematic blood issue for the dubs. So don't just assume that we don't give a flip.

    B the X

  • beksbks

    Now where is my DEET?

  • skeeter1

    I agree with John Doe. Freedom is respected if it is free.

    Medical "informed consent" should be respected if it is both "informed" and freely "consented". Chris and Bek, do you think the JWs are giving "informed consent" with the blood issue?

    Are JWs informed on blood? Do they understand fractions and that it totals a whole unit of blood if added together? Do they understand that Society allowed "Current Therapy" is just a form of whole blood transfusion? What about the Flip flops of their own doctrine? What abou the lies and misquotes in the JW literature on blood? Risks of blood? Risks of abstaining from blood?

    Do JWs consent to forego blood? Or are they coerced? Threat of disfellowshipping coerce followers? Signing of blood cards in the public meeting a form of coercion? What about the policy that JWs are to "report on" other JWs who take blood (see http://www.jwfiles.com/report-members.htm) for the reporting requirements.


    The Irish government is in a position to muscle the Watchtower Society. Imagine if Ireland stopped disfelloshipping/disassocaition/shunning for followers who accept blood? Imagine if Ireland asked the Society to explain the allowance of fractions versus blood? Imagine if Ireland said that JWs couldn't give "informed consent" on blood until the Watchtower cleaned up its act.

    I want change. I'm sounding liberal, aren't I?


  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    Are JWs informed on blood?

    Would it matter if they were? They abstain because the society tells them to, no other reason than that.

  • skeeter1

    I, I, I, I, I... I was just trying to explain my thoughts and reasons. Understanding the misunderstanding.

    The goal is to change the government of Ireland to make the Watchtower Society be more truthful and less coercive. That makes me self-centered?

    Herding cats. Too funny. I had to do just that today.


    p.s. Isn't DEET an environmental poison? Bzzzzzz.

  • skeeter1

    Would it matter if they were? They abstain because the society tells them to, no other reason than that.

    You're point is great. They do as they are told, and do not question it. They repeat what they are told too. Garbage in, garbage out.

    If you (or someone) would like to write a letter on that topic, it would be great.

  • beksbks
    "Chris and Bek, do you think the JWs are giving "informed consent" with the blood issue?
    Are JWs informed on blood? Do they understand fractions and that it totals a whole unit of blood if added together?"

    Would it matter if they did?

    The Irish government is in a position to muscle the Watchtower Society. Imagine if Ireland stopped disfelloshipping/disassocaition/shunning for followers who accept blood? Imagine if Ireland asked the Society to explain the allowance of fractions versus blood? Imagine if Ireland said that JWs couldn't give "informed consent" on blood until the Watchtower cleaned up its act.

    The Dubs would probably make it a point of pride, just like Malawi. It would make them feel persecuted, and thus righteous.

    And what right do we have to try to change them, any more than they have to change us? Family and friends? Hell yes, we have a vested interest. But the rest? We can only be there when they begin to question. Honestly, some older gal, whose whole family is in, and who is happy, what good comes of us planting a seed of doubt?

  • beksbks

    Keyser! Are you looking over my shoulder?!

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